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MiG-21 Fighter aircraft

Its a wonderful jet, having this in a highly intensified air combat with higher number of jets involved a big advantage.
The Mikoyan design bureau began development of the MiG-21 in the 1950s, in order to replace the crash-prone MiG-19s. Its first flight was in 1956. Production began in 1959, and it entered service soon after. Although no longer in production, after over 50 years (counting Chinese production), more than 10 000 units were produced, serving in 50 countries. It holds the record for the most-produced jet aircraft. The MiG-21 continues to serve in around 20 countries to this very day.
Mig-21: 10,645 produced in the USSR, 657 in India, 194 in Czechoslovakia. Total 11,496.
plus Chengdu J-7 / F-7 Airguard (China): 2,400+
equals 13,896+

I would like to see some data on total combat and peacetime losses/attrition, preverably also by Air Force.

Further development: into Guizhou JL-9 / FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle (Shanying) trainer
Mig-21: 10,645 produced in the USSR, 657 in India, 194 in Czechoslovakia. Total 11,496.
plus Chengdu J-7 / F-7 Airguard (China): 2,400+
equals 13,896+

I would like to see some data on total combat and peacetime losses/attrition, preverably also by Air Force.

Further development: into Guizhou JL-9 / FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle (Shanying) trainer

Here are combat statistics which shows that two MiG-21s are shot down for every kill.

Israel has 320-89 vs the MiG-21.
Even in Vietnam, the combat statistics were against the MiG-21.
More was shot down, than managed to shoot down.
Mig-21: 10,645 produced in the USSR, 657 in India, 194 in Czechoslovakia. Total 11,496.
plus Chengdu J-7 / F-7 Airguard (China): 2,400+
equals 13,896+

I would like to see some data on total combat and peacetime losses/attrition, preverably also by Air Force.

Further development: into Guizhou JL-9 / FTC-2000 Mountain Eagle (Shanying) trainer

MiG-21 - FISHBED. Chronology and export.

This article provides information on the history of the MiG-21 in the production and in the USSR Air Force, as well as data on export MiG-21 aircraft.

Total in the USSR during the years of the MiG-21 of various modifications made:
- factory "Banner of Labor" (Moscow) - 3203 copies.
- Gorky aircraft plant "Sokol" - 5278 copies.
- Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing - 1677 copies.

TOTAL: 10158 copies. (in USSR).


MiG-21F-13 Vietnam Air Force ( http://militaryphotos.net ).

Status: USSR / Russia:
- 1958-1986 gg - Years of serial production of the MiG-21 in different variants and versions;


- 1958 - at the Tbilisi aircraft plant built the first 7 copies of the MiG-21F;

- 1959-1960 gg - Serial production of the MiG-21F is carried out at the Gorky aircraft plant (built 69 copies in 1960.), Tbilisi (10 ind.) And at the Moscow factory "Banner of Labor" (30 copies in 1959.);

- 1960-1962 gg - At the Gorky aircraft plant maintained production of the MiG-21F-13, produced by years:
1960 - 132 copies.
1961 - 272 copies.
1962 - 202 copies.

- 1960-1965 gg - Made MiG-21F-13 at the Moscow factory "Banner of Labor";

- 1976 - the Air Force have all serial MiG-21, the total number of armed approx. 2000 copies .;

- 1979 - all armed with 3600 copies .;

- 1980-1981 gg - MiG-21 was withdrawn from service, only the Air Force approx. 1300 MiG-21 and more than 300 scouts; in Afghanistan with the 40th Army entered 48 copies. MiG-21cm / CMT / bis and one squadron of MiG-21R;

- 1983 - all in the Air Force in 1200 copies .;

- 1990 October - are in service with the following modifications of the MiG-21 - bis, M, MF, PF, PFM, P, RF, C, CM, CMT, PA, FF;

- 1993 - almost completely withdrawn from service;

- 1994 - plant "Sokol" in Nizhny Novgorod is an assembly batch of MiG-21I (new MiG-21bis);

- 2012 - decommissioned last MiG-21.

