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Modern war equipment in the three armies, in keeping with the world

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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Combined with the modern world, modern warfare is being added to the army, navy and air force.

Responding to a question from MP Nurjahan Begum (reserved seats-42) in the Question Hour on Tuesday, Defense Minister of the Ministry of Defense Anisul Haque said this.

He told the future plans of the army, the minister said. He also mentioned the modern equipment provided in the three services.

Highlighting the future plans of the army, the minister said 11 units will be formed in Sylhet Cantonment in the next two fiscal years. In the next three years, 14 units will be formed in Ramu Cantonment. A total of 56 units will be formed by 2025.

He also said that the proposal for formation of an Arial Battalion initially to set up cantonment in Mithamain Upazila of Kishoreganj district is under process. Besides, the process of formation of a paradro commando brigade and a paradro commando battalion is in the process of forming a special force in the army. Besides, the production of Visorad missiles for air defense artillery is being processed under the transfer of technology from China under the BOF.

Highlighting the future plans of the Navy, the minister said that initiative has already been initiated to construct a frigate joint venture with the foreign companies of Chittagong Drydock Ltd (CDDL), which is operated by the Navy. Steps have been taken to construct six frigates for patrolling large sea areas. Besides, two MPAs for marine surveillance are under the purchase process. Besides, there are plans to buy two helicopters.

The minister said there are plans to buy more frigate, MCMV, submarine rescue vessel, logistics ship, Patrol Craft, Ocean Tug, floating dock etc. to increase the future capability of the navy.

Regarding the future plans of the air force, the minister said that a plan to set up four *** radar squadrons in the Cox's Bazar, Airbus bases Bashar, Jahurul Haque, Bir Shreshtho Matiur Rahman and the forward base for Cox's Bazar have been planned for landing and landing safe and risk-free airplanes. The establishment proposals of these radar squadrons were approved on April 12, 2015. Besides, there is a plan to purchase a Squadron Multi Roll Fighter for deploying Cox's Bazar Air Force Base to ensure the safety of the maritime boundary of Bangladesh.

The minister said, for the purpose of implementing the Forces Goal-2030, policy approval has been given on December 28, 2016 for setting up a full base of Air Force in Barisal. Besides, the establishment of the bases in Sylhet is ongoing. In addition, there are plans to buy more advanced high-end warships and equipment in the future.

প্রকাশ: ২০১৮-০১-২৩ ৯:০৯:৫১

Combined with the modern world, modern warfare is being added to the army, navy and air force.

Responding to a question from MP Nurjahan Begum (reserved seats-42) in the Question Hour on Tuesday, Defense Minister of the Ministry of Defense Anisul Haque said this.

He told the future plans of the army, the minister said. He also mentioned the modern equipment provided in the three services.

Highlighting the future plans of the army, the minister said 11 units will be formed in Sylhet Cantonment in the next two fiscal years. In the next three years, 14 units will be formed in Ramu Cantonment. A total of 56 units will be formed by 2025.

He also said that the proposal for formation of an Arial Battalion initially to set up cantonment in Mithamain Upazila of Kishoreganj district is under process. Besides, the process of formation of a paradro commando brigade and a paradro commando battalion is in the process of forming a special force in the army. Besides, the production of Visorad missiles for air defense artillery is being processed under the transfer of technology from China under the BOF.

Highlighting the future plans of the Navy, the minister said that initiative has already been initiated to construct a frigate joint venture with the foreign companies of Chittagong Drydock Ltd (CDDL), which is operated by the Navy. Steps have been taken to construct six frigates for patrolling large sea areas. Besides, two MPAs for marine surveillance are under the purchase process. Besides, there are plans to buy two helicopters.

The minister said there are plans to buy more frigate, MCMV, submarine rescue vessel, logistics ship, Patrol Craft, Ocean Tug, floating dock etc. to increase the future capability of the navy.

Regarding the future plans of the air force, the minister said that a plan to set up four ATS radar squadrons in the Cox's Bazar, Airbus bases Bashar, Jahurul Haque, Bir Shreshtho Matiur Rahman and the forward base for Cox's Bazar have been planned for landing and landing safe and risk-free airplanes. The establishment proposals of these radar squadrons were approved on April 12, 2015. Besides, there is a plan to purchase a Squadron Multi Roll Fighter for deploying Cox's Bazar Air Force Base to ensure the safety of the maritime boundary of Bangladesh.

The minister said, for the purpose of implementing the Forces Goal-2030, policy approval has been given on December 28, 2016 for setting up a full base of Air Force in Barisal. Besides, the establishment of the bases in Sylhet is ongoing. In addition, there are plans to buy more advanced high-end warships and equipment in the future.

