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Modi the Criminal giving lectures and Indian propaganda against IK

Looks like Putin saying......Stay clam else you will be thrown out...see how Xi, Modi and Rest are annoyed by you.

Eh no.

A couple of points.

IK seems like a sincere man.

Modi is the exact opposite in his insincerity.

Also Modi strikes me as being petty. i.e. looking over at Putin and IK.

Also, I would think world leaders are first and foremost people.

And people tend to get on with other people better than some others.

IK and Putin are alpha dogs.

Modi is the Pilsbury dough boy trying to be tough to his domestic audience.

I regret to have posted that. I now know that Imran Khan is universal boss and his charisma is blinding. Pakistan is geo strategic super power with stupendous military ( martial power) gave a bloody face to IAF on 27th Feb.

Thank you for opening my eyes. And CPEC is world beater and I completely believe Pakistan will be world's largest economy with in a decade.
Ap k mou mai Ghi shakkar thanks for your good wishes. :enjoy:

Just try to spread this message among other indians, you will soon get Nobel peace prize. :azn:
Ap k mou mai Ghi shakkar thanks for your good wishes. :enjoy:

Just try to spread this message among other indians, you will soon get Nobel peace prize. :azn:

In a decade we'll see the glory that is Pakistan. Toll gate collection on CPEC route alone will be more than India's GDP. Then we'll rub it in their faces.

No need for Nobel prize I devote my work on PDF to humanity.
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Looks like Putin saying......Stay clam else you will be thrown out...see how Xi, Modi and Rest are annoyed by you.
Nah nah..this man is alway centre of gravity. Rest look tiny in front of him
Nah nah..this man is alway centre of gravity. Rest look tiny in front of him

Aren't you blinded by Imran khan's charisma? I mean look at the man. All Pakistanis feel proud by just looking at him. We Indians are stupid.
If you looked at the video of the entire thing you would know Imran choose the spot next to Putin for photo op. They were not lined up in any order.

They did line up here in order, you see what importance SCO places on Pakistan.

How how ik knows Putin will sit there..are you smoking shit
How how ik knows Putin will sit there..are you smoking shit
At least know if they are sitting or standing before commenting. This is silly.

He is class act..and you guys know it deep inside... noisy and jealous Neighbors

Deep inside? What? I am overtly a fan. I just hope India doesn't get a PM like him so it won't experience the stupendous growth Pakistan is enjoying these days. I am way jealous but please we don't deserve him.
Aren't you blinded by Imran khan's charisma? I mean look at the man. All Pakistanis feel proud by just looking at him. We Indians are stupid.
He is class act..and you guys know it deep inside... noisy and jealous Neighbors
At least know if they are sitting or standing before commenting. This is silly.

Deep inside? What? I am overtly a fan. I just hope India doesn't get a PM like him so it won't experience the stupendous growth Pakistan is enjoying these days. I am way jealous but please we don't deserve him.
Good to know.. grapes are sore
In a decade we'll see the glory that is Pakistan. Toll gate collection on CPEC route alone will be more than India's GDP. Then we'll rub it in their faces.

No need for Nobel prize I devote my work on PDF to humanity.
Look we don't care what indian Govt & media trying to feed indian people against Pakistan & CPEC because it can't change the ground realities.
Good to know.. grapes are sore
Yes, good to know.. stupidity is stupidity.
Aren't you blinded by Imran khan's charisma? I mean look at the man. All Pakistanis feel proud by just looking at him. We Indians are stupid.
Do you remember when IK called sreekanth back after getting him out, then got him out again? Not only does ik ooze charisma, but he is the ultimate anti-India troll. He was trolling gangadesh before trolling was invented. I think he and Putin are looking forward to more such trolling.
I like modi the butcher more , modi the criminal is not that fun to say ..
I like modi the butcher more , modi the criminal is not that fun to say ..
What is he butchered?
Look we don't care what indian Govt & media trying to feed indian people against Pakistan & CPEC because it can't change the ground realities.
Was I wrong about those figures.
Do you remember when IK called sreekanth back after getting him out, then got him out again? Not only does ik ooze charisma, but he is the ultimate anti-India troll. He was trolling gangadesh before trolling was invented. I think he and Putin are looking forward to more such trolling.

Right. I am blown by that cricketing analogy. I concede Pakistan is too important for Russia. Given it is the centre of the universe. I said the same. They can troll on India. No problem.
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