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MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China


Jun 26, 2010
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Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, also known as MIRVs, on China and India's ballistic missiles potentially pose a more serious threat to the world than Iran or North Korea's nuclear programs.

Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, also known as MIRVs, on China and India's ballistic missiles potentially pose a more serious threat to the world than Iran or North Korea's nuclear programs, reported Zachary Keck, the managing editor of Washington-based The National Interest magazine on Dec. 19.

Keck said that MIRVs allow Chinese and Indian missiles to carry payloads of several nuclear warheads. Each of which can be directed at a different set of targets after the missiles are launched. It allows the nuclear warheads to be less vulnerable to anti-ballistic missile systems as well. This gives the MIRV system the dangerous capability to destabilize the strategic balance established during the Cold War.

First, a single missile containing a MIRV system can be used to eliminate numerous enemy nuclear sites simultaneously using only a small portion of its missile force. Second, the kill probability can be increased since the MIRV system allows missile to hit the same target more than one time. The weapon system has the potential to trigger a nuclear arms race, Keck said.

After the US deployed its first missiles with MIRV systems in 1968, the then-Soviet Union increased its number of nuclear warheads from 10,000 to 25,000. In the same time, the Soviet Union deployed its own missiles with MIRV systems. China and India used to maintain minimum deterrence and no-first use doctrines in regards to their nuclear missiles. Yet now, with the introduction of MIRV systems, the author said that the size of those two naitons's nuclear forces will expand.

While India's MIRV systems pose an immediate threat to Pakistan, the article said that China can pose a similar danger to Russia. Russia currently holds vastly more nuclear warheads than China. This is considered a source of relief for Moscow. This too will change though, as China begins to equip MIRV systems with its missiles and expands the size of its nuclear force. To prevent its nuclear superiority from eroding, Moscow must abrogate its arms control treaties with the United States.

Defence News - MIRV: game changing weapons system held by India and China
While India's MIRV systems pose an immediate threat to Pakistan, the article said that China can pose a similar danger to Russia. Russia currently holds vastly more nuclear warheads than China. This is considered a source of relief for Moscow. This too will change though, as China begins to equip MIRV systems with its missiles and expands the size of its nuclear force. To prevent its nuclear superiority from eroding, Moscow must abrogate its arms control treaties with the United States.
LOL......this is so funny, so the indian Agni V is not china centric as indian media claimed, but pakistan centric?? and chinese DF41 is aiming at Russia? WTF? freedom of expression indeed make ppl stupid....:coffee:
LOL......this is so funny, so the indian Agni V is not china centric as indian media claimed, but pakistan centric?? and chinese DF41 is aiming at Russia? WTF? freedom of expression indeed make ppl stupid....:coffee:

Yeah lol :lol:
India is not having MIRV technology Yet.....And it's the ultimate truth so no MIRV type things are possible in India....8-)
China has it in underground bases. India has it in imagination and boasting.
:o:..............How Sir....?

what is an MIRV system can you tell me ?

we have the capability covertly tested

just use logic and go thru the below

What is MIRV launching different / multiple payloads in different orbits at some time interval ? right

it involves mounting BUS and seperation of multiple payload technology

Now just read this

India has launched multiple satellites in orbit - LEO minimum - upto 10 satellites from 1 PSLV

Now Agni / prithvi missiles are derivative of PSLV stages

now imagine 5 MIRV payload on an AGNI and see we have alrady tested the mounting, launching and seperation of multiple payloads in different orbits

connect the dots

we only need some modifications - which i think are already done on paper and to test it

will be done at appropriate time - geopolitical, economic time of need -

a time when we need to show that tech to world

what is an MIRV system can you tell me ?

we have the capability covertly tested

just use logic and go thru the below

What is MIRV launching different / multiple payloads in different orbits at some time interval ? right

it involves mounting BUS and seperation of multiple payload technology

Now just read this

India has launched multiple satellites in orbit - LEO minimum - upto 10 satellites from 1 PSLV

Now Agni / prithvi missiles are derivative of PSLV stages

now imagine 5 MIRV payload on an AGNI and see we have alrady tested the mounting, launching and seperation of multiple payloads in different orbits

connect the dots

we only need some modifications - which i think are already done on paper and to test it

will be done at appropriate time - geopolitical, economic time of need -

a time when we need to show that tech to world
You need to show the world that you can produce a workable miniature nuke warhead before you can talk about MIRV.
You need to show the world that you can produce a workable miniature nuke warhead before you can talk about MIRV.

there is no need to show & display everything to the public

most intelligence agencies and govts have pretty good iidea
The poor chap who wrote this lost his head by the time he got to the last paragraph.

Not necessarily -

Russians are not very comfortable with growing Chinese conventional capability.

The Implications of the New Doctrine ------------------------------------

¶5. (C) Zolotarev argued that, while the chances of a large-scale war breaking out are remote, China would most likely be the target of any preemptive nuclear strike. Most serious military planners dismissed any threat from NATO long ago, he posited. China still has a mass mobilization army, he said, and the Russian Far East is thinly populated, has little infrastructure, and a small Russian military contingent. With the Russian army restructured to rapidly respond to small-scale wars, the GOR would have to rely on its nuclear deterrent to prevent a Chinese attack. He admitted, however, that by declaring the right to launch a nuclear first strike, Russia appeared to be taking a step back from the spirit, if not the letter of its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Article VI commitments regarding nuclear disarmament. Other analysts have told us the poor state of Russia's conventional forces leave the planners with MOSCOW 00003138 002 OF 002 no choice but to rely more heavily on nuclear weapons in their war-fighting doctrine. Rubin

Cable reference id: #09MOSCOW3138
what is an MIRV system can you tell me ?

we have the capability covertly tested

just use logic and go thru the below

What is MIRV launching different / multiple payloads in different orbits at some time interval ? right

it involves mounting BUS and seperation of multiple payload technology

Now just read this

India has launched multiple satellites in orbit - LEO minimum - upto 10 satellites from 1 PSLV

Now Agni / prithvi missiles are derivative of PSLV stages

now imagine 5 MIRV payload on an AGNI and see we have alrady tested the mounting, launching and seperation of multiple payloads in different orbits

connect the dots

we only need some modifications - which i think are already done on paper and to test it

will be done at appropriate time - geopolitical, economic time of need -

a time when we need to show that tech to world

Yes it's possible the evolution of the Icbm was from the SLV itself the Titan, titan 2 are all space launching vechiles.And were improved and modernised.
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