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Modi's water war: India fast-tracks hydro projects in IoK

Does Pakistan share it's share of electricity with India, That they are producing from water that flows from disputed teorritory to there dams?
And @50% discounted rate for complete J&K ?

Yes complete J&K. Won't you get access to complete GB.

India has more population so our profit will still be manyfolds.
India must sell electricity generated from these projects to Pakistan at 20% discount.

50% discount in other fields like tourism, education, medical and trade transit viz a viz Kashmir region is concerned.

Well discounted rates may be considered but why discounts on any thing else ?

In any case , is Pak willing to accept electricity from India ?

We can say the same India has illegally captured etc. etc. You want to find a way or not? You want to spill more blood? Both have justifications, so both have to go one step backwards.

In the past offers were made , but we have always let our egos come the way

Modi's water war: India fast-tracks hydro projects in IoK

NEW DELHI: India has fast-tracked hydropower projects worth $15 billion in Occupied Kashmir in recent months, three federal and state officials said, ignoring warnings from Islamabad that power stations on rivers flowing into Pakistan will disrupt water supplies.

The swift approval of projects that had languished for years came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested last year that sharing the waterways could be conditional on Pakistan clamping down on anti-India militants that New Delhi says it shelters.

Pakistan has opposed some of these projects before, saying they violate a World Bank-mediated treaty on the sharing of the Indus river and its tributaries upon which 80 percent of its irrigated agriculture depends.

The schemes, the largest of which is the 1,856 MW Sawalkote plant, will take years to complete, but their approval could prove a flashpoint between the nuclear-armed neighbors at a time when relations are at a low ebb.

"I say the way you look at these projects, it is not purely a hydro project. Broaden it to a strategic water management, border management problem, and then you put in money," said Pradeep Kumar Pujari, the top ranking official in the power ministry.

Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesman, Nafees Zakaria, said he would confer with the Ministry of Water and Power on the proposed Indian projects, saying it was a technical matter.

He noted, however, that India would be attending a regular meeting of the Indus Commission later this month in Lahore, even though the broader peace dialogue was on hold.

"It seems that finally India has realized the importance of this mechanism under the IWT (Indus Waters Treaty) for resolving water disputes related to the Indus water and its tributaries."


Six hydro projects in Indian Occupied Kashmir either cleared viability tests or the more advanced environment and forest expert approvals in the last three months, two officials in India's Water Resources Ministry and the Central Electricity Authority said separately.

Together these projects on the Chenab river, a tributary of the Indus, would triple hydropower generation in IoK from the current level of 3,000 MW, the biggest jump in decades, added the officials, declining to be named because the approvals had not yet been made public.

"We have developed barely one-sixth of the hydropower capacity potential in the state in the last 50 years," the senior official at the Water Resources Ministry said.

"Then one fine morning, you see we cleared six to seven projects in three months; it definitely raises concern in Pakistan."

Pakistan's water supply is dwindling because of climate change, outdated farming techniques and an exploding population.

A 2011 report by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations said New Delhi could use these projects as a way to control Pakistan's supplies from the Indus, seen as its jugular vein.

"The cumulative effect of these projects could give India the ability to store enough water to limit the supply to Pakistan at crucial moments in the growing season," it said.

India says the projects are "run-of-the-river" schemes that use the river's flow and elevation to generate electricity rather than large reservoirs, and do not contravene the treaty.

Environmental groups have questioned whether the government has followed proper procedures in fast-tracking projects located in a highly seismic area.


Modi told a meeting of government officials on the Indus treaty last year that "blood and water cannot flow together", soon after India blamed militants allegedly based in Pakistan for a deadly attack on its troops in Uri.

Modi's message was two-fold, Indian foreign ministry spokesman Gopal Baglay said. Terrorism had to stop and India must fully utilize the economic potential available to it within the Indus treaty.

The projects that have won technical approvals in recent months are Sawalkote, Kwar, Pakal Dul, Bursar and Kirthai I and II.

Most of the projects have been held up for at least a decade awaiting multiple clearances. Sawalkote, which was cleared by a government-constituted environment committee in January, was first given techno-economic approval in 1991.

It is now up for forest clearance from the state authorities, after which the government will finalize financing and begin construction.

Some projects like Pakal Dul were stuck in litigation, but that has been resolved, Jammu and Kashmir's Power Minister Nirmal Singh told Reuters in the summer capital Srinagar. "Things are now in a position of take-off," he said.

