It's ok, forget about it
Here in Tunisia and in Algeria we don't have known Cheikhs, religious leaders,... as in M.E or Asia, still you find the most Anti Zionist commun people's , you need simple Islam spirit to be against the oppressors and backing the oppressed.
It works believe me, at least at the long term, just be patient
Great idea, that doesn't stop individual actions in the meantime
We Muslims should work very hard, day and night to fill the gap between us and the rest of the world, only work and goodwill will make us greater .
I am sure that there must be religious leaders in Algeria and Tunisia and religious community leaders. What you probably meant here is that you are republics with secular presidents.
I don't think that there are sane Muslims who support Zionism and who are against an independent Palestine. If they do, I would claim that they can hardly be Muslims although this is not for me to judge obviously.
What helps Algeria and Tunisia is that they are Arab countries (Arab-Berber to be exact) and Arabic-speaking countries that were exposed a lot to the Palestinian conflict (for obvious reasons) and who in the past also had Arab nationalistic rulers that made it a natural thing to be against the Zionist entity. Islam is a key here as well obviously.
Also it is important to remember Algeria's own history. They thought the French in a bloody war for many decades until they won their freedom in 1960 (I think). So they have a strong sense of injustice. Since then the same political party/system/military has been ruling Algeria. I also know that the same system in Algeria has been (in the past) supporting other anti-imperialist movements in Africa. For instance Algeria supported anti-colonial forces in Africa. For instance Mandela in South Africa.
It probably will work IF (a big if) Muslims act and not just speak and it should be encouraged, obviously. Not only against India but every anti-Muslim entity that is actively harming Muslims and our interests.
I could not agree more with your last comments.
Is 2022 over already? lol!
Data from 2021. The point is that India CAN be omitted.
Also as I wrote, the agricultural sectors in the Middle East are growing, they are buying land abroad, new technology in the future will help immensely for them to achieve self-sufficiency. They don't lack land. Take Saudi Arabia is an example. With the right technology, investments etc. they could easily become a agricultural superpower. Their existing agriculture is already impressive, self-sufficient in many products and even much agricultural export.
Look at some of the projected weather forecast in the future for the Middle East, some regions like the Arabian Peninsula are expected to become colder and get significantly more rainfall. Their population growth is also healthy and not too high outside of Yemen.
Drought is increasing in India. The population keeps increasing too. There will come a point where India will be forced to halt their exports of agricultural products in order to secure the needs of the local population.