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Mistreatment of Arab tourists in Turkey

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Mistreatment of Arab tourists in Turkey



Samar Al-Mogrin

THE terrifying ordeal of six young Saudis at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen International Airport and the 10-hour-long harassment they faced at the hands of Turkish security officers were a humiliation not only for the six individuals but also for all Saudis.

Local newspapers published detailed reports of the mistreatment received by the six men at the Turkish airport, an incident that deeply hurt all Saudi men and women. By this irresponsible action, the Turkish authorities targeted not only the six Saudi men but all of us.

I am surprised at the huge numbers of Gulf tourists who visit Turkey every year for spending their vacation or for treatment, especially for hair loss despite the low quality tourism and treatment offered by the country and the despicable behavior of Turks toward Arabs.

There are historical reasons for the Turks to consider Arabs as inferior to them. We see Arabs being mistreated even by Turkish taxi drivers and restaurant workers. Turkish traders consider Arab tourists as machines to mint money and raise prices immediately.

I have visited Turkey and witnessed the lack of cleanliness at Turkish restaurants.

The bad body odor that comes out of restaurant workers is sickening and people will not be able to enjoy the meals, no matter how delicious they are.

I have also noticed that Turkish taxi drivers do not respect tourists and are reluctant to operate meters as they want to exploit them by charging high fares. This again reflects their superiority complex. If they had some respect for the Arabs they would not have treated us like this.

Many people who have gone to Turkey for hair transplant treatment with the desire of having beautiful looks at low costs now think their baldness was better than the treatment.

I have noticed that those who had undergone hair loss treatment enjoyed it only for the first two years and then lamented the bad condition of their hair.

A specialist Saudi doctor has told me that hundreds of Saudis who had undergone hair loss treatment in Turkey have approached clinics in Saudi Arabia to improve the condition of their hair.

Tourism requires good planning. Haphazard travel arrangements create a lot of problems for Gulf families. The travelers must make advanced planning with regard to the destinations and the places they wish to see. They should select countries and places that offer them quality services.
Have been Turkey and absolutely loved the people. Was given a lot of respect especially when I said I was from Pakistan. Don't know if Arabs are treated differently but from what I saw when I was there, that was not the case.
low quality of tourism in Turkiye? What a ridiculous article.....Turkiye is a paradise for tourism. It's not an easy place if you cant speak basic Turkish (wasnt a problem for me as I can speak conversational) but it's a treasure trove of culture and history. Just because of once incident doesnt make it a bad place at all. Maybe there's some aspects to the story we dont know about

as for cleanliness - they put lots of emphasis on cleanliness I never saw a dirty restaurant even the cheap places for lahmacun or doner are clean. Istanbul is a huge city with huge population and yet they have a very efficient waste management system in place run by the municipalities. I was damn impressed. I'm pretty sure Rome or even New York City are less clean

Have been Turkey and absolutely loved the people. Was given a lot of respect especially when I said I was from Pakistan. Don't know if Arabs are treated differently but from what I saw when I was there, that was not the case.

it's the most welcoming place on earth especially if you are from Pakistan.......I encourage all Pakistanis who are able - they should visit the brotherly nation.
Nothing wrong with this article. Tourism in Turkey= risk of being killed by ISIS or Kurds, fake prices, annoying screaming people who want to force you into their stinking restaurants as this Arab lady wrote. Also racism towards arabs, kurds, Iranians, Russians, Shia and Alevis is making the region tired.

Now we see they are terrified that mosul gets liberated:

This country should not get any contract from the region and all tourism should be banned to go there because of dangers and racism.

I wonder just how nice those 6 were to non Arab's in their own country. They probably treated them worse.
So if a saudi acts bad towards someone in saudi arabia then it should be avenged upon innocent saudi tourists (who contribute to the local economy) somewhere else ?
Nothing wrong with this article. Tourism in Turkey= risk of being killed by ISIS or Kurds, fake prices, annoying screaming people who want to force you into their stinking restaurants as this Arab lady wrote. Also racism towards arabs, kurds, Iranians, Russians, Shia and Alevis is making the region tired.

