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‘Moderate’ Palestinian Leader: ‘If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It Today'

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palestinian homeland is completely interlocked with territories occupied by jews, so a nuke option is actually suicidal and completely illogical. therefore, i see his words as expression of palestinians' utterly desperation.

these words are thus testament to the depth of jew criminality and the intensity of the suffering of the palestinians; these words are thus powerful indictment of the crimes of jews and jew state.

and the shameless thing about the jews is that they now actually play these words to portray palestinian demands as irrational and give them even more reasons to continue their crimes.
I hope he knows what is israel's stated doctrine,in case of it being nuked.Samson option.End of the middle east,mecca,medina,tehran,riyadh,dubai,istanbul,cairo,aswan dam,baghdad.....so on.This guy is noob who has no idea what he wants to unleash.
I hope he knows what is israel's stated doctrine,in case of it being nuked.Samson option.End of the middle east,mecca,medina,tehran,riyadh,dubai,istanbul,cairo,aswan dam,baghdad.....so on.This guy is noob who has no idea what he wants to unleash.

No one gives a rats about the Israeli regime's stated doctrine kid. A nuclear attack on peaceful countries by the Israeli regime will get a nuclear attack on Israel by Russia. I doubt the Israelis have workable nukes anyway so it will never happen. The Israelis are a cancer on this earth.
‘Moderate’ Palestinian Leader Swears: ‘If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It This Very Morning’

If a 'moderate' Palestinian leader is willing to 'nuke' Israel, we can be assured that if Al-Qaeda got hold of any NBC weapons form, the US would be attacked with such a weapons.

That is a debate any Jewish/Israeli members here can take you up. Nevertheless, the nuclear cat is out of the bag. From now on, no Muslim leader in the ME will be seen as 'moderate' by the Israelis. They would be fools if they do.

Control your ally , else like Pyong-Yong, AQ too can aquire Nuke..
after reading this a famous phrase come to my mind " If wishes were horses beggars would ride them"
No one gives a rats about the Israeli regime's stated doctrine kid. A nuclear attack on peaceful countries by the Israeli regime will get a nuclear attack on Israel by Russia. I doubt the Israelis have workable nukes anyway so it will never happen. The Israelis are a cancer on this earth.

What would a nuclear attack on israel by russia do when israel is already destroyed by palestinian nuke and has in return destreoyed entire middle east,think before u answer or keep ur kidfarts to urself.
What would a nuclear attack on israel by russia do when israel is already destroyed by palestinian nuke and has in return destreoyed entire middle east,think before u answer or keep ur kidfarts to urself.
And why would Russia nuke Israel? In which insane dimension do Russians give 2 sh!ts about Arabs?
The only reason Russia is protecting Assad is because he is anti-American and allows Russian troops to be stationed in Tartus. They won't mind if the Arabs butcher each other to extinction as long as they have their strategic port.

Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fools like this palestinian "leader" are the true cancer in that part of the world......shove an AK into this fools mouth and blow his f******* brains out for gods sake......pests needed to be taken care of before they become a real menace.
He is simply an idiot the Arabs arent dumb enough to nuke themselves.
Also they wont get any Nukes like that even when they get an own state also Israel would blow complete middle east with them if they would lose so it really doesnt matter.
Setting aside the predictable victimhood parade of the Israeli apologists -- "don't hate us for being Jewish" -- and the inevitable resort to the anti-Semitism shield, the reality is that Israel has milked the Holocaust guilt card to the maximum. The Zionists have cheapened both the memory of the Holocaust and real anti-Semitism by abusing these charges, and that is one of the reasons why why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

The bad news for Zionists is that the guilt card mostly works on whites. The blacks, latinos, Asians and others don't give a flying f about the Holocaust guilt, especially since it has been so overused and cheapened by the Zionists -- it was the white Europeans' fault, so let them make amends. The Chinese have not been brainwashed from birth by the local media about Holocaust guilt, so most Chinese can take a balanced view based on actual facts -- rather than guilt -- to assess the situation.

The other group that supports Israel -- most evident in Indians and some Americans here -- is the resident Islamophobes who use Israel as an excuse to bash Arabs and Muslims. These people are irrelevant opportunists -- if it becomes fashionable tomorrow to bash Israel as a colonial outpost, half these bigots will switch sides and start bashing Israel instead, pretending to sympathize with the Arab cause.
Then perhaps the Muslims should stop getting into a fit every time they see/hear the word 'crusade'.
fools like this palestinian "leader" are the true cancer in that part of the world......shove an AK into this fools mouth and blow his f******* brains out for gods sake......pests needed to be taken care of before they become a real menace.

many of your yindoo independence agitators were precisely such "pests" and "cancer" in colonials' eyes, you know.

palestinians were put into this mad situation by jews who occupied their land and killed their old and young, and they now saw their only path of liberation with the apparently illogical threat of mutual destruction. the difference between palestinians and you yindoo lots is palestinians seek to overthrow jew domination in their homeland, their politics and their lives and you yindoos declared "independence" only to yield yourselves to new jew and angloamericans masters and parrot every single bullshit lines they feed you yindoos. you yindoos are slaves in body and soul, and in a most radical gesture of self-sacrifice, palestinians can at least preserve their free spirit. that is the difference between the slavish acts of yindoos and the nobility of palestinians' struggle.
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