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Modi goaded Pakistan in deliberate yet risky move

Actually, on contarary, it is ALL WORDS!! And what little

it wasnt unnecessary and i can explain it for EVERYONE to see and understand better if that is what you want. however please keep that in relevant thread or take it to the special section for such complains, that will be even better.

as for your remarks, all that WAS happenING, Not confirmed, but happening, before you messed up big time in kashmir. what made it worst were the ridicilious attempt to cover that up. you saw iran and afghanistan responding, you saw US responding, You saw OIC responding to those hilarious attempts at cover up. It was an ill planned and even worst executed move and that is it. If you want to take pride in that, be my guest. :)

relax buddy, why so pissed off then?
do i look pissed off to you sir :azn:

now the thing is NaMo is owr PM and we all patriotic indians stand behind him and what he says cause time has proven again and again that he never says anything which has no meaning but thats my view now the thing is as per facts Kashmir was baught by great grand dad of last maharaja of Kashmir from british which he acceded to india after pakistani army backed afridi tribes men attacked it in 1948 when Mahraja wanted Kashmir to be free nation but thats not the issue or the topic of the thread it is has Namo made a mistake ... no i dont think so but you as a patriotc pakistan think and beleve what yopu wants world runs of hard facts and mutaly beneficial terms and who ever finds india more will side with india or vice versa why bother when you think world will side with your nation wait and let that to happen
do i look pissed off to you sir :azn:

now the thing is NaMo is owr PM and we all patriotic indians stand behind him and what he says cause time has proven again and again that he never says anything which has no meaning but thats my view now the thing is as per facts Kashmir was baught by great grand dad of last maharaja of Kashmir from british which he acceded to india after pakistani army backed afridi tribes men attacked it in 1948 when Mahraja wanted Kashmir to be free nation but thats not the issue or the topic of the thread it is has Namo made a mistake ... no i dont think so but you as a patriotc pakistan think and beleve what yopu wants world runs of hard facts and mutaly beneficial terms and who ever finds india more will side with india or vice versa why bother when you think world will side with your nation wait and let that to happen
mmmmmmm yeaaahh,,, all that CPEC is this n that and noboday cares coupled with a couple of dozen posts on CPEC. looks pretty pissed off to me. Sorry if i was wrong.

It is good that you stand behinde your PM. A country of Indias size and problems needed that. I hope you will give him enough strength to make some tough decisions to resolve the problem the region have faced for decades.

For Kashmir, i think we have answered to these claims a number of times on different thread. ket me know if you have difficulty locating them and i will try to help. Will keep this thread on topic, on THAT move that the title itself claims to be risky and my word have it proven to the same :)
mmmmmmm yeaaahh,,, all that CPEC is this n that and noboday cares coupled with a couple of dozen posts on CPEC. looks pretty pissed off to me. Sorry if i was wrong.

It is good that you stand behinde your PM. A country of Indias size and problems needed that. I hope you will give him enough strength to make some tough decisions to resolve the problem the region have faced for decades.

For Kashmir, i think we have answered to these claims a number of times on different thread. ket me know if you have difficulty locating them and i will try to help. Will keep this thread on topic, on THAT move that the title itself claims to be risky and my word have it proven to the same :)
its funny that pakistani patriots bring CEPC in every equation like there was nothing before or there would be nothing like CEPC after its made and that india is conspiring against it ... question is why should we be botherred about it our only concern is that it passes through the territory which india claims to be its .

well we have already given enof strength and he is already working overtime to get those jobs done and results have already start to trickle in of his hard work (im talking about development & good governence and growing economy in india)

as for weather his move is risky or not only time will tell but till that happens im happy he is working very very hard to get the desired results :coffee:
its funny that pakistani patriots bring CEPC in every equation like there was nothing before or there would be nothing like CEPC after its made and that india is conspiring against it ... question is why should we be botherred about it our only concern is that it passes through the territory which india claims to be its .

well we have already given enof strength and he is already working overtime to get those jobs done and results have already start to trickle in of his hard work (im talking about development & good governence and growing economy in india)

as for weather his move is risky or not only time will tell but till that happens im happy he is working very very hard to get the desired results :coffee:
make it another one.... on topic you dontvreally CARE about :p
Modi has just given 2-3 sentences against Pakistan and whole of Pakistan has gone into paranoia. Pakistan has been giving statements for Kashmir since long and no one even cares in India because we know Pakistan cannot do anything. India in fact has done such thing in the past hence the paranoid parade.
half the speech on "independance day" is about Pakistan. so who is obsessed with whom?? say that again??
1.5 hour speech and one sentence mentioning Pakistan. LOL.
That too no threats just a concern for human rights in Balochistan.