আধুনিক বিশ্বের সঙ্গে তাল মিলিয়ে সেনা, নৌ ও বিমান বাহিনীতে যুক্ত করা হচ্ছে আধুনিক যুদ্ধ সরঞ্জাম।

মঙ্গলবার জাতীয় সংসদে প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্বে সংসদ সদস্য নুরজাহান বেগমের (সংরক্ষিত আসন-৪২) এক প্রশ্নের জবাবে সংসদকার্যে প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের দায়িত্বপ্রাপ্ত মন্ত্রী আনিসুল হক এ কথা বলেন।

তিনি বাহিনী নিয়ে ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনার কথা তুলে ধরেন মন্ত্রী। পাশাপাশি তিন বাহিনীতে যেসব আধুনিক সরঞ্জাম দেওয়া হয়েছে তা উল্লেখ করেন তিনি।

সেনাবাহিনী নিয়ে ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনা তুলে ধরে মন্ত্রী জানান, আগামী দুই অর্থবছরে সিলেট সেনানিবাসে ১১টি ইউনিট গঠন করা হবে। পরবর্তী তিন অর্থবছরে রামু সেনানিবাসে গঠন করা হবে ১৪টি ইউনিট। ২০২৫ সাল নাগাদ মোট ৫৬টি ইউনিট গঠন করা হবে।

তিনি আরো বলেন, কিশোরগঞ্জ জেলার মিঠামইন উপজেলায় সেনানিবাস স্থাপনের লক্ষ্যে প্রাথমিকভাবে একটি আরই ব্যাটালিয়ন গঠনের প্রস্তাবনা প্রক্রিয়াধীন। এছাড়া সেনাবাহিনীতে স্পেশাল ফোর্স গঠনের লক্ষ্যে একটি প্যারা কমান্ডো ব্রিগেড এবং একটি প্যারা কমান্ডো ব্যাটালিয়ন গঠনের কার্যক্রম প্রক্রিয়াধীন রয়েছে। এছাড়া বিওএফের অধীনে চীন থেকে টেকনোলজি ট্রান্সফারের মাধ্যমে এয়ার ডিফেন্স আর্টিলারির জন্য ভিসোরাদ মিসাইল উৎপাদনের বিষয়টি প্রক্রিয়াধীন রয়েছে।

নৌবাহিনীর ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনা তুলে ধরে মন্ত্রী বলেন, ইতিমধ্যে নৌবাহিনী পরিচালিত চট্টগ্রাম ড্রাইডক লিমিটেডে (সিডিডিএল) বিদেশি প্রতিষ্ঠানের সঙ্গে যৌথ উদ্যোগে ফ্রিগেট নির্মাণের উদ্যোগ নেওয়া হয়েছে। বিশাল সমুদ্র এলাকায় টহলের জন্য ছয়টি ফ্রিগেট নির্মাণের পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া হয়েছে। এছাড়া সামুদ্রিক নজরদারির জন্য দুটি এমপিএ কেনা প্রক্রিয়াধীন। পাশাপাশি দুটি হেলিকপ্টার কেনারও পরিকল্পনা রয়েছে।

মন্ত্রী জানান, নৌবাহিনীর ভবিষ্যত সক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধির জন্য আরো দুটি ফ্রিগেট, এমসিএমভি, সাবমেরিন রেসকিউ ভেসেল, লজিস্টিক শিপ, প্যাট্রোল ক্রাফট, ওশান টাগ, ফ্লোটিং ডক ইত্যাদি কেনা পরিকল্পনাধীন রয়েছে।

বিমানবাহিনীর ভবিষ্যত পরিকল্পনা প্রসঙ্গে মন্ত্রী জানান, নিরাপদ ও ঝুঁকিমুক্ত বিমান উড্ডয়ন ও অবতরণের জন্য বিমান বাহিনীর ঘাঁটি বাশার, জহুরুল হক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মতিউর রহমান এবং অগ্রবর্তী ঘাঁটি কক্সবাজারে চারটি এটিএস রাডার স্কোয়াড্রন স্থাপন করার পরিকল্পনা গ্রহণ করা হয়েছে। এসব রাডার স্কোয়াড্রনের সংস্থাপন প্রস্তাবগুলো ২০১৫ সালের ১২ এপ্রিল অনুমোদিত হয়েছে। এছাড়া বাংলাদেশের সমুদ্রসীমার নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার লক্ষ্যে কক্সবাজার বিমান বাহিনী ঘাঁটিতে মোতায়েনের জন্য এক স্কোয়াড্রন মাল্টি রোল যুদ্ধবিমান কেনার পরিকল্পনা রয়েছে।

