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Modi's Russia visit

Yes. Considering the hype created before Modi went to Russia.

Now thinking again, It seems like the hype was intentionally created to show the big fall in relations between India-Russia and to project that India's move to the west is a reaction to cold shoulder given by Russia.

India is now strongly in Western camp.

RIP India-Russia relations. RIP India's Independent Foreign policy.
He has a MBA in finance from JBIMS. So I guess he should have decent knowledge.

Then he should talk like ONE ; not like a 12 th pass jerk

He is insulting his alma mater by such cheap threads

Ask him how complex techno financial negotiations take place

How detailed and complex are such agreements especially for INDIA
which has to
1 spend money wisely
2 get best possible technology
3 and Now try to make such systems in India

Make in India has further complicated the negotiating process

Now thinking again, It seems like the hype was intentionally created to show the big fall in relations between India-Russia and to project that India's move to the west is a reaction to cold shoulder given by Russia.

India is now strongly in Western camp.

RIP India-Russia relations. RIP India's Independent Foreign policy.

RIP common sense
Long live Brain farts
Then he should talk like ONE ; not like a 12 th pass jerk

He is insulting his alma mater by such cheap threads

Ask him how complex techno financial negotiations take place

How detailed and complex are such agreements especially for INDIA
which has to
1 spend money wisely
2 get best possible technology
3 and Now try to make such systems in India

Make in India has further complicated the negotiating process

RIP common sense
Long live Brain farts

There is no room to sugar coat here.

All the planned deals were ready to be signed prior to this trip.

This is not a Bureaucratic failure. This is a political leadership failure.

Attributing the failure to lack of ToT, Financial etc is delusional at best.

We need to recognized the elephant in the room, no matter how hard it would be to digest.

The buck stopped at PM's desk. There is no other way to look at this.

@dadeechi @Abingdonboy @Skull and Bones

Manu Pubby, Economic Times journalist says the deals were never meant to be signed during the trip but negotiations are going on.

Yeah right. He can sell that story to the 2 year kids.

@dadeechi @khakhi_chaddi Wait guys.Don't need to be desperate. S400 defense pact has already been signed.Lots of thing you would get to know in coming months.You guys are nowhere near to mock those guys..They know what they are doing..

I would be happy to be corrected but I am loosing all hope on Modi now. The rumors are surely coming true.
India Russia have a CONCEPT of Annual Summit meetings
That is every year the Heads of the state / Head of the Govt will meet and review the
Bilateral relationship and partnership

So one year Putin comes to India ; The next year INDIAN PM goes to Moscow

This is just the meeting of the Top leadership
meant to convey that INSPITE of Global changes
India - Russia relations are strong

Now as far as deals as concerned ; they are in an ongoing process
of negotiations and discussions

Even old deals face problems ; they have to be sorted out
Like SU 30 and other equipment

New deals are signed as and when they are ready and complete

The officials of both countries meet each other and travel to both countries
all round the year for official work

Everything will happen sooner rather than later
If this is the definition of success then India would be better off not to have any such successes in future.

Government of India and The PM are NOT in the business of
making " attractive " headlines just to please some silly folks
who are only interested in Big breaking news

They have very serious and important work to do ; and they are doing their job well
Government of India and The PM are NOT in the business of
making " attractive " headlines just to please some silly folks
who are only interested in Big breaking news

They have very serious and important work to do ; and they are doing their job well

I would have agreed with you had the government not created the hype. And I am not talking about any leaks here, we have heard from the horse's mouth (MP) on the S-400 deal.
There were expectations from this visit but none of the govt. official announced that the deals will be signed it was all local media and us which created so much hype about the possible outcomes from the summit. We would have loved to hear something about the FGFA, Nuclear Submarine.
Modi and Putin must have discussed pushing the long delayed deals and things will be more clear after the visit from the info leaked by the sources in the ministries
This was certainly the most pressing requirement, but had the other deals (with Reliance and such) not been signed this trip would have been a bit of a dissapointment. That said I would have liked some clarity on the FGFA.
Agreed however you necessarily can't sort out all the issues in one go...what we have got is good enough and rest can be sorted out in the upcoming events...also keep in mind only the closed deals are brought into public domain..this doesn't mean progress has not been made on other pressing issues....having said that i personally feel we need to start looking around regarding our fifth generation...i am not too hopeful on that front...
India Russia have a CONCEPT of Annual Summit meetings
That is every year the Heads of the state / Head of the Govt will meet and review the
Bilateral relationship and partnership

So one year Putin comes to India ; The next year INDIAN PM goes to Moscow

This is just the meeting of the Top leadership
meant to convey that INSPITE of Global changes
India - Russia relations are strong

Now as far as deals as concerned ; they are in an ongoing process
of negotiations and discussions

Even old deals face problems ; they have to be sorted out
Like SU 30 and other equipment

New deals are signed as and when they are ready and complete

The officials of both countries meet each other and travel to both countries
all round the year for official work

Everything will happen sooner rather than later

It could be argued that this Government is having the summit meetings with Russia only because it has already been institutionalized and being forced to. If they had their way they probably would have never had one. India-Russia summit meetings have now been converted to a chai-biscuit meeting with signing of some useless MOUs and cultural exchanges.

It could be argued that this Government is having the summit meetings with Russia only because it has already been institutionalized and being forced to. If they had their way they probably would have never had one. India-Russia summit meetings have now been converted to a chai-biscuit meeting with signing of some useless MOUs and cultural exchanges.
I understand that this govt is forced to get into these summits however can you please throw some light on who is forcing Putin and company??
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