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Modi govt beginning to look like 'desi Chamberlain in front of Hitler Xi': Swamy

Surely Asians have lots of famous and infamous leaders. Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Mao, Genghis Khan, Buddha, Hirohito or whatever.... The people of Asia must know their own history.

Don't always have to look West for inspiration, influence and leadership.
Ho chi min in veitnam kicked Americans behind, Genghis khan kicked Alexs behind, Buddha is Not even military related get your facts straight?
Ho chi min in veitnam kicked Americans behind, Genghis khan kicked Alexs behind, Buddha is Not even military related get your facts straight?

Buddha was an incredible power of both destruction AND peace. Once the Mongols became Buddhist their Empire of war and slaughter collapsed. Buddha also destroyed/changed the Tibetans. Before Buddha the Tibetans were the best at war. They were feared by all, rich and powerful. Buddha had the Tibetans give up war. Now the Tibetans are servants in their own lands treated like garbage but at peace. Such a choice be kind, good, peaceful and have almost nothing. Be violent, cruel, warlike, bad, greedy and have everything. What a backwards world.



23 Jan

"The biggest & frightening setback occurred in India where democratically elected Modi is creating a Hindu nationalist state, imposing punitive measures on Kashmir, and threatening to deprive millions of Muslims of their citizenship," Soros said.

Most frightening rise of nationalism in India, says billionaire George Soros at Davos
Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, George Soros, an advocate for international cooperation, said the "biggest and most frightening setback" was in India.
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