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‘Moderate’ Palestinian Leader: ‘If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It Today'

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Palestine should definitely have nukes. Israel has no right to steal Palestinian land.

What will they do with nukes, they will destroy very land they are fighting for. Currently they are busy killing each other. Bunch of idiots
If that is the case then from this very moment Israel should adopt his policy and start nuking the Palestine . Just goes to show that no matter what a bunch of people say but Israel is a responsible state .
If that is the case then from this very moment Israel should adopt his policy and start nuking the Palestine . Just goes to show that no matter what a bunch of people say but Israel is a responsible state .

Israel is an illegitimate fascist regime. They are worse than the Nazi regime keeping Palestinians inside concentration camps and killing innocent Palestinian children. The despotic Israeli regime is the main cause of trouble in the world. A thuggish regime like Israel is hated pretty much all over the world including in your own country among your 200 million Muslim population.
May be this is why US want to confiscate pak nukes. In pak, there are so many Palestine supporters who can slip these nukes to Palestine.

The world community should take this seriously. Some war mongers are out of control.
There are more muslims in India than in Pakistan and they also have sympathy for Palestinians. So accepting your reason there is also a possibility that India gives nukes to Palestine.
Indians should get out of this propaganda now that "Pakistanis nukes can slip anywhere". Grow up pal. Seriously Indians talk tooooo much about it as it appears to me that it is their "WISH" that Pakistani nukes slip to someone.
Probably just the result of frustration and uttered a statement on impulse for it's shock value. You can't have someone cornered and don't expect them to lash at the same time.

But nevertheless;a stupid, idiotic statement to fuel the negative attention.
The Pals are useless. Their whole culture is based on violence. They have achieved nothing.
There are more muslims in India than in Pakistan and they also have sympathy for Palestinians. So accepting your reason there is also a possibility that India gives nukes to Palestine.
Indians should get out of this propaganda now that "Pakistanis nukes can slip anywhere". Grow up pal. Seriously Indians talk tooooo much about it as it appears to me that it is their "WISH" that Pakistani nukes slip to someone.

May be you wanna read the post # 12?
I've given the good explanation there.
Israel routinely uses the concept of "disproportionate response". Why shouldn't the other side do the same?

The only reason Israel gets away with its thuggery -- aside from the media control -- is because the other side lacks the ability to escalate the situation.


Most Israelis here wont tell us a damn thing about their own 'Samson option'.
If they had been in Palestine's position, no less would they have said.
Why did Pakistan never provide them nukes ? I mean they provided them to Libyans , North Koreans and others but not Palestinians. Why ?

Palestine should definitely have nukes. Israel has no right to steal Palestinian land.

Are there so many Chinese who have issues with Israel ? Never knew that so many Chinese had a negative percepiton of China as i see on this forum.
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Why did Pakistan never provide them nukes ? I mean they provided them to Libyans , North Koreans and others but not Palestinians. Why ?


Are there so many Chinese who have issues with Israel ? Never knew that so many Chinese had a negative percepiton of China as i see on this forum.

I don't think he is Chinese... Probably a Pakistani pretending to be Chinese, it won't be the first time either.
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Palestine should definitely have nukes. Israel has no right to steal Palestinian land.

Japan should also have nukes. china has no right to steal Japanese islands.
Israel is an illegitimate fascist regime. They are worse than the Nazi regime keeping Palestinians inside concentration camps and killing innocent Palestinian children. The despotic Israeli regime is the main cause of trouble in the world. A thuggish regime like Israel is hated pretty much all over the world including in your own country among your 200 million Muslim population.

Israel is not a regime, it is a country, learn the difference idioto

Are there so many Chinese who have issues with Israel ? Never knew that so many Chinese had a negative percepiton of China as i see on this forum.
They ya-hoos would not recognize a Jew if an ultra-Orthodox Jew in full regalia stands in front of him. The Chinese hatred for Jews and Israel are not real. It is manufactured solely for the purpose of poking US in the eye at any opportunity. If anything, if a real Jew/Israeli were to meet anyone of these ya-hoos for real, the Chinese would most likely run for fear of getting his @$$ kicked.
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Are there so many Chinese who have issues with Israel ?

Setting aside the predictable victimhood parade of the Israeli apologists -- "don't hate us for being Jewish" -- and the inevitable resort to the anti-Semitism shield, the reality is that Israel has milked the Holocaust guilt card to the maximum. The Zionists have cheapened both the memory of the Holocaust and real anti-Semitism by abusing these charges, and that is one of the reasons why why many Jews oppose Zionism and Israel.

The bad news for Zionists is that the guilt card mostly works on whites. The blacks, latinos, Asians and others don't give a flying f about the Holocaust guilt, especially since it has been so overused and cheapened by the Zionists -- it was the white Europeans' fault, so let them make amends. The Chinese have not been brainwashed from birth by the local media about Holocaust guilt, so most Chinese can take a balanced view based on actual facts -- rather than guilt -- to assess the situation.

The other group that supports Israel -- most evident in Indians and some Americans here -- is the resident Islamophobes who use Israel as an excuse to bash Arabs and Muslims. These people are irrelevant opportunists -- if it becomes fashionable tomorrow to bash Israel as a colonial outpost, half these bigots will switch sides and start bashing Israel instead, pretending to sympathize with the Arab cause.
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