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MFN status to India endangers Pakistan's economy


Sep 12, 2008
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MFN status to India may endanger Pakistan economy

LAHORE: Speakers at Punjab University seminar on opening trade with India warned that by awarding India most favoured nation (MFN) status in haste and without the approval of the parliament, the government would endanger Pakistan’s economy, culture and traditions according to a press release issued here on Thursday.

The speakers said the bureaucracy is creating a bogey of consumerism and consumer interest, which is a fake argument as India still provides subsidy to its industries while any country under WTO providing subsidy, cannot be given MFN status.

They pointed out that India ‘officially’ opened its markets for Pakistan in 1996 by granting it MFN status, however, its peculiar Pakistan specific import tariffs and trade barriers restricted Pakistani exports to very low levels.

“Now we would open our markets for India if we pride it with MFN status,” said Javed adding that with liberal import policy, Indian goods would flood markets without corresponding increase in exports.

He said that it is very unfortunate, the government policies do not match the national interest, which is creating chaos and panic among the masses. He urged the people and media to play their due role in bringing positive change in the country.

Chairman PAAPAM, Syed Nabeel Hashmi, said that Pakistani bureaucracy is making important economic decisions in haste. Commerce Secretary, Zafar Mahmood, is consoling Pakistani manufacturers that he will put many industries in Negative List, but on the other hand, in his visit to India he said that the Negative List will be valid for a year only.

He said that the government is making Pakistan a trading economy at the cost of revenue-generating local industries. Nabeel suggested that in the first phase, the trade with India should be initiated with the import of raw materials, machinery and equipments, moulds and dies etc. Further, allow transfer of technology through Joint Venture and Technical Assistance Agreements and thus make Pakistani auto industry competitive.

Chairman Agri forum Ibrahim Mughal said that it is very unfortunate that Pakistani delegations have always failed to safeguard the interest of Pakistan, whereas they have advocated the Indian interests. He said that India through a systematic approach would supply agricultural products at highly competitive prices leaving Pakistani farmers with no choice but to head for cities to start trade instead of farming.

After a few years, he said, only the Indian businesses capturing the agricultural market will rule the roost and will dictate their terms and only then Pakistani public will understand the conspiracy behind MFN.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Any one who oppose the MFN and transit aid to bharat is Taliban..........

This is Bharti plan to counter the opposition to Pakistani aid to bharatis.
Pakistani aid?! The trade relations are skewed hugely in our favour. If anything, we are giving ordinary pakistanis freedom and respite from fake Chinese goods flooding your market.

They pointed out that India ‘officially’ opened its markets for Pakistan in 1996 by granting it MFN status, however, its peculiar Pakistan specific import tariffs and trade barriers restricted Pakistani exports to very low levels.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

That's a lie.. India has no Pakistan specific tariffs. These lies are for local consumption to mask their incompetence.
That's a lie.. India has no Pakistan specific tariffs. These lies are for local consumption to mask their incompetence.

I don't know which quality products they have to compete with Indian products!!!! just sheer lying and incompetence.
Pakistan should allow those Indian companies in which Pakistan is weak itself and that also if they are establishing their units in Pakistan.

But Pakistanis can't expect anything from PPP govt it is ghaddari govt who wants to buy even electricity from India. No one questions them that when Pakistan have capacity of generating 50000MW just from hydro power means so why are they not generating it, why they want to make Pakistan more & more depandant on India. Why they wanna give India ability to launch electricity terrorism just like water terrorism.

It is frustration to see Army too shutting its mouths & sitting idle & judiciary. Will they wake when India will start troubling them with electricity just like water? Pakistanis should come out & protest until ghaddari takes its unpopular & anti Pakistan decisions back.
I hope Pakistan will open up its auto sector. Pakistani bike manufacturers are dreading of that day.
Pakistan should allow those Indian companies in which Pakistan is weak itself and that also if they are establishing their units in Pakistan.

But Pakistanis can't expect anything from PPP govt it is ghaddari govt who wants to buy even electricity from India. No one questions them that when Pakistan have capacity of generating 50000MW just from hydro power means so why are they not generating it, why they want to make Pakistan more & more depandant on India. Why they wanna give India ability to launch electricity terrorism just like water terrorism.

It is frustration to see Army too shutting its mouths & sitting idle & judiciary. Will they wake when India will start troubling them with electricity just like water? Pakistanis should come out & protest until ghaddari takes its unpopular & anti Pakistan decisions back.

