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Missile maker Raytheon bidding for tank upgrade in India


Jul 6, 2009
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Missile maker Raytheon bidding for tank upgrade in India - dnaindia.com

New Delhi: Raytheon Co, the world's biggest missile maker, said on Friday it and partner Larsen & Toubro have bid for the contract to upgrade 1,000 T-72 battle tanks in India.

Defence ministry officials said the government was looking to spend at least $100 million in upgrading the tanks, which India bought from Russia three decades ago.

"The upgrade will increase the lethality of the T-72 tanks," Fritz Treyz, vice president, Raytheon (India operations), told Reuters.

Ratheon has a tie-up with engineering and construction firm Larsen & Toubro in India.

The upgrades will include weapons and computer systems and enhance its operation by night.

India, one of the world's biggest arms importers, wants to spend $50 billion buying and upgrading weapons over the next five years.

Treyz said Raytheon will also launch the "fish hawk", an anti-submarine warfare weapon system next week in India.
What they forget to mention is that they will try their utmost to kill our top of the line 'Arjun' and upgrade the junk called T-72 along with able help from our honest politicians and babus.now pakistan can sleep in peace.
What they forget to mention is that they will try their utmost to kill our top of the line 'Arjun' and upgrade the junk called T-72 along with able help from our honest politicians and babus.now pakistan can sleep in peace.

If Indian Army did not want to upgrade T-72 than how Raytheon came into picture? :coffee:
If Indian Army did not want to upgrade T-72 than how Raytheon came into picture? :coffee:
Maybe just because they want to sell us something! We didn't asked for Hellfire anti-tank missiles, or V22 Osprey, or surveillance helicopters, the US just offered them to us, because their arms industry is big and they do anything to make some money!
Maybe just because they want to sell us something! We didn't asked for Hellfire anti-tank missiles, or V22 Osprey, or surveillance helicopters, the US just offered them to us, because their arms industry is big and they do anything to make some money!

Actually the Indian Army long been talking about T-72 upgrades but only recently they have taken the matter seriously. Indian armor is worst wrt Air Force and Naval capabilities and future plans.
Actually the Indian Army long been talking about T-72 upgrades but only recently they have taken the matter seriously. Indian armor is worst wrt Air Force and Naval capabilities and future plans.

Rather than buying more Arjun tanks, Indian Army to spend billions on refurbishing outdated T-72s
An Iraqi T-72 fires a broadside at a target in the desert. The Indian Army will be spending about Rs 5000 crores on modernising its aging T-72 for serving another 15-20 years.

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 3rd Feb 2010

The Indian Army chief’s dismaying disclosure last month, that India’s tank fleet was largely incapable of fighting at night, highlighted only a part of the problem with the Russian T-72, the army’s main tank. In fact, the T-72 is in far worse shape than General Deepak Kapoor let on.

Another signal of the T-72’s obsolescence was its recent withdrawal, by the army’s Directorate General of Mechanised Forces (DGMF), from next month’s comparative trials with the indigenous Arjun tank. An embarrassed DGMF has realized that, without major refurbishing, the T-72 was not in the Arjun’s class.

But in the army’s long-term planning, the T-72 --- which the more advance T-90 will replace only gradually --- will continue to equip almost half of the army’s 59 tank regiments as far in the future as 2022.

Business Standard has accessed a sheaf of technical reports and funding requests that actually quantify the state of the T-72. Exactly 32 years have passed since the first T-72s arrived in India; army guidelines stipulate 32 years as the service life of a tank. The earliest tanks from the army’s 2418-strong T-72 inventory should have already been retired, making way for a more modern tank, such as the T-90 or the Arjun.

Instead, the DGMF --- longstanding advocates of Russian equipment --- plans to spend Rs 5 crores per T-72, hoping to add another 15-20 years to that tank’s service life by replacing crucial systems, such as its fire control system, main engine and night vision devices.

The military’s Annual Acquisition Plan for 2008-2010 (AAP 2008-10) lists out the cost of modernizing the T-72 fleet as follows:

• New 1000-horsepower engines (identical to the T-90 tank) to replace the T-72’s old 780 horsepower engines. The cost of each engine: Rs 3 crores.

• Thermal Imaging Fire Control Systems (TIFCS) that will allow the T-72 gunners to observe, and fight at night. Each TIFCS will cost Rs 1.4 crores.

• Thermal Imaging (TI) sights to provide T-72 tank commanders with night vision. Each TI sight costs Rs 0.4 crores.

• An auxillary power unit (APU) to generate power for the tank’s electrical systems. Each APU will cost Rs 0.16 crores.

The Rs 5 crore cost of upgrading each T-72 knocks out the argument that the T-72 --- at Rs 9 crores apiece --- is value-for-money. Retrofitting upgraded systems will escalate the cost of the T-72 to Rs 14 crores. In contrast, a brand new Arjun, with a 1500 horsepower engine, state-of-the-art integrated electronics, and the indigenous, widely praised Kanchan armour, can be had for a marginally more expensive Rs 16.8 crores.

“It is folly to stick with Russian tanks despite having developed the Arjun, and the design capability to continuously improve it?” says Lt Gen Ajai Singh, who headed the army’s Directorate of Combat Vehicles before becoming Governor of Assam. “India can tailor the Arjun to our specific requirements and continuously upgrade the tank to keep it state-of-the-art. Why upgrade old T-72s? It is time to bring in the Arjun.”

