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Miftah Ismael under-reported new foreign debt by at least $7 Billion in the budget 2022-23 document.

Islamabad:— Pakistan govt forgets to add Chinese & IMF loans in the budget, mistakenly underreports foreign loans for next fiscal year by $7B.

Islamabad:— The government has not included $4 billion of Chinese loans & a minimum $3 billion of IMF loans in its foreign receipts in the budget; admits finance minister.

Islamabad:— Pakistan govt has also formally requested China for rollover of $2B loan.

@Sainthood 101 @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Bleek @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1@N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Faqirze @pakpride00090 @MultaniGuy @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder
Pak is runned by bunch of idiots they are party people Pakistan need total overhaul of the system party system should be declared illegal country should be run by a economical system for next thirty years no one can undo

They just don't understand how to run country people should never be given importance just a system people come and go but system is here

If there is no pak what Imran and shabaz fight for establishment what they defend stupid people should not allowed

We need states man not political people
I don't know why but I am just hung up on not including a new debt of $7 billion in the budget documents buy PML(N) finance minister. Media seems to be ok with this slight oversight.

I am wondering how media would have handled it if previous government had deliberately omitted such information from the budget.
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