I lived in Turkiye and still to this day visit friends there and I have NEVER felt unsafe. Take it from someone who has actually lived there and experienced Turkiye (14 different provinces)

Yes there are areas of Turkiye that have been affected by terrorism and proxy forces but that doesn't make it an "unsafe" country at all. Why are you so against Turkiye dude? :what:
Mistreatment of Arab tourists in Turkey

Samar Al-Mogrin

THE terrifying ordeal of six young Saudis at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gokcen International Airport and the 10-hour-long harassment they faced at the hands of Turkish security officers were a humiliation not only for the six individuals but also for all Saudis.

Local newspapers published detailed reports of the mistreatment received by the six men at the Turkish airport, an incident that deeply hurt all Saudi men and women. By this irresponsible action, the Turkish authorities targeted not only the six Saudi men but all of us.

I am surprised at the huge numbers of Gulf tourists who visit Turkey every year for spending their vacation or for treatment, especially for hair loss despite the low quality tourism and treatment offered by the country and the despicable behavior of Turks toward Arabs.

There are historical reasons for the Turks to consider Arabs as inferior to them. We see Arabs being mistreated even by Turkish taxi drivers and restaurant workers. Turkish traders consider Arab tourists as machines to mint money and raise prices immediately.

I have visited Turkey and witnessed the lack of cleanliness at Turkish restaurants.

The bad body odor that comes out of restaurant workers is sickening and people will not be able to enjoy the meals, no matter how delicious they are.

I have also noticed that Turkish taxi drivers do not respect tourists and are reluctant to operate meters as they want to exploit them by charging high fares. This again reflects their superiority complex. If they had some respect for the Arabs they would not have treated us like this.

Many people who have gone to Turkey for hair transplant treatment with the desire of having beautiful looks at low costs now think their baldness was better than the treatment.

I have noticed that those who had undergone hair loss treatment enjoyed it only for the first two years and then lamented the bad condition of their hair.

A specialist Saudi doctor has told me that hundreds of Saudis who had undergone hair loss treatment in Turkey have approached clinics in Saudi Arabia to improve the condition of their hair.

Tourism requires good planning. Haphazard travel arrangements create a lot of problems for Gulf families. The travelers must make advanced planning with regard to the destinations and the places they wish to see. They should select countries and places that offer them quality services.
Yo troll,this is an article from 2014 and the link doesnt work so this thread should be deleted.
Try some other way to troll.

Why are you so against Turkiye dude? :what:
He is probably butthurt.
I lived in Turkiye and still to this day visit friends there and I have NEVER felt unsafe. Take it from someone who has actually lived there and experienced Turkiye (14 different provinces)

Yes there are areas of Turkiye that have been affected by terrorism and proxy forces but that doesn't make it an "unsafe" country at all. Why are you so against Turkiye dude? :what:
Why is the whole world turning against Turkey is a better question. Because they support terrorism (al-nusra, MB, ISIS). It's fragile, already some german tourists, Iranian tourist got killed there, they plundered Syrian infrastructure by making guns-for-Industrial-machines deals. Iranian companies were active there before Turkey started to support the terrorists to make a big war in Syria. They also shot death syrian children who crossed into Turkey and sold fake products like fake life jackets so that people drown. Lately they make agressive comments towards Iraq and flattened Kurdish towns like Nuseybin.

If Rouhani continues ties with Turkey we'll react.
I dont see the world turning against Turkiye at all. Maybe in comments section in some forum you'll see vitriol and venom but who cares. While I may be of the view that the Syrian problem will require only a Syrian solution and that Turkiye is best served to stay away from Syrian issue - I do also agree that Turkiye has a right to defend itself against PKK and YPG which are terrorist groups that have attacked Turkish soldiers and Turkish cities.

