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I found many similarities....with Indian mythology and Movie Interstellar.....even the plot Young Father and old daughter.....only difference is....in the movie the actor went to Outer space through worm Hole....and in mythology....the character were taken to the place of "GODS"...

If anybody gets offended....i will remove this post...

Einstein, Time Travel and Mahabharata

Time travel to the future is no more a strict theory in Physics. Today, majority of the known scientists advocate on the possibility of time travel to the future and also to the past. In a nut shell, we will have a Time Machine in near future.

After the emergence of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, the discussion on the topic of time travel has become hotter. According to the theory, if a mass was accelerated near the speed of light, the time for the mass will slow down on the earth. This is called time dilation. The theory also says time and space to be the same which has increased the possibility of time travel once more.

Do you know the concept of the time dilation emerged by Einstein was already mentioned in Mahabharata, the old text of Hindus? Yes, it is true. Before revealing the truth, I want to present another amazing fact here.

You must have known Balaram, the brother of Lord Krishna. Who was Balaram married to? It’s Revati, right? But most of you don’t know that Revati was more than thousand years elder than Balaram and she looked younger than Balaram? But how? How can someone live more than 100 years? And how can she look younger? The answer is time travel.

Time Travel
Actually Revati had time travelled from the earth to Brahama Lok and Brahma Lok to the earth with her father Raivata. Revati was so beautiful that Raivata could not select the suitable person to marry with her. So he along with Revati went to the Brahma Lok to meet Lord Brahma for the suggestion. When they reached Brahma Lok, Brahma was listening songs with Gandarvas. So they waited for a while. Later Brahma asked them the reason to come there. After listening everything Brahma told that there was no reason to worry for the selection of Revati’s candidate. As time passes in different frequencies in different places, thousands of years had been passed on the earth. Everyone of the choices of Raivata as well as other contemporary people have already died on the earth. At last Brahma suggested that Krishna and Balaram have taken birth on the earth. Revati can marry with Balaram. Then they returned and did as planned earlier.

Einstein said time is different in different places and now it is a verified fact. But how wonderful the great discovery of Einstein was already existed in the Hindu Scripture! In fact it is only one of the examples. If we go deeply on the each and every old text of Hindus, we can find thousand of hints to the hundred of the new discoveries. Hope everyone take it seriously.

I found many similarities....with Indian mythology and Movie Interstellar.....even the plot Young Father and old daughter.....only difference is....in the movie the actor went to Outer space through worm Hole....and in mythology....the character were taken to the place of "GODS"...

If anybody gets offended....i will remove this post...

Einstein, Time Travel and Mahabharata

Time travel to the future is no more a strict theory in Physics. Today, majority of the known scientists advocate on the possibility of time travel to the future and also to the past. In a nut shell, we will have a Time Machine in near future.

After the emergence of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, the discussion on the topic of time travel has become hotter. According to the theory, if a mass was accelerated near the speed of light, the time for the mass will slow down on the earth. This is called time dilation. The theory also says time and space to be the same which has increased the possibility of time travel once more.

Do you know the concept of the time dilation emerged by Einstein was already mentioned in Mahabharata, the old text of Hindus? Yes, it is true. Before revealing the truth, I want to present another amazing fact here.

You must have known Balaram, the brother of Lord Krishna. Who was Balaram married to? It’s Revati, right? But most of you don’t know that Revati was more than thousand years elder than Balaram and she looked younger than Balaram? But how? How can someone live more than 100 years? And how can she look younger? The answer is time travel.

Time Travel
Actually Revati had time travelled from the earth to Brahama Lok and Brahma Lok to the earth with her father Raivata. Revati was so beautiful that Raivata could not select the suitable person to marry with her. So he along with Revati went to the Brahma Lok to meet Lord Brahma for the suggestion. When they reached Brahma Lok, Brahma was listening songs with Gandarvas. So they waited for a while. Later Brahma asked them the reason to come there. After listening everything Brahma told that there was no reason to worry for the selection of Revati’s candidate. As time passes in different frequencies in different places, thousands of years had been passed on the earth. Everyone of the choices of Raivata as well as other contemporary people have already died on the earth. At last Brahma suggested that Krishna and Balaram have taken birth on the earth. Revati can marry with Balaram. Then they returned and did as planned earlier.

