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MKO joins the rest of terrorist groups in Syria


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI) has ordered its members to help armed rebels in Syria under the cover of medical aid staff, media reports revealed on Saturday.

In a report today, Didehban Center quoted a former MKO member, who defected from the terrorist group in Syria, as saying that two of his comrades were recently killed during clashes with the Syrian army.

He noted that the two killed MKO members bore Danish and Swedish nationalities and had come to Syria via the Turkish borders after being flown to Istanbul at MKO’s order.

The defected member said that his comrades had taken part in rebel clashes with the Syrian government troops at the direct order of the MKO leaders.

“Although the MKO have already confessed to its direct cooperation with the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA), it has never announced direct participation in terrorist operations in the country,” the source said, and added that his slain friends are just two of the many people sent by the MKO to fight against Bashar al-Assad at the US order.

The report said that the MKO members are stationed in a base called Hanif which operates under the name of a hospital.

The people who work with the MKO members can only speak English and they do not know Farsi and Arabic languages.

Reports revealed in April that the MKO had offered the US to help it spark Syria-like unrests in Iraq.

The Didehban Center disclosed that the MKO has on many occasions asked the US administration to provide the group with financial support in a bid to make Iraq insecure.

The report said that the proposals have been put forth to the US officials through former and retired Washington officials who are now among the MKO advocates, including former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, Former presidential candidate John Mc Cain and former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey

The MKO has claimed that it can recruit extremist and terrorist groups in Iraq due to its three-decade-long stay in that country which has also provided them with some in-debt knowledge of the Arab country, and then organize bombing plots, suicide attacks and spark sectarian and ethnic conflict in a bid to make Iraq’s atmosphere tense similar to the present conditions in Syria.

Report Discloses MKO’s Presence in Syria under Cover of Medical Aid Staff

for those who don't know MKO, this terrorist group created after Iranian revolution and they were aiding Saddam during 8 years of Iran-Iraq war, they are responsible for hundreds of bomb attacks and have killed 17000 of Iranian along our president, prime minister, 72 of parliment members, many shiah clerics and even current Iranian supreme leader has lost his right hand in their bomb attacks. This group has always been under support of U.S and even today they have an office in washington, recently U.S officially removed them from the list of terrorist groups ( probably U.S pigs think by clearing MKO from their list, their massacre would be forgotten too).

U.S already brought Al-Qaeda to Syria, and now MKO, I guess they want to run an exhibition of terrorists in there.
Dr Bashar Al Assad and Syrian Army:
Please do us all Iranians a favor and kill every SINGLE member of these little rats!!!
If you can make them suffer too, that would be bonus!

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