Water is an issue between almost every country in the developing world. Just because India and Pakistan have been traditionally rivals, this issue has been blown out of proportions. The Indo-pakistan dispute resolving mechanism on water issues is better than most 2 countries in the world.
Sharing an electrical grid were the first signs of the union of the EU despite traditional rivalry among a lot of member nations. Hope you see the positive in this deal rather than focus on the potential (not to mention imaginary) negatives.
It is Pakistani industry which is going to collapse not Chinese! Pakistan shall immediately stop subsidizing bharti industry and smuggling network of bharti state under the umbrella of transit aid & MFN.
Stop spitting nonsense for a change when you know squat about the economics of granting MFN status to India and what it actually means for Pakistan.

Pakistani businessmen upbeat on India getting MFN status.

More than 70 Pakistani businessmen who are at the annual India International Trade Fair (IITF) say the granting of most favoured nation (MFN) status to India will not only boost their economy but also drive down the prices of essentials.

Seems you know more than the Pakistani industrialists and businessmen who are upbeat at the prospect of granting the MFN status to India because of its enormous benefits not only to the Industry but to Pakistan as a whole. Or perhaps they should take your expert advice or from a person like you who doesn't know the ABC of economics.

Here's a document I suggest you read before shooting from your hip:

Trade with India in Pakistan’s interest
Majid Ali Wajid

Studies reveal that active bilateral trade is likely to result in a win-win situation for both neighbouring countries. It is strongly believed that Pakistan will improve its industrial productivity and competitiveness by granting MFN status to India.

Those who oppose Pakistan’s granting MFN status to India are of the opinion that there is a danger that by doing so, India will flood Pakistan’s domestic markets with Indian commodities killing Pakistani entrepreneurs. It needs to be pointed out here that we shouldn’t forget that WTO laws provide ample protections against such actions, and even if there were no protections available for the entrepreneurs, studies reveal that it could be a blessing in disguise for at least the consumers in Pakistan.

Trade with India in Pakistan’s interest

Pakistani businessmen upbeat on India getting MFN status - Business Today
Not asingle industrialist and common Pakistani support aid to bharat under the guise of MFN.

Only bharti ambassador is collecting importers and offering them hidden dumps of already smuggled stuff.

Obviously it is win win situation for both parties.
Water is an issue between almost every country in the developing world. Just because India and Pakistan have been traditionally rivals, this issue has been blown out of proportions. The Indo-pakistan dispute resolving mechanism on water issues is better than most 2 countries in the world.
Sharing an electrical grid were the first signs of the union of the EU despite traditional rivalry among a lot of member nations. Hope you see the positive in this deal rather than focus on the potential (not to mention imaginary) negatives.

That is Europe, here everyone has seen how India stops water of Pakistan & now this corrupt ghaddari regime wants Pakistan tobe dependant for electricity too, and that too from India, hell no, never. Pakistan must not allow it at all. Pakistan has current capacity of generating 50000 just from hydro power & out of that only 7000 is been generated, need to fix that & generate electricity from there instead of buying from India.
not everything is allowed in the MFN...
only few selected pharma products and taxtile industry related chemicals....

anyway ,MFN is not a boundation on comman pakistani to buy indian products...
That is Europe, here everyone has seen how India stops water of Pakistan & now this corrupt ghaddari regime wants Pakistan tobe dependant for electricity too, and that too from India, hell no, never. Pakistan must not allow it at all. Pakistan has current capacity of generating 50000 just from hydro power & out of that only 7000 is been generated, need to fix that & generate electricity from there instead of buying from India.

England and France were sworn enemies for 400 years. As were the English and the Spanish. Throw in Portugal, Italy and Germany and you had a mess that makes the Indo-Pakistani conflict look like child's play.

The water issue you speak of exists only as a tool for politicians to play the citizens. Read this neutral report.
India and Pakistan at Odds Over Shrinking Indus River

In the past few months, however, the situation has improved, according to Kugelman. "We've been hearing nearly unprecedented statements from very high-level Pakistani officials who have essentially acknowledged that India is not stealing Pakistan's water, and that Pakistan's water problems are essentially a function of internal mismanagement issues," he said. Militants are still griping, he said, "but not as shrilly."

This may be because the two countries are cooperating on water and other issues better than before, and because militants are now focusing less on their archenemy in India and more on coalition forces in Afghanistan.

"But I imagine this is momentary," said Kugelman. "The facts on the ground—the water constraints in both India and Pakistan—have not abated. They're both still very serious and getting worse."

What's needed, he says, is more conservation and adaptation—a smarter way of doing business.
Not asingle industrialist and common Pakistani support aid to bharat under the guise of MFN.

Only bharti ambassador is collecting importers and offering them hidden dumps of already smuggled stuff.

Obviously it is win win situation for both parties.

What? What is this guy saying other than indoctrinated hatred? Can any sane Pakistani (other than this batman kind of's) explain what he meant and how it makes sense?

Please!!! :what:
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