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Modi aims to paint Kashmir's right to self-determination as terrorism abetted by Pakistan: PM Imran

Modi isn't playing therefore can't be hit. IK's keyboard did it. Even you can do it. No big deal !!!!

You are right. Pakistani newspaper need not be polite when dealing with Modi. IK is trying to get attention. Even he should be more harsh on Modi then may be the world will listen to him.

Man are you high on someat!!

Imran is looking for attention!! Muppet, before IK even came to the Politics, he rubbed shoulders with the most famous people in the world. From Prince Charles to Mick Jagger , he was on extremely friendly terms with. Not to mention lots of famous Hollywood stars. He had been there , where Modi can only dream to go.

Compare that to Modi, before coming to power, his entry was banned in the USA, on the charges of "Terrorism" and killings of thousands of Muslims.

Got the picture!!
Man are you high on someat!!

Imran is looking for attention!! Muppet, before IK even came to the Politics, he rubbed shoulders with the most famous people in the world. From Prince Charles to Mick Jagger , he was on extremely friendly terms with. Not to mention lots of famous Hollywood stars. He had been there , where Modi can only dream to go.

Compare that to Modi, before coming to power, his entry was banned in the USA, on the charges of "Terrorism" and killings of thousands of Muslims.

Got the picture!!

That's how the world leaders treat the guy whose "entry was banned in the USA, on the charges of "Terrorism" and killings of thousands of Muslims." according to you !!!

IK can only hope to get invited as a state guest by any nation where he has so many powerful friends which you have mentioned.

Till such time he can draw some media attention by abusing Modi. None of IK's tweet sans Modi's name get noticed in media. Everyone knows that IK is on Modi's ignore list. But IK is so desperate that he mentioned Modi even while addressing Corona pandemics. :D
IK doesn't care what Modi has to say or think about this tweet....
Its not for Modi to read and reply.
Is the new excuse or repeat of old excuse not help Kashmir brothers fighting for freedom from Indian occupation?

India has already lost in Kashmir Suriya.

They are just finalizing the new map of India these days. Delicate surgical work takes time
That's how the world leaders treat the guy whose "entry was banned in the USA, on the charges of "Terrorism" and killings of thousands of Muslims." according to you !!!

IK can only hope to get invited as a state guest by any nation where he has so many powerful friends which you have mentioned.

Till such time he can draw some media attention by abusing Modi. None of IK's tweet sans Modi's name get noticed in media. Everyone knows that IK is on Modi's ignore list. But IK is so desperate that he mentioned Modi even while addressing Corona pandemics. :D

Are you dying that Modi was not welcomed to America before he assumed the position of PM of India!!

Trump was crinching when Modi was forcing himself to hug Trump.
Pakistan won't and simply can not give up of Kashmir ..
Are you dying that Modi was not welcomed to America before he assumed the position of PM of India!!

Trump was crinching when Modi was forcing himself to hug Trump.


Selectors need to give a crash course in diplomacy

This is a war crime in a disputed territory. By escalating the situation in Kashmir, India is risking the entire region with unrest which will further destabilize a region best poised for human development in the next decade.

Okay it's a war crime. India must be punished for it. If Pakistan considers itself a party to the dispute then a war is imminent. If Pakistan just want to hold on the territory under its control without escalating the matter then it will increase its covert support to local boys to keep the Kashmir issue burning without getting its fingers burned.
Okay it's a war crime

I am glad you agree.

India must be punished for it. If Pakistan considers itself a party to the dispute then a war is imminent. If Pakistan just want to hold on the territory under its control without escalating the matter then it will increase its covert support to local boys to keep the Kashmir issue burning without getting its fingers burned.

When there's a will, there's a way
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