This has made whole of Pakistan crazy. It is now slowly becoming funny as in how much people are scared of Modi that they have to assert it to themselves that "No, No we are brave, he cannot do anything. Trust me... no really (gulps) "
and then they say india and indians are obsessed & Paranoid by pakistan :sarcastic:

lol, when Indian PM or Indians bark, anything related to Pakistan, it will get a response. A response, you got for now to that Indians now need a face saving. The Baloch, AK drama rant by Modi has now been turned fanfare fun to ridicule, humiliate and discard Indians, Modi, its BJP govt, the Indian media by Pakistanis and the world at large. You meddle in Pakistan internal affairs you got what you are looking for. Why the world had not supported Modi claims and remained quieter, its u who is left paranoid, its India who has been left isolated, humiliated and faceless. Just think about it.
How many articles???? How Many threads?????? Guess its time for a sticky

PM mentioned the name 'Balochistan' in Independence Day Speech .
Since then Pakistanis are trying to convince us that we are not powerful as them :D

I agree those hulla bullas have not got them any tangible results..... Should we follow the same route?

But we have seen a reduction of shouting from them after his change in words .
Our neighbours dont know the word of peace .
They only knows this language .

Imagine the outlash of indians, if Nawaz sharif mentioned Khalistan at a major address...
Baluchistan is a existing state mate while Khalistan is a fake identity based term which claims East & West Punjab? Do you really belive Nawaz Shariff will accept Lahore as capital of Khalistan? I don't think so.

yeh cheez
India has converted Baloch rebellion into proxy war
plus baluchistan is not contested by anyone
Let Indians celebrate they are going to pat their own forehead in near future by raising balochistan
it is a gain for pakistan
including GB and AJK will automatically highlight IOK
of course it is going to oust diplomatic relations
what pakistan needs to do is to sit back and dont make any hasty move
let modi take as many U-turns he want
camel is gonna sit in our backyard
that is what Modi's independence speech has assured
India has not converted Baluchistan in proxy war as it doesn't exist as per the Pakistani government. We don't claim Baluchistan as well. We can only hope & pray for the human rights if Balochi people, can we not.
In an attempt to hit enemy where it hurts he took the cloak of a bitter reality, something that is out there in the open now for the whole world to see and all your namo sb can do is beat about the bush now :)
What is there which whole world doesn't know. Is wishing good for native people of Baluchistan is bad for Pakistan? Rather it's a good thing that a Indian prime minister is putting his weight behind the Balochi people to get their rights to live with honor and dignity. Don't you thing it's acceptable within statement made from Red Fort.

Do you honestly believe that India hasnt already engagaed in a full fledged proxy war inside Balochistan and Sindh? Even before CPEC, India was known to be causing trouble . However, once CPEC became a reality they increased their efforts drastically, leading up to the capture of K.albahasan
There is no truth in the statement till proof is submitted in international or bi-lateral meetings. Claims don't confirm things as claimed by some.

Haha...your not aganist CPEC , but your PM is openly opposed to it. You Indians just cannot live with the fact Pakistan is prospering.

Azad Kashmir is Pakistans land, and the people that live there take pride in being Pakistani. Contrary to IOK where Kashmiri's strive for freedom.
KAshmir is J&K people's land. It's not a property of Pakistan.
Modi promised a hardline approach with Pakistan, claiming that the previous UPA government was too soft. He tried the soft approach, then has been trying the tough approach, but nothing seems to be working. On the other hand, the international community wants his government to engage with Pakistan, and discuss the Kashmir issue. Modi has had to resort to words against Pakistan because all practical steps he has tried to take against Pakistan haven't worked
Modi promised a hardline approach with Pakistan, claiming that the previous UPA government was too soft. He tried the soft approach, then has been trying the tough approach, but nothing seems to be working. On the other hand, the international community wants his government to engage with Pakistan, and discuss the Kashmir issue. Modi has had to resort to words against Pakistan because all practical steps he has tried to take against Pakistan haven't worked
Lol, tough approch is totally working, just his statement has sent whole of Pakistan in defensive mode. They have ended up proving themselves that nothing is happening in Balochistan. His one sentence has caused rallies in Balochistan. Pakistani population has gone into frenzy mode. You can see the evidence on this form itself where a new thread is being created on the same issue in every couple of hours just to assert "all is well". I think a couple of sentences can make a whole nation defensive and in frenzy its tough engouh

Now coming to your rant for rest of the world, they did gave statements, got back to their home and the business is as usual with Indians, no one cares for Pakistan. Because Pakistan has nothing to offer credible to rest of the world apart from n suspicion and suicidal tendencies viz a viz nukes
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