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Modi’s Rukma Vimana


Nov 27, 2011
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Samson Simon

We beheld in the sky what appeared to us to be a mass of scarlet cloud resembling the fierce flames of a blazing fire. From that mass many blazing missiles flashed, and tremendous roars, like the noise of a thousand drums beaten at once. And from it fell many weapons winged with gold and thousands of thunderbolts, with loud explosions, and many hundreds of fiery wheel.”
Vaimānika Śāstra

Narendra Damodardas Modi the Prime Minster believes that such an Indian kingdom existed in antiquity and that he is the reincarnation of Arjuna in Baghavad Gita, flying a massive Vimana with thousands of airborne chariots. He believes that these flying objects rained hell on Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in Pakistan. He is convinced that he is the chosen one by gods to lead the charge. The land he must hail with fire is Pakistan.

His mindset is more allied with a similar Zionist thinking. He wants to make Pakistan what Israel has done to its Arab neighbours and Palestine. What happens in Indian held Kashmir is no different from what happened at Sabra, Shatila and Gaza. Pakistan must be destroyed and ‘Bharat Versha’ must extend beyond Indus (where India takes its name). On the night 27/28 February, the long wait for Modi to reincarnate himself as Arjuna once and for all was over; but before him stood a prophet of peace with resolve of Tipu Sultan.

Support to India by its closest nuclear allies nearly reached lethal proportions albeit detriment to the world. Combined US and Israeli early warning systems and weaponry was at India’s disposal to teach Pakistan a telling lesson.

READ MORE: Fawad Ch submits motion in NA to award Noble Peace Prize for PM Khan
According to Robert Frisk, “Israel is playing a big role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan. Signing up to the ‘war on terror’ – especially ‘Islamist terror’ – may seem natural for two states threatened by Muslim neighbours”. “For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous anti-Islamist coalition. India is the largest weapons market for Israel. Indian used Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” that Indian pilots were too incapable to handle.

In the first round came a Barat (wedding procession) of wildest arrays. A flight of Mirage 2000 supported by Israeli AWACS, jammers, drones and interceptors were challenged by Pakistan Air Force while still in Indian controlled airspace. The incursion was supported by diversions in Punjab and Sindh. The armada of ‘Rukma Vimana’ then conducted an exit loop violating Pakistan’s airspace and dropping off their payload in haste gliding free-fall into a forest. Many trees in the jungle were destroyed. Jumping and thumping, military video gamers of Indian media announced victory.

The next day, Pakistan responded by locking onto six targets in Indian held territory and did not fire. On return they lured two Indian interceptors into Pakistan and shot them, taking one Indian prisoner. Notwithstanding Indian claims, India’s allies were observing Pakistan’s combat professionalism. But the faux pas continued.

On night 27/28 Pakistan sent signals to India and the world that it was waiting for missile strikes. Airspaces were closed and radio silence imposed. Some sites without creating panic were put under black out. Some information on Indian movements was inserted in electronic clutter. Fed by elixirs of self-glory, myths and technology, India was on a high, missing these signals. After the National Security meeting, India locked six sites in Pakistan with surface to surface missiles. In retaliation, Pakistan locked onto these sites and came into the highest state of readiness. UN Security Council members were engaged and told that Pakistan would respond the moment Indian missiles are fired. Pakistan’s would hit Indian targets before Indian missiles hit Pakistan. After a flurry of night time international activity, Narendra Damodardas Modi, the self- incarnated Arjuna of Baghavad Gita blinked.

READ MORE: Colombian border to be closed as long as threat remains: Venezuelan minister
The world was saved a catastrophe by Pakistan’s preparedness and political will that was demonstrated before the world in the joint session of the Parliament. Pakistan was in unison.

Two contrasts are conspicuous. While Narendra Damodardas Modi the Prime Minster of India is playing a dangerous game of nuclear brinkmanship and escalation, Prime Minister Imran Khan is calling for peace, restraint and de-escalating flash points. The two are diametrically opposed; one a jingoist and other a humanitarian and humanist; one wants a Bharat Versha and other a peaceful region where welfare of people thrives.

But the crises are not yet over. In India emotions and myths prevail over rationality. An untoward incident could still provide an Archduke Ferdinand waiting to happen. India and its invisible allies may yet make a last desperate move.

But one reaction is definite. The entire wrath of Indian failure will fall on Kashmiri people who want a right of self-determination under UN resolutions. Under international law, this struggle including armed resistance is legitimate but India supported by its allies will continue branding it terrorism. The longest freedom struggle in history continues.

READ MORE: Rain, snowfall in parts of country turns weather cold
But there is a lesson and reminder from history.

