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Minorities not getting bank credit in India: report

I think you got it wrong, there are 500 million below povert line and 800 million under $ 2 a day (if I am not wrong). But again we do not have to convert every issue in to "hunger in India", let us stick to the topic, why it is that percentage of minorities is too low in getting loans.

I mean we should talk it on basis of % and not on poitical speach.
Actually you are wrong in those numbers; And we have explained the causes fof why Banks dont give loans to poor people, Isnt that why Micro-fiancing actually took place. There are lot of initiavtives by the government of India, Please google for more

Here is the Indian budget for 2007.


I can write a few pages on Indian budget, but we are talking about this article, the question remains, why the minorities are in less % in getting loans in India?

Are they being discriminated or they are under developed comapred to majority Hindu population.

Please stick to the %, it is the best way to understand.
Malay is talking in dreams or belongs to RSS or Sangh Parivar block.These are the people who in there 4000 years old history degraded lower cast people to a status less than animals. justice and equality with lower cast Hindus and Muslims is mere talking.There is a systematic program going on by these fascist to harm and destroy Muslims and make them beggers. Anti Muslim riots even after 60+ years of independence are one example of this.They destroyed systematically the Prosperous economy of Gujrati Muslim. They can't see Muslim prosperity in India.They don't want a single muslim in India it is their menifesto (Read RSS constitution).
For centuries they are working on the principles of Sam Dam Dand Bhed. They are the followers of Chanakiya.They are putting the Indian muslims to wall which is a very dangerous step. They have studied Spain history, have links with the Zionist Israel so that they learn there tricks to destroy muslims.
They will never accept that they are follwoing a route to systematically damage the Indian muslims. Now there are no anti Hindu riots in Pakistan or Bangladesh any more but they are still taking revenge from Indian muslims for creation of Pakistan for which their own behaviour is equally or more responsible. They can't change because it's there way of life as given in Manusmariti.
Does Pakistan or any other country have such plans for providing collaterals for Minorities ? Perhaps India can take cue from it.
Malay is talking in dreams or belongs to RSS or Sangh Parivar block.These are the people who in there 4000 years old history degraded lower cast people to a status less than animals. justice and equality with lower cast Hindus and Muslims is mere talking.There is a systematic program going on by these fascist to harm and destroy Muslims and make them beggers. Anti Muslim riots even after 60+ years of independence are one example of this.They destroyed systematically the Prosperous economy of Gujrati Muslim. They can't see Muslim prosperity in India.They don't want a single muslim in India it is their menifesto (Read RSS constitution).
For centuries they are working on the principles of Sam Dam Dand Bhed. They are the followers of Chanakiya.They are putting the Indian muslims to wall which is a very dangerous step. They have studied Spain history, have links with the Zionist Israel so that they learn there tricks to destroy muslims.
They will never accept that they are follwoing a route to systematically damage the Indian muslims. Now there are no anti Hindu riots in Pakistan or Bangladesh any more but they are still taking revenge from Indian muslims for creation of Pakistan for which their own behaviour is equally or more responsible. They can't change because it's there way of life as given in Manusmariti.

What is the point in explaining if Hindu's follow Chnakya, etc, etc and want to punish the muslims. Whatever i say would be a lie anyways wont it?

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