Einstein said time is different in different places and now it is a verified fact. But how wonderful the great discovery of Einstein was already existed in the Hindu Scripture! In fact it is only one of the examples. If we go deeply on the each and every old text of Hindus, we can find thousand of hints to the hundred of the new discoveries. Hope everyone take it seriously.

National Discovery Channel: Einstein, Time Travel and Mahabharata
The Wonders of Induction Forging


Induction forging is probably the closest thing we have on this wee Earth that can be considered magic. Just watch this knife glide through the coils of this induction heater and instantly (instantly!) glow bright red because it got so damn hot. I would stick all kinds of metal through that hole.

You should be made a MOD on here. Dont know why they havent made you one yet. I like/enjoy all your posts,non biased nature,knowledge,contribution and attitude on here so far. Keep it up bros.:cheers::tup:

Thanks for the vote of confidence:yahoo:. I'm not sure I'd be a good mod though:( (but that's up to PDF's admins and mods to decide). I can be very moderate, but I don't put up with stupidity or unsupported claims... and there's a lot of that on PDF (seriously people!!! How hard is it to provide a source to support your claims!!!).

Still, I'll do my best to provide quality info and maintain some semblance of stability and intelligence on a forum swimming with moronic and hateful behaviors.

I've no time for that garbage.

First Civilian Tilt-rotor



The V-22 Osprey has dominated the rotary wing, vertical take-off market for years, but its only available to the military. Now, AgustaWestland is on pace to begin production of the AW609, the first civilian tilt-rotor, at its plant in Philadelphia while moving most of the flight test activity from Italy to the U.S.

The unique characteristics of the AW609 TiltRotor combine the benefits of a helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane into one aircraft. The AW609 will be able to take off and land vertically as well as fly above adverse weather conditions with up to nine people in a pressurized cabin at twice the speed and range typical of helicopters. It represents the next generation of aircraft transport for civil, government, and para-public roles.

Combining turboprop performance with the vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) flexibility of a helicopter, the 'TiltRotor' represents the future of vertical flight, pushing the envelope of what can be achieved with the platform.

Navy's Littoral Combat Ship 3 Gets Hammered By Heavy Seas


USS Fort Worth LCS-3 hit some rough seas on its way to South Korea to take part in the annual Foal Eagle joint military exercises. It is tough to tell exactly what sea state the Navy's second 387 foot long Freedom Class Littoral Combat Ship was transiting through, or how fast it was going, but it sure looks like one wild ride!

USS Mustin Turns Into A Popsicle While Sailing Through The Sea Of Japan

The USS Mustin (DDG-89) experienced high winds, blinding snow storms and heavy seas during its reverse transit from Otaru, Japan. The results are these ghostly images of a seemingly frozen AEGIS equipped Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyer.






@Nihonjin1051 - any pics of JDSs frozen while at sea (not in dock)?
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This Is the Rocket Booster That May Put Humans on Mars


This is the most powerful booster ever built by man, and it will be the driving force behind NASA's Space Launch System (SLS), the vehicle that will one day put humans on Mars. This engineering marvel will have its first major ground test tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11am EDT.

According to NASA, this test fire tomorrow (3/11/15) is major milestone for humanity's exploration into the deeper reaches of space.

The two-minute static test is a significant milestone for the SLS as part of NASA's journey to Mars, and follows years of development. It is one of two ground tests to qualify the booster for flight. A second test is planned for early 2016. Once qualification is complete, the hardware will be ready to help send the rocket, along with NASA's Orion spacecraft, on its first flight test. When completed, two five-segment, solid-rocket boosters and four RS-25 main engines will power the SLS as it begins its deep space missions. The boosters operate in parallel with the main engines for the first two minutes of flight, providing more than 75 percent of the thrust needed for the rocket to escape Earth's gravitational pull.

Exciting times we live in.

*I'll provide updates on the booster test too.
This Liquid Metal Motor Moves Under Its Own Power

In Terminator 2, T-1000 was that science fiction dream-come-nightmare: a shape-shifting robot made from liquid metal. Now, scientists have actually developed a self-powered liquid metal motor.

