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Modi in Australia


Mar 28, 2012
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What will the big issues be? India needs a lot of help in infrastructure, education, water management, and a whole host of other challenges. This will be the first visit by a India PM to Australia in 16 or so years, and it's about time as well.
What will the big issues be? India needs a lot of help in infrastructure, education, water management, and a whole host of other challenges. This will be the first visit by a India PM to Australia in 16 or so years, and it's about time as well.

I don't see much traction. It will probably be restricted to import of coal and Uranium.
more coal & port prijects in Australia

pairing of a coal / mining city with a couple of same mining cities in ndia - in jahrkhand / bihar / orissa

try for more and cheaper gas exports from australia

Naval ties strengthening
He will receive a warm welcome.

Aside from the economic issues, there will be a clear declaration that India is considered an ally in the American-led alliance against China.

Then Australia's idiot politicians will backtrack and say that no, they didn't mean anything against China; it was all about ensuring "peace" and regional "stability".
there will be a clear declaration that India is considered an ally in the American-led alliance against China.

That wouldn't happen, and hypothetically if it did, it wouldn't go down well with India. India has always had a policy of non alliance, even at the height of the cold war. India would not want to be part of any alliance, especially not a military one.
That wouldn't happen, and hypothetically if it did, it wouldn't go down well with India. India has always had a policy of non alliance, even at the height of the cold war. India would not want to be part of any alliance, especially not a military one.

Definitely not overtly.
That wouldn't happen, and hypothetically if it did, it wouldn't go down well with India. India has always had a policy of non alliance, even at the height of the cold war. India would not want to be part of any alliance, especially not a military one.

"Hey, I didn't say it. He said it" (wink wink)

Diplomacy is about having someone else make the statement (with a clear understanding that you agree), and then making conciliatory statements.

PS. Luckily for India, Australian politicians are inexperienced enough and desperate enough to be seen as big players, that they will blabber the necessary antagonistic rhetoric. In their short time in office, they have already demonstrated countless symptoms of foot-in-mouth disease with international relations.
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"Hey, I didn't say it. He said it" (wink wink)

Diplomacy is about having someone else make the statement (with a clear understanding that you agree), and then making conciliatory statements.
On this particular issue, Indian govt itself would not want any alliance with US. You may not know the deep mistrust most Indians have towards US military policy. Any small friendly act by India to the US is viewed with deep suspicion of being "sold out" to USA.

In 2006, the entire govt collapsed when it signed the nuclear deal with the USA, although that deal was immensely beneficial to India, and Pakistan is now protesting the double standard. The allies withdrew support, and re-election had to take place. If the Indian govt declares a military alliance with USA, they will have to face elections and lose. When there was a joint IAF-USAF exercise in Kalaikunda a few years back, the outskirts of the airbase was thronged with protestors chanting that Indian skies should not be "sold to the USA".

Make no mistake, there will be no military alliance between India and USA or anybody else, overtly or convertly. Friends with all, allies with none is our policy.
Make no mistake, there will be no military alliance between India and USA or anybody else, overtly or convertly. Friends with all, allies with none is our policy.

It's not about any military alliance.

The words will be vague enough to be mostly meaningless, but they will send a clear signal to China that it should not antagonize India too much.

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