i wont trust ummat, but its very clear how PMLN is playing the game
PIA is a profitable airline, it just had bad management jut like steel mills and other organisations
this ganja is very dirty player
i already said that he will try to sell this public property to his relative, acquaintance
its so sad seeing pakistani richest people, mansha, malik riaz and zardari all are politically related and gives a hint about thm=em being very corrupt
this is not an honest earning
i would like it to be privitzed even if it has some little corruption.
those who dont understand should look at that had steel mill been privitzed back in 2005 not only it would have safed us a 500 million dollars in imports of pure steel(due to plant running inefficent) but also atleast 60 billion in lossess.
this along with govt would have earned 30 billion ruppes giving up only 50 percent shares
by now govt would have earned 30-40 billion ruppes just in shares , as its earning from PTCL
this comes out to be a total loss of 3-4 billion $ for the country at the end of the day
PIA IS NO DIFFERENT IT gave a loss of 80 billion ruppes in last decade..
plus we are not counting loss to our country due to low travels in national carrier and people diverting to gulf carriers
had PIA 25% shares been privitzed govt would have earned billions
those who think 80 billin is small money should know that this is more than what all punjab spends on education development each year
its 4 times more than what KPK spends on health???!!!
those people who think that those organization can gain profit as the problem is poor mamangement, the answer is very simple
it will always have poor management no matter what you do(we cant find angels in democracy ..its over staffed four times.
even if privitzed it will do losses for first decade due to over staffed people who are protected in privatization
govt incur 400 billion lossess directly and probably three times more losses indirectly due to these insitutes
that is 10X more we spend on education
why do you think russia failed and USA prevailed..economy