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Mirage 2000 to PAF? UAE

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I think we already had a whole thread dedicated for this discussions and it was decided PAF dosent need Mirage 2000s. Why do you people want to waste the band width?
:)why do u need MRCA when SU-30 is there..
by the way, what is it with these arabs - are they having problems operating the mirage 2000's!? first the qataris and now the UAE!
by the way, what is it with these arabs - are they having problems operating the mirage 2000's!? first the qataris and now the UAE!

Too much money and it gives them a "sense of security" and pride by having the latest or best. I honestly do not know why UAE went for the blk 60 either. That sense of security is from fellow Arab nations because if Israel or US ever wanted to invade UAE or Qatar, all these planes will be smoked out at an instance's notice.

I don't think UAE or Qatar have advanced armed forces or intelligence to even make a show against the above mentioned nations.
It is not about having problems with mirage 2000 but the arabs want to be in the front seat when it comes to latest weapons. They see that Israel is going for latest. They see Iran getting better equipment in the near future. Even Pakistan is improving at a better pace then they do. And if SU30 keeps selling well in Africa and Asia then the arabs are there with not the best option.

Fot Pakistan it will be direct available and with lots of goodies that make it worth. It would be a major change and not very complex one cuase they know the plane and they have surely the people that can adapt it. And it would be more intresting to buy upgrades that could be used by JF17 (weapons/avionics)...
Maybe the French are going to "exchange" them for the Rafale's. Some sort of price adjustments and then sell those Mirage's to India, Considering the Indians are looking for upgrades. and maybe more airframes
It is not about having problems with mirage 2000 but the arabs want to be in the front seat when it comes to latest weapons. They see that Israel is going for latest. They see Iran getting better equipment in the near future. Even Pakistan is improving at a better pace then they do. And if SU30 keeps selling well in Africa and Asia then the arabs are there with not the best option.

Fot Pakistan it will be direct available and with lots of goodies that make it worth. It would be a major change and not very complex one cuase they know the plane and they have surely the people that can adapt it. And it would be more intresting to buy upgrades that could be used by JF17 (weapons/avionics)...

what i meant that it is not the mirage with the problems but the arabs!

mirage 2000 with upgrades is nothing to sneeze at - just ask the brazilians - they purchased 1 sqdn of excess french mirages, upgraded at a cheap USD12m each and bingo!
It reminds me of a old friend of mine busy with building hangars for the Tornado in Saudia. They finished building the most expensive and updated hangar... Then the big pinguin (boss) came and was not happy with the size so they had to destroy it the same day and rebuild something bigger. No questions allowed. They did not understand but since it was paid (building, destruction and building) they agreed. This should somehow explain the childish psych of many arabs. If you visit that nation you will see that they will see real camel arabs as ubermensh and asians as the lowest. One should even remind that the brother of the royal family of UAE (king or prince) was doing a much worser job then the US did in Abu Graib... He broke bones of poor Afghani farmer by driving a SUV over his body... And it was not the only one...

I am not a fan of arabs. They are hardly worth to be admired.
We simply do not need them, PAF has bright future in JF-17, J-10...its just the beginning...SELF RELIANCE
by the way, what is it with these arabs - are they having problems operating the mirage 2000's!? first the qataris and now the UAE!

Sir its very simple There arent 2 many pictures inside the fighter instead mostly writing.:rofl:

They have to keep the masters happy in order for them to be the Queens.
Munir.. read the gold bird by Mansoor shah..
interesting story about why the Saudi's bought the Lightening.
Some more info...

France Inaugurates Joint Military Base in Persian Gulf

“With this permanent military presence, France resolutely commits itself to the security of her Emirati friends,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated on May 26, in Abu Dhabi, during the inauguration of the first French permanent military base in the region.

The French commander-in-chief was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Bernard Kouchner, the Minister for Defense, Herve Morin, and General Jean-Louis Georgelin, chief of the defence staff. “This joint base is the direct consequence of the defense agreement which binds us to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) since January 1995”, defense minister Herve Morin recalled in January 2008 [when the basing agreement was concluded—Ed.]

In July 2007, the French Head of State, following a request by the UAE, had committed to develop a permanent military presence in the country, before publicly announcing it in January 2008.

A few months later, in June 2008, the White Paper on defense and the national security spelled out the strategic importance of this region for France. The “rationalization of the military assets stationed outside of the national territory” must indeed lead France to include in its posture “one or two spring-boards in the Arabic-Persian Gulf”.

