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Mil-establishment is winning?

Well people hate them more than anything. If this is winning then they are even nore stupid than i thought.
We are on step 1 of our journey to freedom. It could take decades of struggle to be rid of the establishment. We might well fail at this first step, doesn't matter, whats changed now from the past is that there is an open, public acceptance and dialouge against their control. What used to be whispered in people's drawing rooms is spoken all across social media.

We also must not be fooled into thinking the problem is limited to the military - they are just the chowkidar of the elite. The judicary, the political class, the fuedals, the bureaucracy, journalists, even many so called industrialists - they're all part of the problem.
How do you think a new COAS is made? On merit!.. or compromised names are suggested by ongoing COAS to politicians, the US etc., so that the grip on the deep state remains? At least for now, it seems a corrupt Gen has gathered all corrupt or feeble Lt genz around. Be it Nadeem, Amir, or others.
So, the thing is: Unless we have a patriotic Chief, CJ, PM, etc.. we are losing.
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Imran Khan's economic line is actually the culprit of Pakistan's economic collapse and blackout.

When Imran Khan came to power in 2018, he borrowed heavily from the IMF. As part of the debt treaty, Khan’s government cut subsidy expenditures in the energy sector, which led to an increase in energy prices throughout Pakistan from 2018 to the present.

The IMF advised Imran Khan to devalue the rupee to improve tax collection.

Khan's government decided to raise import duties to collect higher taxes and devalue the currency. The heavy import duties did reduce the account deficit on paper, and Pakistan moved up 28 places in the World Bank's ease of doing business index. Pakistan was among the top 10 most improved countries in 2019, and tax revenue in Pakistan also hit a record high in 2019.

But don't forget that Pakistan is a country with underdeveloped light and heavy industries. The rising prices of daily necessities caused by rising energy and dependence on imports of daily necessities have caused Pakistan's per capita income to fall instead of rising. As the government increases revenue from domestic taxation, import taxes There is no increase in income (taking into account that import compression reduces the quantity of imports, so the government collects a further reduction in taxes from imports).

On the other hand, the government of Imran Khan has engaged in public works again. The first public works plan of the Khan government is to promote the increase of renewable energy production, start to stop the construction of coal power, and strive to make Pakistan Most of the goals to use renewable energy, long-term this is the fuse of today's blackout in Pakistan.

In the short term, this has caused panic in Pakistan's coal power market and further stimulated the rise in electricity prices. The rise in electricity prices not only affects the daily life of ordinary people, but also affects Pakistan's agricultural production and agricultural product exports, causing food prices to rise and Pakistan's important The market competitiveness of the export commodity cotton is weak.

An additional $450 million was loaned to the World Bank to build the $14 billion Diamer-Bhasha dam.

The ambitious Pakistani reforestation project has begun again, reforesting with more than 10 billion trees, and plans to plant 3.3 billion trees in the first three and a half years of the Khan government, which will cost more than $500 million in the first three and a half years.

As a result, Pakistan's fiscal deficit has further risen from negative 226.04 billion rupees in 2018 to negative 344.49 billion rupees in 2019.

On June 19, 2019, Reza Bakir, Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, sent a letter to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, seeking IMF assistance under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), on the grounds that foreign exchange reserves had reached a critically low level and international The balance of payments gap remains large in an environment of restricted market access. The situation is grim and extremely worrying.

Weak policies have led to increased macroeconomic vulnerability, procyclical fiscal policies have led to a surge in fiscal deficits, and loose monetary policies have led to a sharp increase in current account deficits. The fiscal deficit widened to 7.3% annualized for the second consecutive year and the current account deficit was at 6.3% in 2018-19, narrowing due to a 19% rupee depreciation.
What we are witnessing is Nura Khusti between PDM, PTI, SC and mil-establishment at the expense of 235m people of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The constitution has been passed through the shredding machine, never to be glued ever again.
A simple open and shut case of holding elections within 90 days as per the shredded constitution should have been decided by the SC in a matter of days if not hours.
While the people look like a bunch of "Chays". Look how the people of S.Korea ousted their corrupt and criminal president by taking to the streets.
Our people power is just that "on paper only"
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