- 1991-1993 gg - Armed with 20 copies. F-7 (MiG-21 in the Chinese version);

- 1977 - 6 copies supplied. MiG-21MF;
- 1978 - Put 25 copies. MiG-21MF;
- 1981 - armed with 25 copies. MiG-21MF;
- 1983 - all armed with 70 copies. MiG-21 (including the MiG-21F);
- 1991 - for all time delivered to approx. 90 copies. MiG-21;
- 1993 - armed with 98 copies. MiG-21;

- 1975 - 32 copies delivered. MiG-21F;
- 1983 - all armed with 40 copies. (MiG-21F including);
- 1991 - for the time of 70 copies delivered .;
- 1993 - armed with 35 copies. MiG-21 and 6 copies. MiG-21U;

- 1978 - delivered 20 copies. MiG-21MF;
- 1980 - there armed with MiG-21MF and MiG-21bis;
- 1986 - is on arms, including MiG-21F;
- 1990 - 23 copies delivered. MiG-21bis and 2 copies. MiG-21UM, as well as 8 copies. engines for MiG-21bis P-25-300; just renovated in the USSR 23 copies. MiG-21bis (April-June 1990), 9 of the requested additional MiG-21bis is not delivered any;
- 1991 - for all time delivered more than 65 copies .;
- 1993 - in service 98 pcs .;

- 1973 beginning of the year - delivered 12 MiG-21MF and MiG-2 21UM.
- 1986 - there are armed;
- 1991 - the amount of supply of all time 14 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 20 copies. MiG-21 and 17 copies. F-7;
- 1994 - the last MiG-21MF decommissioned Air Force.

- 1974 - the MiG-21F and MiG-21U / UM has in service;
- 1981 - armed with 60 copies. MiG-21F / MF and 15 ekz.MiG-21P;
- 1983 - armed with 80 copies. various modifications;
- 1991 - for all time delivered more than 80 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 106 copies. MiG-21 and 19 copies. MiG-21R;

Burkina Faso:
- 1984 - 8 from the Soviet Union put the MiG-21MF (AFB Ouagadougou).
- 2000 - the last MiG-21 derived from the operation of the Air Force.


- 1981 - armed with 80 copies.
- 1993 - in service 65 copies .;
- 1997 - there are armed;
- 2000 - fully decommissioned. The longest served variants of the MiG-21bis / MiG-21UM.

- 1965 December - the first delivery ok.24 copies. (2 Squadron 921 th IAP) MiG-21PF-B ( "Vietnam") and MiG-21PFM;
- 1966 - used in North Vietnamese air defense system with missiles K-13.
- 1967 from October 20 to 30 - in the bombardment of the airfield Fkuyen destroyed on the ground 4 MiG-21 and 1 aircraft shot down on takeoff.
- 1986 - armed with 120 copies. (including the MiG-21PF);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 235 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 125 copies. (including the MiG-21bis);

Guinea - 1991 - for all time delivered to 8 copies .;

Guinea Bissau - was in the Air Force.

German Democratic Republic (1990 - Germany):




- 1981 - armed with 200 copies. (including still have the MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21PF);
- 1983 - in service to 250 copies. (including still have MiG-21U MiG-21PF);
- 1978 - all for all time delivered 456 MiG-21 of various modifications. The last deliveries were in 1978 (MiG-21bis).
- 1990 - 50 copies. scrapped in the GDR and another 251 copies. of the Air Force of the former GDR is planned to be scrapped;
- 1992 - 251 copies. MiG-21 (. Including MiG-21PFM / ed "94", the MiG-21MF and MiG-21UM) are part of the command "East" (territory of the former German Democratic Republic);

Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 1997 - delivered from Serbia 4 MiG-21PMF.

- 1962 - the first deliveries of the MiG-21F;
- 1967 - all armed with 50 copies. (according to other sources - 80 copies.) MiG-21PF / PFL / PFM (. Ed "94") with missiles R-3S - there are armed;
- 1970 - the party put the MiG-21MF with Soviet pilots;
- 1974 - there are armed MiG-21MF, MiG-21M and MiG-21PF;
- 1986 - armed with 272 copies. (including still have MiG-21F), factories Sakr is adjusted engine repairs P-11, works on installation of the MiG-21, the navigation system and the system "Teledyne" company identification, display system on the windshield "GEC Avionics" , clutter cassettes ALE-40 "Tractor" firm and missiles AIM-9P "Sidewinder";
- 1990 - armed with 83 copies. MiG-21 of various modifications, 52 copies. F-7, 14 copies. MiG-21R / RF, and 20 copies. MiG-21U;
- 1991 - the total of all time put 80 copies. F-7 from China and 475 copies. MiG-21 of various modifications of the USSR;
- 1993 - armed with 112 copies. MiG-21, 14 copies. MiG-21R / RF, and 52 copies. F-7;

- 1980 - a contract for the supply of 16 copies. MiG-21F;
- 1986 - the MiG-21F is already in service;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 18 copies. (MiG-21F / V);

Zimbabwe - 1991 - for all time delivered 24 copies. F-7 (from China);

