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Millions of Indians will turn up at Delhi Airport if US offers to settle them in America: Taliban

“If now, the US in India announces that whosoever wants to go to the western countries to reside there, can come to the Delhi airport in the next 2-3 hours, you’ll see that lakhs of people will flood the airport, does that mean everyone is terrified of the Indian government ?” Shaheen remarked.

Basically that Indian Media Anchor of TV9 Channel, asked a stupid question to Taliban and got his Country India mocked and ridiculed. Ask some sane and proper questions without a gibe. Indian reporters are poor in journalism.

Seriously, comparing one off isolated incident to masses of people flooding the runway to escape?

On a side note,how the hell did that guy survived several hours in a dark cramped space with -50° temperature, thin atmosphere and barely any oxygen. This is totally unreal, many professional trained mountain climbers have succumbed to elements in less extreme environment with all their gears.
“If now, the US in India announces that whosoever wants to go to the western countries to reside there, can come to the Delhi airport in the next 2-3 hours, you’ll see that lakhs of people will flood the airport, does that mean everyone is terrified of the Indian government ?” Shaheen remarked.

Oh dear Indian glass palace just came down with a bang but supa power's lies tower still stands tall.
Taking a jibe at India...and their begging desire to run to US.

Millions of Indians will turn up at Delhi Airport if US offers to settle them in America: Taliban

Taking a jibe at India...and their begging desire to run to US.

Millions of Indians will turn up at Delhi airport if US offers to settle them in America: Taliban

A senior Taliban spokesperson has said that millions of Indians will throng New Delhi airport if the US administration offers to fly them to America and settle them there.

In an interview with India’s TV9, Sohail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Taliban’s political office in Qatar, sought to dismiss as “propaganda” media reports claiming that millions of Afghans were fleeing the Taliban rule in their country.

Anchor: “You [Taliban] have consistently assured the people of their safety. You have also announced a general amnesty. Yet crowds of Afghans are fleeing the country. Why is that so?”

Read more: Taliban call for peaceful solution of Panjshir standoff

Shaheen: “If the US makes an announcement now in India that anybody who wants to relocate to America shall reach Delhi airport within three hours, you will see hundreds of thousands of people [Indians] will turn up there.”

He went on to ask the anchor, “Does that mean all of these people are terrified of your [Indian] government?”

The anchor interjects: “A large number of people gathered at the same place where the deadly explosion took place a day earlier in a desperate attempt to get out of Afghanistan. How would you respond to this?

Read Afghan women forced from banking jobs as Taliban take control

The anchor was referring to the August 27 suicide blasts that ripped through crowds at the American-controlled Kabul airport, killing dozens, including 13 US service members. The Khorasan franchise of Islamic State claimed credit for the sickening attack.

Shaheen: “You said a large number of people turned up at the airport. This is not true.” He blamed the US announcement of evacuating people from Afghanistan for the chaos at the airport.

“Most of the people gathered at the airport had never worked with the US or its allies. They saw it as an opportunity to get out of Afghanistan and settle in Western countries,” he added.

is this true? India is a super power, I saw a Indian movie clip here on PDF, white Americans flock to India to be servants
Yes but we wouldn't hang on to landing gears of plane when it is taking off or throw our children over barbed fences

Your right you wouldn’t be hanging onto the land gear, cause you’ll be sitting on top of it like you riding a train in India.
is this true? India is a super power, I saw a Indian movie clip here on PDF, white Americans flock to India to be servants

India is a super power of poverty, India is a super power of highest IMF Aid recipient, India is super of open defecation and India is super power of raping in women and girls.
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