Germany and France fought two world wars in 20th Century over deep rooted enmity. Yet French President Charles De Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met on 22 January 1963 at the Élysée Palace to sign the Élysée Treaty. The two countries prospered, Germany united ultimately leading to European Union. See what EU has become.

India and Pakistan too could resolve seven decades of enmity, settle the Kashmir issue and lay foundations for a prosperous and highly advanced South Asia. I am sure Imran Khan is willing but who will harness the jingoist, extremist, blacklisted and blood hungry Narendra Damodardas Modi?

The answer is left to the international community and people of India.
Samson Simon

We beheld in the sky what appeared to us to be a mass of scarlet cloud resembling the fierce flames of a blazing fire. From that mass many blazing missiles flashed, and tremendous roars, like the noise of a thousand drums beaten at once. And from it fell many weapons winged with gold and thousands of thunderbolts, with loud explosions, and many hundreds of fiery wheel.”
Vaimānika Śāstra

Narendra Damodardas Modi the Prime Minster believes that such an Indian kingdom existed in antiquity and that he is the reincarnation of Arjuna in Baghavad Gita, flying a massive Vimana with thousands of airborne chariots. He believes that these flying objects rained hell on Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in Pakistan. He is convinced that he is the chosen one by gods to lead the charge. The land he must hail with fire is Pakistan.

His mindset is more allied with a similar Zionist thinking. He wants to make Pakistan what Israel has done to its Arab neighbours and Palestine. What happens in Indian held Kashmir is no different from what happened at Sabra, Shatila and Gaza. Pakistan must be destroyed and ‘Bharat Versha’ must extend beyond Indus (where India takes its name). On the night 27/28 February, the long wait for Modi to reincarnate himself as Arjuna once and for all was over; but before him stood a prophet of peace with resolve of Tipu Sultan.

Support to India by its closest nuclear allies nearly reached lethal proportions albeit detriment to the world. Combined US and Israeli early warning systems and weaponry was at India’s disposal to teach Pakistan a telling lesson.

READ MORE: Fawad Ch submits motion in NA to award Noble Peace Prize for PM Khan
According to Robert Frisk, “Israel is playing a big role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan. Signing up to the ‘war on terror’ – especially ‘Islamist terror’ – may seem natural for two states threatened by Muslim neighbours”. “For months, Israel has been assiduously lining itself up alongside India’s nationalist BJP government in an unspoken – and politically dangerous anti-Islamist coalition. India is the largest weapons market for Israel. Indian used Israeli-made Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” that Indian pilots were too incapable to handle.

In the first round came a Barat (wedding procession) of wildest arrays. A flight of Mirage 2000 supported by Israeli AWACS, jammers, drones and interceptors were challenged by Pakistan Air Force while still in Indian controlled airspace. The incursion was supported by diversions in Punjab and Sindh. The armada of ‘Rukma Vimana’ then conducted an exit loop violating Pakistan’s airspace and dropping off their payload in haste gliding free-fall into a forest. Many trees in the jungle were destroyed. Jumping and thumping, military video gamers of Indian media announced victory.

The next day, Pakistan responded by locking onto six targets in Indian held territory and did not fire. On return they lured two Indian interceptors into Pakistan and shot them, taking one Indian prisoner. Notwithstanding Indian claims, India’s allies were observing Pakistan’s combat professionalism. But the faux pas continued.

On night 27/28 Pakistan sent signals to India and the world that it was waiting for missile strikes. Airspaces were closed and radio silence imposed. Some sites without creating panic were put under black out. Some information on Indian movements was inserted in electronic clutter. Fed by elixirs of self-glory, myths and technology, India was on a high, missing these signals. After the National Security meeting, India locked six sites in Pakistan with surface to surface missiles. In retaliation, Pakistan locked onto these sites and came into the highest state of readiness. UN Security Council members were engaged and told that Pakistan would respond the moment Indian missiles are fired. Pakistan’s would hit Indian targets before Indian missiles hit Pakistan. After a flurry of night time international activity, Narendra Damodardas Modi, the self- incarnated Arjuna of Baghavad Gita blinked.

READ MORE: Colombian border to be closed as long as threat remains: Venezuelan minister
The world was saved a catastrophe by Pakistan’s preparedness and political will that was demonstrated before the world in the joint session of the Parliament. Pakistan was in unison.

Two contrasts are conspicuous. While Narendra Damodardas Modi the Prime Minster of India is playing a dangerous game of nuclear brinkmanship and escalation, Prime Minister Imran Khan is calling for peace, restraint and de-escalating flash points. The two are diametrically opposed; one a jingoist and other a humanitarian and humanist; one wants a Bharat Versha and other a peaceful region where welfare of people thrives.