মন্ত্রী জানান, ফোর্সেস গোল-২০৩০ বাস্তবায়নের লক্ষ্যে বরিশালে বিমান বাহিনীর পূর্ণাঙ্গ ঘাঁটি স্থাপনের জন্য ২০১৬ সালের ২৮ ডিসেম্বর নীতিগত অনুমোদন দেওয়া হয়েছে। এছাড়া সিলেটে ঘাঁটি স্থাপনের কার্যক্রম চলমান রয়েছে। পাশাপাশি ভবিষ্যতে আরো আধুনিক উচ্চ ক্ষমতাসম্পন্ন যুদ্ধবিমান এবং সরঞ্জাম কেনার পরিকল্পনা রয়েছে।

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Unimpressive development..... total lack of response to the rohingya debacle.... forces 2030 was developed a decade ago.... it needs updating to reflect ground reality today and predict and prepare for future threat scenario.....BD forces are underpowered and have demonstrated complete inability to defend national interest.... utter shambles.... our neighbors are laughing.... these developments will not be bringing us up to our neighbours capabilities as they have now let alone in the coming decades...
. .
Unimpressive development..... total lack of response to the rohingya debacle

OH yeah??? Wanna start a war with MM and risk my country's economy and development?? Are you Bangladeshi?? If not then keep your mouth shut. We all saw how your country got out from EU to avoid refugee crisis. And what does look so unimpressive to you?? We just got our budget increased to 3 billion last year and it will increase. Got 12 more years in hand. So what our military got this far isn't bad, this year they will get more.

BD forces are underpowered and have demonstrated complete inability to defend national interest.... utter shambles.

Defend what national interest?? The Rohingya crisis?? Again the same question, wanna start war. May be MM have little bit of air superiority but our forces can face them anywhere and prevent any threats if it's comes to that. Doesn't matter if some online guy try to measure their quality or not from his comfortable room their capability is acknowledged by other countries through UN mission and other exercises.

our neighbors are laughing.... these developments will not be bringing us up to our neighbours capabilities as they have now let alone in the coming decades...

Let them laugh, we can't race with India now but if we look at MM they are only ahead of us at air superiority and that's where they want to go further more with Su-30 procurement cause they know that's where we are lagging behind. But the thing is they will dry up their resources more with many things already on China's hands now. And you can't even see their Mig-29 with full armaments, not all of are operational either. And then comes their crappy indigenous shallow hull sea state 4 frigate and corvette. And reality is you can't match India and MM with number they are bigger countries than us. Btw the air power gap will close up soon i hope, starting from this year.
Forget the fighter jets and warships, why does Bangladesh have so little artillery?
Bangladesh army has little artillery if you compare with India or Pakistan.But it has twice the amount of Myanmar army according to IISS 2016 yearbook.According to them Bangladesh army has 841+ piece of artillery-

ARTY 841+
SP 155mm 6+ NORA B-52
TOWED 363+: 105mm 170: 56 Model 56A1; 114 Model
56/L 10A1 pack howitzer; 122mm 131: 57 Type-54/54-1
(M-30); 20 Type-83; 54 Type-96 (D-30), 130mm 62 Type-
59-1 (M-46)
MOR 472: 81mm 11 M29A1; 82mm 366 Type-53/87/M-31
(M-1937); 120mm 95 MO-120-AM-50 M67/UBM 52
MSL • MANPATS 9K115-2 Metis M1 (AT-13 Saxhorn-2)
RCL 106mm 238 M40A1
Source:IISS Military balance-2016, page-235

Comparative artillery count-
Source:IISS 2016 Military balance-2016
OH yeah??? Wanna start a war with MM and risk my country's economy and development?? Are you Bangladeshi?? If not then keep your mouth shut. We all saw how your country got out from EU to avoid refugee crisis. And what does look so unimpressive to you?? We just got our budget increased to 3 billion last year and it will increase. Got 12 more years in hand. So what our military got this far isn't bad, this year they will get more.

Defend what national interest?? The Rohingya crisis?? Again the same question, wanna start war. May be MM have little bit of air superiority but our forces can face them anywhere and prevent any threats if it's comes to that. Doesn't matter if some online guy try to measure their quality or not from his comfortable room their capability is acknowledged by other countries through UN mission and other exercises.

Let them laugh, we can't race with India now but if we look at MM they are only ahead of us at air superiority and that's where they want to go further more with Su-30 procurement cause they know that's where we are lagging behind. But the thing is they will dry up their resources more with many things already on China's hands now. And you can't even see their Mig-29 with full armaments, not all of are operational either. And then comes their crappy indigenous shallow hull sea state 4 frigate and corvette. And reality is you can't match India and MM with number they are bigger countries than us. Btw the air power gap will close up soon i hope, starting from this year.

