Pakistanis do pay taxes, but the nature of Pakistanis in general is that they will not be ready to pay Rs. 10 direct and Rs. 5 indirect and file return instead prefer to get bamboo of Rs. 30-35 indirect tax in form of ST, FED, Surcharges etc. and 40-45% of these indirect taxes gets lost because of corruption in FBR. As, they majority of Pakistanis aren't paying direct taxes and bother to file returns, so they don't realize that money government spend is coming from pockets not on trees, and loans government gets for over spending will be ultimately recovered from their asses not the political elite worship, not paying direct taxes and filing returns also is the reason that they vote for corrupts for petty benefits, based on emotions or with "Khata hai tu lagata bhi hai" mentality because they don't realize that crook they are electing will be looting and living luxurious life on their money.