But the crises are not yet over. In India emotions and myths prevail over rationality. An untoward incident could still provide an Archduke Ferdinand waiting to happen. India and its invisible allies may yet make a last desperate move.

But one reaction is definite. The entire wrath of Indian failure will fall on Kashmiri people who want a right of self-determination under UN resolutions. Under international law, this struggle including armed resistance is legitimate but India supported by its allies will continue branding it terrorism. The longest freedom struggle in history continues.

READ MORE: Rain, snowfall in parts of country turns weather cold
But there is a lesson and reminder from history.

Germany and France fought two world wars in 20th Century over deep rooted enmity. Yet French President Charles De Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer met on 22 January 1963 at the Élysée Palace to sign the Élysée Treaty. The two countries prospered, Germany united ultimately leading to European Union. See what EU has become.

India and Pakistan too could resolve seven decades of enmity, settle the Kashmir issue and lay foundations for a prosperous and highly advanced South Asia. I am sure Imran Khan is willing but who will harness the jingoist, extremist, blacklisted and blood hungry Narendra Damodardas Modi?

The answer is left to the international community and people of India.

Excellent article... Who wrote this?
I sometimes wonder why can't Indian Hindus give right to self determination to Kashmiris what are they afraid of? Given Indian size even if Kashmiris want to be independent still India won't loose much land given small size of Jammu and Kashmir.

India if withdraws army and stop heinous crimes against kashmiris they might choose to be independent instead of joining Pakistan which would not be the first choice of Pakistan establishment but they wouldn't mind it either seeing Kashmiri prosper.

Plus an independent kashmir is good for both India and Pakistan and this region will flourish beyond expectations.

India needs to think out of box and needs to aim for peace and prosperity instead of war and blood.

Excellent article... Who wrote this?
I sometimes wonder why can't Indian Hindus give right to self determination to Kashmiris what are they afraid of? Given Indian size even if Kashmiris want to be independent still India won't loose much land given small size of Jammu and Kashmir.

India if withdraws army and stop heinous crimes against kashmiris they might choose to be independent instead of joining Pakistan which would not be the first choice of Pakistan establishment but they wouldn't mind it either seeing Kashmiri prosper.

Plus an independent kashmir is good for both India and Pakistan and this region will flourish beyond expectations.

India needs to think out of box and needs to aim for peace and prosperity instead of war and blood.

when you have a small nonu and big ego you act stupid
He believes that these flying objects rained hell on Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in Pakistan.
Is that what Hindu scriptures say about Moen Jo daro and Harappa? Are these the very sites or is there a disagreement amongst Hindu scholars?

If this is true then why do Indians want to own these places?
Tell Modi i am the incarnation of Krishna and i tell him to stop this nonsense and go back to Bhakti of Krishna instead of starting unwanted wars. Does he not know that the cycle of samsara never ends? What will he achieve by creating another nuclear war? He is old and pretty soon he will be dead. Instead of wars he should follow the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi who also followed Bhagavad Gita in a non-violent fashion.

Will India be there in the next 1000 years? Maps change. Countries get conquered, colonized.

There is a Judeo-Christian plan to 'recolonize' the indian subcontinent, establish it as a base against China.


American India

To 'establish peace' in the subcontinent, british india becomes American India. Huge base against China & Russia for the ever growing UKA/UEA/EA (Empire of America, USA evolves)

Longer version:


United States of America, currently a so-called bipartisan democracy, evolves into a Pax Americana kinda sitch such as:

United Kingdom of America
United Empire of America


Empire of America

This will result in expansion of the dominant American empire instead of diminishing into oblivion.

Roman Republic became better as the Roman Empire, however christianity was used by the enemies of Rome to destroy it - a weaponized religion that pussified the mighty and glorious romans into christian bitches of the self chosen.

Need a powerful leader to transform it.

They'll have to expel or curtail/control the parasites leeching trying to prevent America from flourishing out of jealousy, just as they did with many civilizations of the past, e.g. Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Arabia, Germany, Spain, Russian empire, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc.

Either America flourishes or Russia/China.

They have plans for every scenario, such is the nature of the parasites. Non-stop plotting. That is why they prevented China from being warned against their menace. However, the chinese are well aware, they need no warning. They're trying to colonize the whole of Africa, then other regions.

India is a base.

American India

To establish peace in the subcontinent, british india becomes American India. Huge base against China & Russia for the ever growing UKA/UEA/EA (Empire of America, USA evolves)
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