- 1966 - he tested MiG-21F-13 Iraqi defector;
- 1993 - division of IAI Bedek and concern "Elbit" proposed a program of modernization of the MiG-21 fleet of Romania (agreement on work machines 100 of the Romanian Air Force);

- 15 January 1963 - the first batch of MiG-21F-13 sent by sea from Odessa (6 specimens, 28 Squadron of the Indian Air Force, Bombay.);
- 1963 On December 21 - in collided and crashed 2 MiG-21F-13 during a training flight.
- Fall 1964 - put 4 copies. MiG-21F-13 and 2 copies. MiG-21PF;
- 1966-1974 gg - Licenses for preparation and production of the MiG-21FL Nasik factories corporation HAL (all under contract - 200 copies.). Prior to 1964 are assembled from components supplied from the USSR in 1969, deployed to independent production (tempo - 30 copies / yr.), The cost of one of the MiG-21FL in 1974 amounted to US $ 2 million;.
- 1970-1979 gg - A new contract for the licensed production of the MiG-21M (launched in 1973). The rate of production of up to 1975 sotavlyaet 10 ind. / Year. Including additional supplies from the Soviet Union in 1979 produced 150 copies. MiG-21M; Repair and assembly of engines for the MiG-21, mastered at Koraput plant;
- 1973 14 February-the first flight assembled in India MiG-21M;
- 1974 - received the Air Force with 20 assembly lines ekz.MiG-21M; granted a license to build the MiG-21FMA (27 copies delivered from the Soviet Union and the total amount of the order of 50 copies..);
- 1975 - there are 50 copies in service. MiG-21FMA and 36 copies. MiG-21M, as well as the MiG-21bis and MiG-21UM;
- 1979 - Air Force 150 copies. MiG-21M;
- 1980-1987 gg - Granted a license for the production of the MiG-21bis (only 200 copies at 30-50 copies per year..), In 1980, already has 10 copies in the Air Force. MiG-21bis;
- 1981 - armed with 150 copies. MiG-21bis, ok.300 copies. MiG-21, other modifications, 40 copies. MiG-21 UTI versions;
- 1986 - all in service with more than 500 copies. MiG-21;
- 1988 - produced under license ok.500 all copies. (MiG-21FL / M / bis). A new export version with improved by 30-40% [Characteristics, cost $ 3.8 mln.US (MiG-21I);
- 1991 - for the time manufactured and sold 675 copies. MiG-21;
- 1993 April - armed with 294 copies. MiG-21, signed a preliminary agreement on the joint with the OKB MiG fleet modernization Indian MiG-21;
- 1994 - is being built a prototype of the MiG-21-93, modernization ok.120 scheduled copies. MiG-21bis;
- 1996 - has signed an agreement to modernize the fleet of Indian MiG-21;

Indonesia - the beginning of the 1960s - were delivered MiG-21F-13;

- 1963 - the first deliveries of the MiG-21F-13;
- 1983 - all in the Air Force 90 copies .;
- 1983-1984 gg - Put 61 copies. MiG-21;
- 1986 - Armed with 176 copies. MiG-21 (including the MiG-21F);
- 1990-1991 gg (up to January 16, 1991 - the beginning of "Operation Desert Storm") - for all time delivered more than 230 copies. MiG-21 and F-7 (80 pcs.), In the Air Force including 40 copies. F-7 (MiG-21F-13, set in 1990), 12 copies. MiG-21U / UM, 75 copies. MiG-21PF / MF, 75 copies. MiG-21, other modifications (total: 202 copies in the Air Force, of which 182 copies delivered from the Soviet Union..);
- 1993 - the MiG-21 and F-7 is, in service;

- 1991 - China delivered 18 copies. F-7;
- 1993 - armed with 12 copies. F-7;

Yemen Arab Republic - the MiG-21 were in service.

Kazakhstan - 1997 - there are armed;

- 1980 - MiG-21F is, in service;
- 1991 - For all time delivered more than 20 copies. MiG-21;
- 1993 - in service 17 copies .;

- 1966 - the first deliveries of the MiG-21F-13, and the provision of technical documentation for assembly;
- 1972-1973 gg - The beginning of the production of analog MiG-21F-13 - J-7 (F-7 / F-7-I - export performance);
- 1974 - armed with 75 copies. J-7;
- Ok.1978 g - modification of F-7-II;
- 1986 - all produced more than 400 copies. J-7 different versions:
J-7 (F-7) - an analog of the MiG-21F-13;
J-7-III - an analogue of the MiG-21MF (ie to 1983);
JJ-7 (FT-7) - an analog of the MiG-21U / DC (ie to 1985);
F-7M AIRGUARD - purely export version with Western EMR (electronic equipment);
F-7P SKYBOLT - export version with Western REO;
- 1993 - armed with approx. 500 copies. J-7;
- 1996-1997 gg - There is armed, at the air show "Airshow China-96" shows a new light fighter FC-7 c engine RD-33, it is assumed that by 2000 this will be the main fighter aircraft of the Chinese Air Force;