Lol.... why bother with any of it if you are going to give up without trying.

We have just had genocide and expulsion of our coreligionist in a neibouring nation and we did not bother to lift a finger.

BD lacks a military doctrine and strategy. The purchasing and so called expansions of the services are purely for internal political consideration and not for external deterrence. Forces goal has not been followed. Who buys trainer jets 5 years in advance of receiving actual jets. Complete waste of money. Who takes a coast guard vessel and gives it to the navy and defangs armed to the teeth naval vessels and gives it to the coast guard. You can not make this crap up.

You think we should not have gone to war because of the rohingya. For what should we go to war for? The cost of bearing the rohingya will be borne purely by BD taxpayer for generations to come and any self respecting nation would have reacted with force. People like you would welcome any disrespect and denigration of our sovereignty. With little understanding comes dangerous hubris kid. There is time for chest thumping and time for serious introspection.
. .
Jamatis are the only people who are 'underwhelmed"

Ask them to provide 5 things their beloved party did while in power. Just 5.

-More Bangladeshis got killed at the border by BSF
-series bombings
-denying the existence of Bangla bhai
-8 hours of power outages per day in Dhaka...and let's not talk about the rural areas.
Oh and of course...the cherry on top, champion 5 times in a row in corruption.
Lol.... why bother with any of it if you are going to give up without trying.

We have just had genocide and expulsion of our coreligionist in a neibouring nation and we did not bother to lift a finger.

BD lacks a military doctrine and strategy. The purchasing and so called expansions of the services are purely for internal political consideration and not for external deterrence. Forces goal has not been followed. Who buys trainer jets 5 years in advance of receiving actual jets. Complete waste of money. Who takes a coast guard vessel and gives it to the navy and defangs armed to the teeth naval vessels and gives it to the coast guard. You can not make this crap up.

You think we should not have gone to war because of the rohingya. For what should we go to war for? The cost of bearing the rohingya will be borne purely by BD taxpayer for generations to come and any self respecting nation would have reacted with force. People like you would welcome any disrespect and denigration of our sovereignty. With little understanding comes dangerous hubris kid. There is time for chest thumping and time for serious introspection.

Cognitive power of these people stretch as far as awami question leak education taught them. You can see wide range of samples popping up here.
Lol.... why bother with any of it if you are going to give up without trying.

Why there's is a question of giving up when there's is no war. And who fight all those terrorist in the country and rebel in africa?? A false flagger like you??

We have just had genocide and expulsion of our coreligionist in a neibouring nation and we did not bother to lift a finger.

Again why are you crying here?? What did you do?? ARSA, Arakan Army is fighting there go join them, who is stopping you?? Didn't lift a finger?? Who is working diplomatically to keep pressure on Myanmar?? Who gave shelter to all those extra 6 million people?? You?? Did you give any relief ?? No, you didn't. Who arranged the repatriation deal with Myanmar?? BNP-Jamat?? No. They couldn't do anything except signing a MoU in 92. Who actually left a finger except Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia?? Saudi sent some relief after there was so many talking about their silence on this matter and Pakistan.......... lets just forget about them.

BD lacks a military doctrine and strategy. The purchasing and so called expansions of the services are purely for internal political consideration and not for external deterrence.

So what's your suggestion?? Decommission BNS BB again, sell the remaining 8 Mig-29 like previous govt tried to do. Cancel all order and sell those new trainer too?? And BN tried to get their submarine fleet since BNP period as they were inspecting many subs since 2004. So why didn't they get it then?? Why did they get it after decades?? With what we are gonna make external deterrence if we do not do these expansion?? With bamboo stick??
As i said before being offensive for a small developing country like us with rising economy is not good. We still do not have that kinda offensive power. Military budget just increased to 3 billion last year. Our military is just upgrading and trying to become self-sufficient in some sector. BD had the foreign policy, "friendship to all, malice to none", but that changed last as Hasina added "if we get attacked proper reply will be given".

forces 2030 was developed a decade ago.

Forces goal was started in 2012.

Forces goal has not been followed.

Show us which part has not been followed.

Who buys trainer jets 5 years in advance of receiving actual jets.

It's takes times to negotiate, procure and produce aircrafts. They don't fall from tree as your wish. Who's gonna train those pilots for 4++ fighter?? you?? With what?? Paper plane?? And a new fighter like Su-30 with complete package cost more than any hardware in army and navy. It's not cheap like Mig-29 from 90's which we tried to buy one squadron. With just less than 1 billion budget you can't afford to buy and keep those new fighter. And if you indicated to MM's procurement of Su-30 just after receiving half of their Yak-130 then i have to not everyone spends more money like MM in defense ignoring other sectors.

