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Mid-life upgrade for F22P

Turkey also have a program for Radar solution for Frigates



At least to me it looks like a easy goal to modernize the Radar



Would imagine some shipyard work would involve with construction / refurbishment of ship with modern radar but 100% possible
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No, from what I have been hearing it is likely to be 16, which would still be a huge improvement along with the FL3000N.
Let me guess those VLS will be only for Air Defense Missiles.
Turkey also have a program for Radar solution for Frigates



At least to me it looks like a easy goal to modernize the Radar


View attachment 481165

Would imagine some shipyard work would involve with construction / refurbishment of ship with modern radar but 100% possible
Its not about the equipment onboard, its about the ship itself, it gets unreliable after its designated life, the structure gets weak.
They will be stricken off of service list once Type 54A start coming into service. ADA will take time to construct. Two units Type 54A, as per my info., will join PN next year.

Operating the Type 21 is getting prohibitively expensive. upgrading them is really cost ineffective. Moreover some of the weapons removed will be used in other upcoming projects. Remember, MRTP 33 are still devoid of missiles!

I for one would be sorry to see them go, some of the most handsome ships afloat!! Beautiful and sleek lines and when underway they look as if they are wolf hounds of the sea!!!
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If anything deserves an upgrade it would have to be the UK frigates we have in our fleet

I feel that we need to MLU these older frigates , Modernized the sensors
and upgrade the SAMs on ships

  • All these antenna whiskers need to go
  • May be a modern Radar /Sensors
  • The deck needs to be cleared of all the "Clutter"
  • SAMs need to be modenized


Some Anti Ship Missiles in rear would be fantastic
Would be eager to see these two System upgrade on Ship



Don't see why a new radar cannot be purchased and added as well

Type-21s are beyond their useful life, and on their way out.

Turkey also have a program for Radar solution for Frigates



At least to me it looks like a easy goal to modernize the Radar


View attachment 481165

Would imagine some shipyard work would involve with construction / refurbishment of ship with modern radar but 100% possible

Only if it was this easy.

F22P could take the following upgrades:

1) New C4I system
2) New Surface / Air Search Radar
3) Secondary Nav Radar
4) New LPI Nav Radar
5) New Naval ESM System
6) New Naval Jammer
7) New EW / Acoustic Decoy System

However, it will be next to impossible to integrate western and Chinese systems. Hence, nothing will be done or any upgrades will only come from China. That is the unfortunate reality.
A refit will be after five years of operations. The first one is coming up for the first unit to join the fleet. But I don't see the AAW system being touched up instead the ASuW systems will be beefed up. After all their primary role after the acquisition of Type 54A is AShM & ASuW. Or Harbah will replace the 802!
If anything deserves an upgrade it would have to be the UK frigates we have in our fleet

I feel that we need to MLU these older frigates , Modernized the sensors
and upgrade the SAMs on ships

  • All these antenna whiskers need to go
  • May be a modern Radar /Sensors
  • The deck needs to be cleared of all the "Clutter"
  • SAMs need to be modenized


Some Anti Ship Missiles in rear would be fantastic
Would be eager to see these two System upgrade on Ship



Don't see why a new radar cannot be purchased and added as well

No more upgrades or overhauls for these.

2 of the Type-21 Tariq Class frigates have been retired and only 4 remain. They will be retired too once new acquisitions that have been ordered start to be delivered.
No brother,,, with each passing time hull becomes weaker and weaker furthermore, engines are also weak and need complete replacement ... design is also old and not modular so its best to retire them without any further investment
Well the only thing which is obsolete is the Computers/Radars

  • That is why they need a Computer/Radar upgrade , and after that integration of Anti Ship missiles

The other internal of ships can always be modernized by Local Labor force

There are many companies that sell only Radar Modernization



Would imagine the Radar/Computer system upgrade would be simplist for ships



The modern radars are quite compact systems
Would imagine a Radar / Computer systems on board should
Modenize the ships


The adavance radar can be bought in open market and just other part can be moved into ship , rest is just wire connections to the computer system


It is just a part which need to be upgraded
ther, by
Plans for the eventual mid life upgrade for the frigates purchased, are starting to be take effect, the most impressive of which is replacement of the legacy Anti Air missile system with the HQ16.

There is a space for a VLS where the FM90 is currently stored.

Other upgrades are in sensors both Radar and Sonar and also a new battle management system.

There is also a chance for FL3000N anti missile system to integrated as either a stand alone or with the CIWS.

New indigenous towed sonar could also be used.

Plans are still on paper and therefore could change, but we should hear about this in the next couple of years.

The space you mentioned will require modification in deck below if HQ-16 is going to be installed or else it will block view of bridge.
I understand not something anyone would do but what if you took those engines and built suicide barges / submersibles to be sent as UUVs to Indian ports? :D
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