- 1974 - 130 copies. 24 copies delivered under the contract. MiG-21;
- 1975 - all armed with 24 copies .;
- 1978 - started assembly under license MiG-21MF;
- 1983 - all armed with 120 copies. MiG-21;
- 1986 - all armed with about 200 staff working copies. (including the MiG-21F);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 220 copies. MiG-21;
- 1993 - armed with 130 copies. MiG-21 and 40 copies. F-7;

Congo (Republic of Congo):
- 1986 - delivered from the Soviet Union 14 MiG-21bis and MiG-2 21UM.
- 1991 - for all time delivered 14 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 12 copies. MiG-21;
- 1997 - 5 in the Air Force MiG-21bis and MiG-1 21UM. Later decommissioned.

- 1973 - armed with 80 copies. (including MiG-21PFM (ed "94"), and the MiG-21MF.);
- 1974 - 30 copies delivered. MiG-21;
- 1981 - armed with 50 copies. MiG-21F, 30 specimens. MiG-21MF as well as MiG-21R, and other modifications;
- 1983 - in service to 200 copies. (incl, MiG-21PF);
- 1991 - for all time delivered more than 170 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 80 copies. MiG-21 and 8 copies. MiG-21U;

- 1986 - armed with 44 copies. (including the MiG-21F);
- 1991 - all supplied for the time of 44 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 31 copies. MiG-21;

- 1983 - in service 94 copies .;
- 1986 - in service 55 copies .;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 104 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 50 copies. MiG-21;

- 1979 - MiG-21MF is on arming (?);
- 1980 - 8 copies delivered. MiG-21F from 15 specimens. by contract;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 15 copies .;

Mali - 1991 - for all time delivered 12 copies .;

- 1978 - armed with 30 copies. MiG-21MF;
- 1986 - the MiG-21F is, in service;
- 1993 - armed with 43 copies. MiG-21;

- 1977 Home - delivery of the first 8 MiG-21PF and 4 MiG-21UM;
- 1977-1984 gg - All delivered 44 MiG-21 of various modifications.
- 1986 - in service for more than 10 copies. (including the MiG-21F);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 12 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 15 copies. MiG-21 and 3 copies. MiG-21U;
- 2011 - 10, MiG-21 are in the Air Force.

Myanmar (formerly Burma.) - 1993 - armed with 10 copies. F-7 and 2 copies. FT-7;

- 1975-1976 gg - Delivered 25 MiG-21MF and MiG-6 21UM;
- 1986 - the MiG-21MF is on arms;
- 1990 - in service for at least 12 copies. MiG-21MF and 2 copies. MiG-21UM;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 31 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 22 copies. MiG-21 of various modifications; maintenance of aircraft stopped in the early 1990s in connection with the termination of Soviet technical assistance.

- 1988 - until 1995 it was planned to put 12 copies .;
- 1993 - to no arms;

- 1990 - armed with 40 copies. F-7, and 36 copies. FT-7 (the sum with FT-5);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 95 copies. F-7 and its modifications (including F-7P SKYBOLT);
- 1993 - armed with 75 copies. F-7;

- 1977 - re-export to Cuba 12 copies .;
- 1993 - there is no armed;

- in 1961 - the first deliveries of the MiG-21F-13;
- 1963 - the complete delivery of 25 MiG-21F-13;
- 1964-1965 gg - Delivery of the MiG-21PF - 84 units, decommissioned in 1989 .;
- 1965-1966, the of - the delivery of MiG-21U - 11 units, decommissioned in 1990 .;
- 1966-1968 gg - Delivery of MiG-21PFM -. 132 units, decommissioned in 1989 .;
- 1968-1972 gg - Delivery of MiG-21R reconnaissance - 36 units, decommissioned in 1997 .;
- 1969-1970 gg - Delivery of training MiG-21US - 12 units, decommissioned in 2003 and MiG-21M - 36 units, decommissioned in 2002 .;
- 1971-1981 gg - Delivery of MiG-21UM - 54 units, decommissioned in 2003 .;
- 1972-1975 gg - Delivery of the MiG-21MF - 120 units, decommissioned in 2003 .;
- 1973 - the MiG-21F-13 decommissioned;
- 1979 - the beginning of deliveries of MiG-21bis - delivered a total of 72 fighter, decommissioned in 1999. In total, Poland received 582 MiG-21 in six martial modifications three educational training and one intelligence.
- 1981 - armed with 315 copies. (modified MF, P, RF, Y, F, bis);
- 1983 - armed with 390 copies .;
- 1989 - decommissioned MiG-21PF and MiG-21PFM;
- 1990 - decommissioned MiG-21U;
- 1991 - for all time delivered ok.400 copy .;
- 1993 - armed with 221 copies. MiG-21 and 24 copies. MiG-21R;
- 1997 - decommissioned MiG-21R;
- 1999 - decommissioned MiG-21bis;
- 2002 - decommissioned MiG-21M;
- 2003 - decommissioned MiG-21US and MiG-21UM, as well as MiG-21MF;