Complete waste of money.

Like BNP did by canceling additional Mig-29's order and not getting any refund?? That's why we see our Mig-29's in MAF and Belarus now.

Who takes a coast guard vessel and gives it to the navy

Cause our coast guard never operated any big vessel like this before let alone navy. Philippine and Nigerian navy did the same thing. These cutters are helping to patrol further in our expanded sea territory where coast guard can't patrol. These will also help our navy to get ready for future 3500-4000 ton frigate.

defangs armed to the teeth naval vessels and gives it to the coast guard.

Blame maritime law for it. You can't have missile, SAM or torpedo in a CG ship. If you meant that we should have given those to navy then i have to say it's unnecessary as we already got stealth Type-56 with TOT and new armament (SAM)-refitting will cost more money. Also those are old and have no heli deck and many navies decommission ship and then recommission it in CG like BN did. Like Vietnam did with their Hamilton class cutters. Coast guard's main job is policing the coast, so offensive armaments are not needed. That's navy's job.

You think we should not have gone to war because of the rohingya. For what should we go to war for?
any self respecting nation would have reacted with force.

For nothing unless we get attacked. Did Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan or Thailand attacked MM?? They have refugee too, they have more modern military and they have more money than us. Are they doing anything offensive?? They can afford a war, did they go for it then?? Aren't those self-respecting nation?? What other self-respecting muslim nations did with their powerful military?? Some fought diplomatically, some just sent some relief and some remain complete silent. Again what did you do?? Don't you have self-respect?? Oh, you just argued with me!! That's far you can run.

The cost of bearing the rohingya will be borne purely by BD taxpayer for generations to come

The cost will rise up even more if we go to war. Our tax-payer will have to pay more for war and repair the damage and reconstruction after war. Did you consider what will happen to CTG port which handles countries most export and import , Cox's Bazar's tourism, or any other infrastructures and development before crying for war?? Or to those refugee you are crying for or our people?? Are you gonna pay for those?? It's easy to destroy than building anything, it even becomes harder when it comes to small poor corrupted country like us.

People like you would welcome any disrespect and denigration of our sovereignty.

And people like you will welcome any destruction, suffering and backwardness for any country. Don't live in UK. Go to USA or North Korea. They have people like you. Don't act like you are doing something so revolutionary by talking so big, high and mighty. People like you will beg for war and destruction but will run to opposite direction when it starts hiding your tail behind.
With little understanding comes dangerous hubris kid.

Look who is talking. Yeah i can clearly see who understands little and who is real kiddo crying for war as if it's a chocolate or something.

There is time for chest thumping

Looks like you are actually doing it right now. :undecided:
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For nothing unless we get attacked. Did Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan or Thailand attacked MM?? They have refugee too, they have more modern military and they have more money than us. Are they doing anything offensive?? They can afford a war, did they go for it then?? Aren't those self-respecting nation?? What other self-respecting muslim nations did with their powerful military?? Some fought diplomatically, some just sent some relief and some remain complete silent. Again what did you do?? Don't you have self-respect?? Oh, you just argued with me!! That's far you can run.
We don't border Myanmar.

If we did, public outrage would have most likely led to conflict.
We don't border Myanmar.

If we did, public outrage would have most likely led to conflict.

But still you have 350000 Rohingyas in your country and you are right this will led to a long lasting war. We are the one who will suffer most. Some countries will not like it. Nobody wants war unless it's unavoidable.

Myanmar is already calling Rohingyas Bengali terrorist, saying they are our people migrated there. If we make any military move against them, that's will favor their claim and propaganda. It will be easy for them to show their people and the world that we are the invader/aggressor.
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It's takes times to negotiate, procure and produce aircrafts. They don't fall from tree as your wish. Who's gonna train those pilots for 4++ fighter?? you?? With what?? Paper plane?? And a new fighter like Su-30 with complete package cost more than any hardware in army and navy. It's not cheap like Mig-29 from 90's which we tried to buy one squadron. With just less than 1 billion budget you can't afford to buy and keep those new fighter. And if you indicated to MM's procurement of Su-30 just after receiving half of their Yak-130 then i have to not everyone spends more money like MM in defense ignoring other sectors.

Its not awami hukka hua chpabazi platform that you will get away with "it takes time". If Myanmar can procure and 10 of other countries procure in time WHY 10 years was not enough for awami indian stooges?????

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