It isn't anything fancy, as New Scientist reports: just a small drop of a metal alloy, whose constituents are gallium (which is liquid below above 30 °C), indium and tin. Dropped into an appropriate liquid—in these examples sodium hydroxide, but salt water works too—with a scrap of aluminum for fuel, it will run under its own steam for around an hour.

The motor's motion comes from two sources. First, those two liquids cause it to experience a charge imbalance, which creates a small pressure differences between two of its sides. That, in turn, pushes it in the direction of high to low pressure. Secondly, the aluminum reacts with the surrounding liquid to form hydrogen bubbles, which, combined with the pressure forces, serve to push it forward faster.

The researchers that created the device have shown that it can easily move along a constrained path, be it a straight line, curved maze or the edge of a Petri dish. Forced to sit still, its motion allows it to act like a pump, which can move 50 millilitres of liquid per second.

It might not quite be as complex T-1000 yet, but the researchers hope to use electric fields to create a swarm of independent drops that can work together. Less like Hollywood, then, but equally as exciting.
SLS Booster Test at ATK Test Range in Utah

NASA successfully live-fired the new booster for its Space Launcher System today. It's the largest, most powerful booster ever built, putting one hell of a scorch mark into the desert. And yes, there's a video.

Today's test, which went off without a hitch, is the first of two tests necessary to qualify the booster for flight. The test today was designed to test the booster at the upper temperature range — 90 Farenheit. The second test, which will happen some time in 2016, will be conducted at 40 degrees, and between the two the rocket scientists will have enough data to run the numbers for any given temperature situation.

The booster will form an integral part of the system that will hopefully take the Orion spacecraft to the further reaches of our solar system, including an asteroid and Mars. But hey, if it can burn some small parts of Utah before going into outer space, all the better.

@thesolar65 @Gufi @Nihonjin1051 @AMDR @Armstrong @levina @Peter C


*For those that can't view Youtube videos, the video can also be seen here:

NASA's Big Day: Watch a Mega-Rocket Booster Test, Astronaut Landing Live Today
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This Bug-Inspired Compound Eye Could Transform Missile Seeker Tech


The USAF is working on a fly-like artificial compound eye that could one day be used for seekers on missiles as well as other targeting systems. This is hardly the first time the DoD has looked to mother nature for good ideas, but compound eye technology has the potential to greatly increase the field of view and fidelity over existing systems, all at a low cost.


The idea is fairly simple: instead of one large optical sensor with a limited field of view, the artificial compound eye concept works by creating a large array of equidistantly spaced smaller staring optical sensors, each pointing in a slightly different direction. The information from all those sensors is processed and digitally "stitched" together, resulting in a very high-resolution and wide field of view image. Think of a 360 degree real estate virtual tour but much higher resolution, in infrared and with live video as opposed to stills. This same type of technology is already being used on a macro scale by potential reality changing and highly Orwellian Wide Area Aerial Surveillance systems.

The artificial compound eye's (ACE) development is being closely watched by the Wide Field Of View Seeker Program, which aims to give missiles that use imaging infrared technology a much larger field of view than they have today. Once the technology is mature, it could allowadvanced anti-ship missiles or Small Diameter Bombs IIs to persistently scan larger surface areas of the planet and with greater definition than current staring or gimbaled seekers systems offer. It could even continue to scan for new targets while also digitally tracking multiple targets at the same time.
Beautiful drone footage shows a bunch of dolphins surfing for fun


Dolphins are super smart and like other smart mammals (humans, most of the time), they sometimes do stuff for absolutely no reason other than to have fun. Take these dolphins, there's probably like 50 of them waiting for the waves to come and when it does, they all ride it like gleeful little spring breakers.

Of course, dolphins surfing isn't a new thing, it's just nice to see the overhead footage of the dolphin line up. Jennene & Dave Riggs write:

Dave filmed this amazing aerial vision with his quadcopter off Esperance, along south Western Australia's beautiful coastline. Huge pods of bottlenose dolphins cruise the shoreline and surf the crystal clear turquoise waves.