- in 1981 - armed with 80 copies. (MiG-21F including);
- 1991 - for all time delivered from the USSR more than 175 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 218 copies. MiG-21 and 10 copies. MiG-21R. Israel proposed a program of modernization of the MiG-21 fleet of Romania (agreement on work machines 100 MiG-21-2000 Romanian Air Force in the amount of $ 330 mln.US);

North Yemen:
- 1986 - armed with 25 copies. (MiG-21F including?);
- 1991 - the amount of deliveries for the time of 12 copies. (?);

- 1997 - supplied to the Democratic Republic of the Congo 4 MiG-21PMF.

- 1967 - the first deliveries of 26 copies .;
- 1973 - armed with 180 copies. MiG-21 of various modifications (including the MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21MF);
- May 1974 - delivered 54 copies .;
- 1975 - delivered 11 copies .;
- 1981 - armed with 250 copies. (including modification of bis, MF, PF and CMT);
- 1982 On June 10 - in the war with Israel lost 10 copies. MiG-21bis;
- 1986 - for all time delivered 330 copies. (including modification of M and R);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 435 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 172 copies .;

Slovakia - was in the Air Force.

- 1974 July - delivered 7 copies .;
- 1986 - the MiG-21F is, in service;
- 1990 - armed with 8 copies .;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 10 copies .;

- 1974 - 4 copies delivered. MiG-21;
- 1986 - the MiG-21F is, in service;
- 1990-1993 gg - Armed with 8 copies. MiG-21 and 4 copies. MiG-21U;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 18 copies .;

United States - 1988 - in addition to private, Air Force units - 8 copies .;

- 1974 - delivered 16 copies. F-7;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 16 copies. F-7;

- 1975 - delivered 8 copies .;
- 1976 - 12 copies delivered. (?);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 19 copies .;

Ukraine - 1992 - there are armed;

- 1974 - MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21MF has armed, the first delivery of 12 copies. MiG-21bis;
- 1979 - 2 copies delivered. MiG-21bis;
- 1980 - 18 copies delivered. MiG-21bis and MiG-21F-13 in the Air Force - 19 copies .;
- 1986 - the MiG-21bis in service - 35 copies .;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 54 copies. (Only the MiG-21F-13, MiG-21MF, MiG-21UM and MiG-21bis);
- 1993 - Armed with 20 copies .;
- 1998 - the last MiG-21bis withdrawn from service.

Croatia - 1993 - is on the Air Force;

Czech Republic - was the Air Force.

- mid-1960s - been established assembly of MiG-21F-13 at the Aero Vodochody factory. Total collected 194 copies.
- 1981-1983 gg - Armed with 220 copies. MiG-21 (including the MiG-21MF and MiG-21F and MiG-21U) and 80 copies. MiG-21R;
- 1986 - the MiG-21R in the Air Force - 40 copies .;
- 1991 - for all time delivered 350 copies .;
- 1997 - discussed plans for replacing 24 MiG-21 aircraft in the Air Force of the Czech Republic Western production;

- 1983 - armed with 140 copies. (MiG-21F, MiG-21MF in the amount of a MiG-23);
- 1991 - for all time delivered 95 copies .;
- 1993 - Armed with 40 copies. MiG-21;
- 1997 - there are armed;

- 1983 - according to unconfirmed reports in service of up to 200 copies. (including the MiG-21F and MiG-21bis and MiG-21U);
- 1991 - for all time delivered to 100 fighters and 35 of training MiG-21. After the collapse of Yugoslavia, all the MiG-21, except for a few stolen, moved Serbia.

South Yemen
- 1974 - delivered 12 copies. MiG-21F;
- 1980 - 20 copies delivered. MiG-21MF of 40 copies. by contract;
- 1986 - in service 48 copies .;
- 1991 - for all time delivered more than 50 copies .;
- 1993 - armed with 50 copies. MiG-21.

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