The T-72’s galloping obsolescence is magnified by the MoD’s failure to overhaul tanks on schedule: some 800 T-72s are years overdue for overhaul. Originally, each T-72 was to be overhauled twice during its service life of 32 years. But as the overhaul agencies --- the Heavy Vehicles Factory, Avadi; and 505 Army Base Workshop, Delhi --- failed to meet their overhaul targets of 70 and 50 tanks respectively, the army decided that one overhaul was good enough. And with even that schedule not implemented, a desperate MoD has approached Indian industry to play a role in overhauling the T-72 fleet.

The total expenditure on the T-72 tank, budgeted for AAP 2008-10, is over Rs 5000 crores. The cost of overhaul has not been accurately determined.

I hope u get some idea.
Actually the Indian Army long been talking about T-72 upgrades but only recently they have taken the matter seriously. Indian armor is worst wrt Air Force and Naval capabilities and future plans.
Could be true, but my point was, that there don't have to be a real reason for US arms companies to offer us something. It's all about money making!
We just need arjun to be inducted in huge nos. now and simeltaneously upgrade it batch by batch, rest are all conspiracies to kill arjun or making money rackets.
Even as far as upgrading goes DRDO already has the prototype of tank EX aka Karan but it will also be killed for moneys sake by our enemies with the able help of our honest politicians. Even a company like tata owning jaguuar etc can do all this work but then the problem is how will the americans get a foot hold in india as they did in pakistan.I request all indians to be watching this very seriously.
Rather than buying more Arjun tanks, Indian Army to spend billions on refurbishing outdated T-72s
An Iraqi T-72 fires a broadside at a target in the desert. The Indian Army will be spending about Rs 5000 crores on modernising its aging T-72 for serving another 15-20 years.

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 3rd Feb 2010

The Indian Army chief’s dismaying disclosure last month, that India’s tank fleet was largely incapable of fighting at night, highlighted only a part of the problem with the Russian T-72, the army’s main tank. In fact, the T-72 is in far worse shape than General Deepak Kapoor let on.

Another signal of the T-72’s obsolescence was its recent withdrawal, by the army’s Directorate General of Mechanised Forces (DGMF), from next month’s comparative trials with the indigenous Arjun tank. An embarrassed DGMF has realized that, without major refurbishing, the T-72 was not in the Arjun’s class.

But in the army’s long-term planning, the T-72 --- which the more advance T-90 will replace only gradually --- will continue to equip almost half of the army’s 59 tank regiments as far in the future as 2022.

Business Standard has accessed a sheaf of technical reports and funding requests that actually quantify the state of the T-72. Exactly 32 years have passed since the first T-72s arrived in India; army guidelines stipulate 32 years as the service life of a tank. The earliest tanks from the army’s 2418-strong T-72 inventory should have already been retired, making way for a more modern tank, such as the T-90 or the Arjun.

Instead, the DGMF --- longstanding advocates of Russian equipment --- plans to spend Rs 5 crores per T-72, hoping to add another 15-20 years to that tank’s service life by replacing crucial systems, such as its fire control system, main engine and night vision devices.

The military’s Annual Acquisition Plan for 2008-2010 (AAP 2008-10) lists out the cost of modernizing the T-72 fleet as follows:

• New 1000-horsepower engines (identical to the T-90 tank) to replace the T-72’s old 780 horsepower engines. The cost of each engine: Rs 3 crores.

• Thermal Imaging Fire Control Systems (TIFCS) that will allow the T-72 gunners to observe, and fight at night. Each TIFCS will cost Rs 1.4 crores.

• Thermal Imaging (TI) sights to provide T-72 tank commanders with night vision. Each TI sight costs Rs 0.4 crores.

• An auxillary power unit (APU) to generate power for the tank’s electrical systems. Each APU will cost Rs 0.16 crores.

The Rs 5 crore cost of upgrading each T-72 knocks out the argument that the T-72 --- at Rs 9 crores apiece --- is value-for-money. Retrofitting upgraded systems will escalate the cost of the T-72 to Rs 14 crores. In contrast, a brand new Arjun, with a 1500 horsepower engine, state-of-the-art integrated electronics, and the indigenous, widely praised Kanchan armour, can be had for a marginally more expensive Rs 16.8 crores.

“It is folly to stick with Russian tanks despite having developed the Arjun, and the design capability to continuously improve it?” says Lt Gen Ajai Singh, who headed the army’s Directorate of Combat Vehicles before becoming Governor of Assam. “India can tailor the Arjun to our specific requirements and continuously upgrade the tank to keep it state-of-the-art. Why upgrade old T-72s? It is time to bring in the Arjun.”

The T-72’s galloping obsolescence is magnified by the MoD’s failure to overhaul tanks on schedule: some 800 T-72s are years overdue for overhaul. Originally, each T-72 was to be overhauled twice during its service life of 32 years. But as the overhaul agencies --- the Heavy Vehicles Factory, Avadi; and 505 Army Base Workshop, Delhi --- failed to meet their overhaul targets of 70 and 50 tanks respectively, the army decided that one overhaul was good enough. And with even that schedule not implemented, a desperate MoD has approached Indian industry to play a role in overhauling the T-72 fleet.

The total expenditure on the T-72 tank, budgeted for AAP 2008-10, is over Rs 5000 crores. The cost of overhaul has not been accurately determined.

I hope u get some idea.


I have read this article from Col Shukla's blog and also discussed with others many times.

What do you mean by posting that article?
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