Dolphin Cove - Esperance WA - Original on Vimeo
By 2020, you could have an exascale speed-of-light optical computer on your desk

When we talk about optical computing, we’re actually referring to a fairly large number of different and competing technologies. At its most basic, optical computing refers to computing that uses light instead of electricity. When we’ve previously written about optical computing, we’re usually referring to chips and computers that have replaced their internal wiring with optical waveguides, and some kind of optical transistor that is controlled by photons instead of electrons. There are also optoelectronic devices, which use a mix of the two (usually optical interconnects and electronic transistors).

In the case of Optalysys, optical computing is something else entirely. At this point, because the Optalysys tech is rather complex, you should probably watch the video embedded below — not only will it probably do a better job than me at explaining it, but it’s also narrated by the adorable Heinz Wolff. If you can’t watch the video, read on and I’ll try my best.

Prospects of a planetary civilisation:

Don't want to die any time soon with all this excitement in the world. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Hang Son Doong Cave


Wow. Ryan Deboodt took a drone inside Hang Son Doong in Vietnam, also known as the world's largest cave, and captured stunning footage that shows off a world that looks like no other. You get a sense of the size of the place—the biggest chamber is 3.1 miles long, 660 feet high and 490 feet wide—and you feel its beauty.

Watch a B-2 bomber refuel and then make its fuel receptacle disappear


Damn, that thing really is stealth. This video shows how the B-2 stealth bomber refuels and rotates its fuel receptacle so that it can maintain its stealth. You see the receptacle in clear view when it's ready for fuel but after it's all filled up, it's gone and the whole plane is back to being undetected.

Must be so awesome to fly a stealth bomber, I mean, even getting gas is cool.

Welcome Home!


The three crew members of International Space Station Expedition 42 returned safely to Earth early in the morning of Thursday March 12th after a 167-day mission. Their journey was stunning.

You can see the view they got in this graceful photo of the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft as it descended toward the silken clouds above the Kazakh steppes. The craft brought commander Barry Wilmore from NASA, and Alexander Samokutyaev and Elena Serova of Roscosmos, safely home to Earth.

Water droplets jump off a gecko's skin like popping popcorn


Geckos have a neat superpower that allows it to stay dry at all times: water droplets basically get catapulted off their skin like popping popcorn. It's pretty nuts to see the water launch in the air like that and also pretty gross to think of it as the sort of human equivalent of shooting out sweat from our bodies.

Here's what it looks like up close:


Fly Along With The USAF's Elite Special Operations CV-22 Osprey Crews


The USAF's CV-22B Ospreys are the most capable combat search and rescue and tactical special operations transports ever devised. The video below, shot by CV-22 crews themselves, shows them in action like never before.

The USAF's CV-22B Ospreys fixed-wing aircraft-esque range and speed opens up a whole new envelope for special forces insertion and extraction missions that traditional helicopters could simply not achieve. To help them with these incredibly challenging missions, they are packed with specialized technologies including terrain following radar, satellite communications, advanced radar jammers, laser infrared countermeasures, helmet mounted displays, forward looking infrared, radar warning receivers, data links and much more to help them get into and out of highly defended enemy airspace safely. Yet their most important asset are the highly trained and mission focused crews who operate them.


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120,000 Pounds of Cosmic Dust Floats Down From Space Every Day


NASA may be endlessly fascinated with microbial life on far-flung moons in our solar system or testing powerful rocket boosters that will propel humanity off its ancestral home, but there's still tons we don't know about our own planet—and cosmic dust is one of those mysteries.

What exactly is cosmic dust? Well, it's definitely not the shit you seem to be continually Swiffer-ing off your shelves. That's just dead remnants of you. Eos says cosmic dust "is mostly 4.6-billion-year-old leftovers from the messy accretion process of solar system formation, which the planet picks up as it passes through long-decayed comet tails and remnants of asteroid belt smash ups." Scientists think this dust plays an important role in cloud formation and even fertilizing plankton, an essential building block in the Earth's ecosystem—and 60 tons of it falls to the surface every day.

That's 24 African elephant's worth of ancient star stuff, or if you don't like the ideas of animals falling to Earth at terminal velocity, about 31 Cadillac Eldorados (from 2002). Scientists first thought the number could be anything between 0.4 and 110 tons, but a new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research says the number is actually a nice Goldilocks compromise of 60 tons.

That's pretty crazy, and also a number that's important to pin down so scientists can start to more finely dissect what exactly cosmic dust means for life on Earth.
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