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Mirage III / V of Pakistan Air Force

Mirage VPAIII equipped with GPS guided bomb. REK (Range extension kit) is a locally developed gadget which embodies smart capabilities and extends range by many folds of a general purpose bomb.

Mirage-IIIDF from No.22 Sqn "Ghazis" taxing out of its hardened pen for a training mission.
Customized for special roles, these Mirages due to specific modifications are well integrated into the modern operational construct of PAF...


Zarrars formation:
A five ship formation of No.27 Sqn Mirage-VEF and Mirage-VDD aircraft flying over Indus river. Navigation and Attack System (NAS), Forward Looking Infra-red (FLIR) sensors and Night Visions Goggles (NVG) allow No.27 Sqn Mirages to perform both day and night missions with equal precision.

“A warrior with a cause is the most dangerous soldier of all”
Legendary Mirage from No.22 OCU "Ghazi" Squadron. The squadron apart from its traditional role of training delta riders is also tasked with tactical standoff strike missions with special weapons..
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