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Modi indirectly admits superiority of Pakistan’s air force

A lil' something I designed earlier today. I don't have facebook OR twitter, so I thought i'd share it here.


@Horus @Dazzler @Sabretooth @Pakhtoon yum @Aiman talha hashmi @Okasha Zahid @Windjammer @Maxpane @Imran Khan @Dazzler @araz @Umair Nawaz @JohnWick @hassan1 @salman-1 @khanasifm @fatman17 @ghazi52 @Knuckles @Super Falcon @HRK @war&peace @Zulfiqar @Ozee @Liquidmetal @MBilal106 @mingle @Liquidmetal @Hodor @Oscar @Imran Khan @Path-Finder @Mrc @Starlord @graphican @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @The Sandman

May I have permission to post on Twitter please?
Then I am sure Modi don't need Rafale in the presence of Su30Mki, Mig2000 against jf17, f16 junks. Wait.... what modi said. Modi is missing Rafale :lol::lol::lol:
I think regardless what the IA has, it won't help. The psychological profile if hindus are different. One massive shock and they will trend, #surrenderforpeace
Here you go (below), this is from @Maxpane .

for you sir:p::p::p::p:


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i feel IAF pilot is in no mood to fight.
I agree.

And Godbless China, for helping us build this beautiful-beautiful machine that we call The JF-17.
AZM is under development. all the best for Pakistan and China!
Yes the one according to many Indian posters can take down multiple PAF jets in a single action.
I’m dying to bring up the most outragous trash that three particular Indian posters used to parrot here constantly. But I’ll leave it.
Let me guess their names.
They start with r , H and K.
Block 3 with pretty much check mate Rafales on its own

I guess JF-17 BLK-3 and possibly J10-C can be the answer to Rafale.
Block 3 with pretty much check mate Rafales on its own

And on top of that, we are pretty much manufacturing most of them ourselves.......:azn:
Pakistan shoots down su30 fighter
modi rants "entire country is feeling the absence of Rafale fighter jet aircraft."

Pakistan shoots down rafale fighter
modi rants "entire country is feeling the absence of typhoon fighter jet aircraft."

Pakistan shoots down typhoon fighter
modi rants "entire country is feeling the absence of stealth fighter jet aircraft."

Pakistan shoots down stealth fighter
modi rants "entire country is feeling the absence of tie fighter jet aircraft."

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