By the way doesn't Iran also have a problem with Kurdish militant groups?

As for tourists killed - I'm pretty sure it's not Turkish policy to kill Iranian or German tourists when tourism is a source of revenue for Turkiye. It doesnt make sense
The article is from Saudi Gazette and recent.
Saudi Gazette-22 jun. 2016

I dont see the world turning against Turkiye at all. Maybe in comments section in some forum you'll see vitriol and venom but who cares. While I may be of the view that the Syrian problem will require only a Syrian solution and that Turkiye is best served to stay away from Syrian issue - I do also agree that Turkiye has a right to defend itself against PKK and YPG which are terrorist groups that have attacked Turkish soldiers and Turkish cities.

By the way doesn't Iran also have a problem with Kurdish militant groups?

As for tourists killed - I'm pretty sure it's not Turkish policy to kill Iranian or German tourists when tourism is a source of revenue for Turkiye. It doesnt make sense
They've made a wave of propaganda against Iran the past 10 years and we'll not stay silent, we'll answer them the same way, just have some patience.

Iran never wiped out 30000 Kurdish villages. Kurdish problem in Iran is artifical, in Turkey it's real. In 2038 50% of Turkey will be Kurds according to Turkish statistics.
They've made a wave of propaganda against Iran the past 10 years and we'll not stay silent. Iran never wiped out 30000 Kurdish villages. Kurdish problem in Iran is artifical, in Turkey it's real. In 2038 50% of Turkey will be Kurds according to Turkish statistics.

Iran and Turkiye in terms of size and population are almost the same. Best to work with eachother rather than allow west to succeed in divide and conquer strategy the way they did against the Ottoman Empire
Iran and Turkiye in terms of size and population are almost the same. Best to work with eachother rather than allow west to succeed in divide and conquer strategy the way they did against the Ottoman Empire
Arabs were killed and oppressed by ottoman terrorists. Syria and Kurds have now the same problem.

Pakistan should recognize Armenia, Pakistan doenst reach anything by not recognizing a genocide victim country like Armenia who never harmed pakistan. It's a shame that even Turkey recognizes Armenia but Pakistan not. Iran should mediate between Armenia and Pakistan. I'm happy that soon travelling between Iran and Armenia will be visa free.

Also Iran is creating a trade route to Europe bypassing Turkey which is great news for Iran and the whole region who will get connected through Iran to Europe, bypassing this turkey
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Arabs were killed and oppressed by ottoman terrorists. Syria and Kurds have now the same problem.

Pakistan should recognize Armenia, Pakistan doenst reach anything by not recognizing a genocide victim country like Armenia who never harmed pakistan. It's a shame that even Turkey recognizes Armenia but Pakistan not. Iran should mediate between Armenia and Pakistan. I'm happy that soon travelling between Iran and Armenia will be visa free.

Also Iran is creating a trade route to Europe bypassing Turkey which is great news for Iran and the whole region who will get connected through Iran to Europe, bypassing this turkey

I dont agree with the term "terrorists" for Ottoman empire. From a military standpoint I'd say they were geniuses. Look how many superpowers at that time which they defeated against all odds. As for the Arabs thing - the point is the British used divide and conquer strategy.

Regarding diplomatic relations -we also dont have diplomatic relations with a few South American countries....there's just no need to justify the expense to run an embassy when we have no trade or other ties. Doesnt mean we are enemies or deny their existence. As for the "genocide" issue - it was a civil war not a genocide. Many Ottoman Turks were killed during that period as well. I have no issue personally with diplomatic relations with Armenia, we have nothing against them at all why should we? In fact I think Armenian people are very beautiful (especially the women :P)

Turkiye is the gateway between Asia and Europe. If there are other trade routes then there's nothing wrong with that as competition is good. I say the same about Gwadar and Chah Bahar. It's not a zero sum game, countries should ALL respect eachother and cooperate - at least in an 'ideal' world
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