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Militant Reaffirms Role of Pakistan in Mumbai Attacks

A Change is what will get Pakistan out of this mindset.
I dont know about you..
But the "Jihad" did save Pakistan from becoming Part of USSR..
You youngsters can only come up with dumb brain farts fed to you by western media...
lol..you guys are gone anyways. part of ussr or part of talban?
If you've got enough evidence - Take Pakistan to the ICJ and justify your aspersions !
I dont know about you..
But the "Jihad" did save Pakistan from becoming Part of USSR..
You youngsters can only come up with dumb brain farts fed to you by western media...

USA's nuclear umbrella did.

The Jihadists were nothing more than "a few stirred up Muslims" as far as the real players in the game were concerned.
See the problem is once the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan, the whole Jihad concept should have ended.

But what ended up happening is that Jihad became part and parcel of Pakistani Mosque Sermons and Madrassas.

And Pakistani Genreals foolishly believed that what they did in Afghanistan, they can emulate in Kashmir. And thus they augmented Kashmiri militants with Afghan fighters in hoping to bleed India the way they did Soviet Union. But it didn't work.

Then Pakistan lost control of these Jihadists and they started harboring foreign terrorists like al Qaeda and then they did 9/11 which caused USA to bomb them and it drove them into Pakistan's tribal areas.

Thats where they decided to bring about a Wahhabi Islamic State in Pakistan.

What you did is respond in the usual troll language of "Brain farts" "dumb" "western media" as a typical troll does when he is confronted by facts and runs behind such lingo to hide.

The ultimate irony is that the Farmers who bred the assorted Snakes in the name of Jehad are losing control of the Farm to the Snakes rapidly and are scurrying about for cover while hoping that the Snakes will go away.

That canard that Pakistan is in danger from the USSR (supposedly because the Soviets were looking for "Warm waters"/ Garam Paani) is an absolute fabrication that was created by Zia and supported by the Americans (for their own reasons). While Zia created that in order to create his place in History as a modern-day Caliph presiding over an Islamic Crescent running westwards through the CARs. But that was pure Manure.

Now the tragedy is that Pakistan is getting hammered both internally and externally while the prime architects of that misbegotten policy have evaporated.
I dont know about you..
But the "Jihad" did save Pakistan from becoming Part of USSR..
You youngsters can only come up with dumb brain farts fed to you by western media...

Soviets wold have had you for supper if not for Americans. Climb down from the milky white horse of delusion.
If you've got enough evidence - Take Pakistan to the ICJ and justify your aspersions !
That's not an option. The ICJ has generally refrained from hearing contentious cases that are political in nature, due in part to its lack of enforcement mechanism and its lack of compulsory jurisdiction. The Court does not have jurisdiction to hear cases involving the use of force which includes terror related issues.

Anyway, thanks for the advise! :smokin:
That's not an option. The ICJ has generally refrained from hearing contentious cases that are political in nature, due in part to its lack of enforcement mechanism and its lack of compulsory jurisdiction. The Court does not have jurisdiction to hear cases involving the use of force which includes terror related issues.

Anyway, thanks foe the advise! :smokin:

It doesn't matter whether it is enforced or not ! It would simply lead credence to the aspersions which currently are, in our opinion, neither substantiated nor admissible to court. In the '99 Atlantique incident Pakistan took India to court where India argued that the ICJ had no jurisdiction to hear such cases; as it so happens Pakistan has never maintained such a stance, we took you guys over Kashmir and then on this incident recognizing their jurisdiction ! Which is to say if India were to take this step there are enough voices in Pakistan to suggest that we will respect the court's jurisdiction and present our counter-case !

Or you could always go to the ICC and charge the ISI or the named Government Personnel from Pakistan under 'crimes against humanity' or 'war-crimes' or whatever the relevant legal filing ought to be !

The point is let the evidence be examined by an impartial panel of jurists who determine whether Pakistan is to blame or not instead of releasing these snippets of information to the media and then doing a victory dance !
It doesn't matter whether it is enforced or not ! It would simply lead credence to the aspersions which currently are, in our opinion, neither substantiated nor admissible to court. In the '99 Atlantique incident Pakistan took India to court where India argued that the ICJ had no jurisdiction to hear such cases; as it so happens Pakistan has never maintained such a stance, we took you guys over Kashmir and then on this incident recognizing their jurisdiction ! Which is to say if India were to take this step there are enough voices in Pakistan to suggest that we will respect the court's jurisdiction and present our counter-case !

Or you could always go to the ICC and charge the ISI or the named Government Personnel from Pakistan under 'crimes against humanity' or 'war-crimes' or whatever the relevant legal filing ought to be !

The point is let the evidence be examined by an impartial panel of jurists who determine whether Pakistan is to blame or not instead of releasing these snippets of information to the media and then doing a victory dance !

Somehow it sounds lame, how will ICJ probe your intelligence agency?? Evidence can be rubbished by ISI, who is it answerable to?

That piece of information is published by a foreign source not an Indian source.. it is not required to dance, the objectives are subtle but working, the exposure is enough for Pakistan to be seen dubiously and is eroding your diplomacy..

But for all that you need some hard evidence and facts which India has and thus is believed the world over..
I dont know about you..
But the "Jihad" did save Pakistan from becoming Part of USSR..
You youngsters can only come up with dumb brain farts fed to you by western media...

Take a look around.

Is this your idea of a ' saved ' Pakistan ?
Somehow it sounds lame, how will ICJ probe your intelligence agency?? Evidence can be rubbished by ISI, who is it answerable to?

Why would it need to probe our intelligence agency ? You've got all the evidence...haven't you ? Present it to a panel of impartial jurists and let them decide whether that evidence implicates us or not !
Why would it need to probe our intelligence agency ? You've got all the evidence...haven't you ? Present it to a panel of impartial jurists and let them decide whether that evidence implicates us or not !

Evidence is something which has to be established as genuine, in case of ISI anything can be proved false by your agency, after all it is one of the most powerful agency in Pakistan.
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