In January, senior federal officials made a presentation on energy security to Modi in which they proposed interest subsidies and long-term loans for hydroprojects above 100 MW, according to the document seen by Reuters.

But Himanshu Thakkar, coordinator of South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People, said some projects had been cleared without impact assessment studies and public consultation.

"It's on one river, the Chenab, where you are doing so many projects. This is a very vulnerable region. It's landslide-prone, it's flash flood-prone, earthquake-prone."

How many theards on the same topic! for the love of god, this is more repatative than my high school reunion!
Use complete 20℅ as fast as you can or get ready for a civil war between Haryana and Punjab....Delhi has to think what it wants
Yes complete J&K. Won't you get access to complete GB.

India has more population so our profit will still be manyfolds.
And how will India get access to GB do you want India to buy the access... and will Pakistan pay for 20% of amount for construction ? Indians are pretty satisfied with status quo as for now...
Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

Everything is fair in love and war. Once India completes all its dams project on Western border, India will bring Pakistan on its knee. India is not gonna let a single drop of water for Pakistan unless it not becomes a good child.
Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

It is your water onces it enters your teorritory. Until then it is our water.. Treaty only says you will get a cetrain share of water.. So complain when your share is not reaching you...
treaty don't allow india to make any design which will give it control of our share. India can only make run on water projects.
Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

treaty don't allow india to make any design which will give it control of our share. India can only make run on water projects.
Sure. Bring it on.
Well discounted rates may be considered but why discounts on any thing else ?

In any case , is Pak willing to accept electricity from India ?

In the past offers were made , but we have always let our egos come the way


You can't get anything on half rates in your own country, then why in the area under discussion. Its 50% off in visa fee and relaxation in other rules than those for a foreigner.

Water issue is related to IWT so 20% discount is must for each other.

Ego if dies simultaneously it'll work.
treaty don't allow india to make any design which will give it control of our share. India can only make run on water projects.
All projects are run on water/river projects. Until now Paksitan is never able to prove against any of the structures. You can only complain if the water is diverted to some where else rather than releasing it back to the river.
Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.

treaty don't allow india to make any design which will give it control of our share. India can only make run on water projects.
Lol. You Pakistanis guys are very emotional. I wish Pakistan army is not a fool like you to even think about bomb on Indian territory.
Once india complete these projects. We will go to international court and World bank. Than with world support e will bomb the hell out of them using guided missiles and artillary as they are well within the range. Then we will stop indian gujrat water because Treaty doesn't cover modis own home. Also our frind will get a chance to stop indian water and make you rely on rains only.
Once you will smell coffee you will realise there is a difference between dream and reality.
Lol. You Pakistanis guys are very emotional. I wish Pakistan army is not a fool like you to even think about bomb on Indian territory.
I hope indian government like you is not foolish enough to give us a chance. But we won't give it a second thought because for us breaking of IWT is an act of war.

Once you will smell coffee you will realise there is a difference between dream and reality.
reality is that we had the guts to do what we wnt unlike you who just bring army to the border, threaten us and then your brain is activated.
reality is that we had the guts to do what we wnt unlike you who just bring army to the border, threaten us and then your brain is activated.
Reality is India still hold more territory and more population % than 15 Aug 1947 and someone lost 56% of it's population during this time.
So Guts are not good enough. Results are more important.

India should use all its resources to control water as pakistan wants to control the trade routes.
Such childish rhetoric from both sides. Many Indians here are correct in saying that we have been wasting our own water share and letting it go to waste down in the sea. There can be no denial to that. We cant agree on Kalabagh dam here and we are concerned about what India is doing. Indians will do what is best in the Indian interests. Pakistanis should do what is best in Pakistan's interests.

Isn't the logic that Indian dams would starve us in Pakistan the same that Sindh uses to block Kalabagh? If water is stored, used for electricity and then surplus water goes back into the river and continues into Pakistan, then what is the issue here? There is no competent technical study here just plain hatred being thrown around from both sides.

We should build our own dams for electricity, build reservoirs for relieving the pressure on Indian dams in the times of flooding and monsoons and let them Indians use their due share as per the IWT. Indians should also be honest "we have a lot of mistrust thou" in letting Pakistan have its due share.

Can someone here define what a Million Acre Feet of water actually means? And after this question there will be a Google Rush!!!!
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