The UAE, the world’s third-largest oil exporter, are located on southern bank of the Persian Gulf. They constitute, together with the Sultanate of Oman, the southern point of the Strait of Hormuz, through which passes nearly 40% of the planet’s oil production. To the North, on the other side of the Gulf, lies Iran.

Bilateral operational co-operation, and a military presence within the framework of the defense agreements, are among the priority missions of this French military establishment. Its role will also include supporting French military assets deployed in the Gulf and the north of the Indian Ocean, and specifically the home port of the flagship of ALINDIEN, the French naval task force in the Indian Ocean. The Admiral commanding the French naval zone of the Indian Ocean will also, under the direct command of the chief of the defence staff, command all French joint forces deployed on the UAE base.

The base itself will comprise three main components: a naval and support base, an air base and an Army battle group. About 100 French personnel are currently stationed at the base, rising to 250 in September, including 110 permanent staff. (In his speech, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said “over 500” French soldiers would be stationed in the UAE—Ed.)

A detachment of three Mirage 2000 or Rafale fighters have been permanently stationed on the air base since October 1, 2008.

A training center for desert operations, operated by the army contingent, will receive its first trainees at the end of 2009.

The base’s inauguration was marked by (the hoisting) of French and Emirati flags in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Department of the Emirates, Sheik Seïf Ben Zayed Al-Nahyane, who stated that “because it contributes to the stability of the Gulf region, we see this co-operation as an important pillar of our foreign policy.”

The President President’s visit also comprised an economic aspect, with prospects for the sale of French nuclear plants and of Rafale combat aircraft. This new French military establishment in the UAE will provide, said President Sarkozy, “an opportunity for the UAE forces to familiarize themselves with French equipment, and to appreciate their performance.”

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Although the above statement is short on specifics, sources say that the procurement of 60 Rafale fighters by the UAE is practically a foregone conclusion, and that contractors have already begun preparatory work for their production.

However, the official contract will not be signed until final arrangements are concluded for the buy-back and disposal of the UAE’s present fleet of Mirage 2000-9 fighters, and the financing of certain Rafale improvements including the fitting of an AESA radar, uprated M-88 engines and certification of additional weapons, the sources say. The contract is worth 6 to 8 billion euros.

UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan said on Tuesday the purchase of the Rafale fighters “was discussed," adding that "I can say there has been positive progress on this issue." In his own speech, however, Sarkozy made no mention of the Rafale sale.

Although described as a single base, the French facility (known as Implantation Militaire Française aux Emirats Arabes Unis, or IMFEAU) will in fact comprise three different installations, including a French facility at Al Dhafra air base, berthing facilities at the port of Mina Zayed, and an army camp at Zayed. It will also include an intelligence-gathering installation.

Left unsaid is the fact that, added to the permanent base it maintains in Djibouti, at the mouth of the Red Sea, the Abu Dhabi base will allow France to monitor and control of two of the world’s most strategic maritime passages, the Straits of Hormuz and of Bab el Mandel.)
Add to that Zardari to France and talking about deals in defence area... It might be an option (have no idea whether it is something realistic cause it could be also something for India) to get the Mirages or some co-buy of rafale... Certainly the rafale is something PAF can use very effectively next to Block 52, JF17 and J10B... I just try to click some parts together...
Hostilities aside Maverick has his opinion and rest have their opinion as he said
my opinion only i may be wrong !!!!!!!
so what all the fuss to ignore one another..

PAF has the capability and the ability to maintain largest Mirages fleet for the last 38-40 years...we can without problems Maintain couple of squadrons of Mirage2000s...if PAF & U.A.E facilitate some soft loan arrangement similar to JF-17s deal i don't think France will ever object..

Opinion is one thing, being wrong on facts is another. It is expected of the members to look up information prior to posting rubbish which includes (I can guarantee intentionally too) pointing out the "aid" bit for the F-16 purchase.
We simply do not need them, PAF has bright future in JF-17, J-10...its just the beginning...SELF RELIANCE

Ur name is well choosen "Dreamer". Just wake up guy
JF-17 n J-10 r gud birds but they still in testing phase. Mirage has a history n PAF has capability to maintain it.
I read a Sqn. Leader interview. He said we consider the Mirage as best platform for strike mission.

Secondly i think frenchs have no objection to sell us. When we purchased F-16 in 1983 Frenchs offered us Mirage 2000
UAE has great ties with PAF so i think UAE will click on PAF not India
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