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MI-35 deal between Moscow And Islamabad politically approved!

i've always wondered why/how Dawn news manages to capture more enthusiastic indians than Pakistanis themselves :laugh:

quite the habit of theirs, to comment on Pakistani publications

(peddling rubbish)

Obsessed Indians are all over Pakistani media and websites, pdf is case in point, nothing should surprise you.
Dont worry sir .
We already have a lot of experience with these Russian tech.It is good ,all weather.Only issue is its maintenance .Russian systems are maintenance ghost .Just look at our Su-30.
And they are already tested our patience due to INS Viky.I think MI 35 would be more than enough for Pakistan for dealing with terrorists.
Pakistan has broken the back of these terrorists without these Hellies, Pakistan need those for the hidden enemy who is behind these criminals.
Pakistan has broken the back of these terrorists without these Hellies, Pakistan need those for the hidden enemy who is behind these criminals.
Already declaring victory,havent we seen these operations in the past and celebate victory and then these terrorists come back.
Indian posters on Dawn site are going berserk calling Russian equipment junk, relic and useless and mostly asking how Pakistan will pay for it. its "heartening" to see a flurry of honest comments our neighbours find necessary to make about us.

Deal to sell MI-35 helicopters 'politically approved': Russian envoy - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Saw a comment, Indians are most hypocrite, insecure and backstabbing people in the world. You see them regularly plying IS and junduallah news items but as soon as something positive comes in connection to Pakistan there is utter silence then and sudden change in tone, becoming against the very things they buy for years.

And most of them are masquerading as Muslims and Pakistanis, and asking question how will we pay for this.
And people think Russia is Not blackmailing India by saying we will give arms to pak.

Let them do whatever it takes. It is not soviet union, it is Russia now.

We know the pain , thats why even though we have had rd33 engine in large numbers for our mig 29s, american f404 was selected for tejas.

Russia is proving to unreliable in aftersales and hence we have diversified. Obviously the Russians didn't like it.

And now trying to blackmail... India will soon open the tender for submarine and then you will see how fas this deal will be finalized
This is great new but we still need a helicopter to replace our aging Cobras. Mi-35s aren't going to do the trick.
Apaches don't offer troop carrier capability.
Modern attack helicopters are designed to be small, fast and agile to improve survivability and lethality(more maneuverable).. Look at MI-28H, it better optimized than the Mil Mi-24(MI-35) for the attacking role.. By designing single crew KA-50/52, russians attained more compactness.. Now every attack helicopters in the world are dedicated only for attack or ground support..

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia commons
ISLAMABAD: Russian envoy to Pakistan Alexey Dedov on Wednesday said that the MI-35 helicopter deal with Moscow and Islamabad is "politically approved", Radio Pakistan reported.

In an interview with Radio Pakistan, Dedov said that the Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu will visit Islamabad soon. The report further stated that Alexey Dedov said the deal between Pakistan and Russia will help combat terrorism.

While Dedov said the deal has been "politically approved", further negotiations on details of the political-commercial contract are in progress.

The ambassador also said that Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu has talks with Pakistani counterparts on his agenda, to discuss the sale of defence equipment to Pakistan.

Pakistan’s request for MI-35 helicopters has been on the table since 2009, but Russia had kept the issue pending because of the Indian factor.

India had long been Russia’s ‘exclusive military technical cooperation partner’. However, Moscow has reportedly downgraded that status to ‘preferred partner’ after India diversified its defence procurements and increasingly began relying on Western sources for meeting its hardware requirements. Russia has, meanwhile, reviewed its policy of selling military equipment to Pakistan.

Ambassador Dedov, however, had earlier maintained that there was no ban on selling defence equipment to Pakistan.

MI-35s are multi-purpose military transport helicopters which can be used for combat missions.

The Pakistan government has been saying that it genuinely needed these helicopters for counter-terrorism operations.
And How many we are going to buy and when next century or what ?
Perhaps we can source engines for our jets or avionics, night vision and whatnot from Russia now!

I suppose Russian stuff is cheaper (not high quality like US) and thus better value?
i've always wondered why/how Dawn news manages to capture more enthusiastic indians than Pakistanis themselves :laugh:

quite the habit of theirs, to comment on Pakistani publications

(peddling rubbish)
Sir, have you not seen the blogs of Express Tribune?
The more the abusive comment towards Pakistan or Islam, the more Likes it gets. Its obsession or desperation:-) God knows
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