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"Metal and magnet : A few things I know about Jam Saqi from my time with him"

lagay raho, but you have no takers...

Do you think in those countries there are no humans but entirely composed of frogs and trees ?

And no takers ? Communists exist in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Palestine, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Britain and even USA, other than of course in Russia and North Korea.
Do you think in those countries there are no humans but entirely composed of frogs and trees ?

And no takers ? Communists exist in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Palestine, Turkey, Italy, Greece, Britain and even USA, other than of course in Russia and North Korea.
hamay juch lena dena nahi hai aapkaey communism se, bas apni whisky and kebabs khaney do...




aap bhi jaa ke apna tharra pijeye and chaat khahiye...
Right, in the conditions I already described in post# 6. Try to remember previous posts. :)
We exist they don't case closed 🖕
Don't play dumb you atheist pig

What nonsense is this ! East Germany ( German Democratic Republic ) was established by revolutionary Germans in 1949 with help of the USSR.
Yeah this is why they wanted to flee to West Berlin and USSR thugs had to erect the Iron Curtain that divided Europe in half :lol::lol::lol::lol:

North Korea ( Democratic People's Republic of Korea ), whose founder you yourself mention above, was established by revolutionary Koreans in 1948 with help of the USSR.
Another communist dictatorship helped on it's feet by the dictator pigs of USSR
North Koreans never wanted to live under this fat pig Kim but since they will be killed if they speak the truth they continue to suffer under your hideous cult

And then North Korea was invaded by NATO and its ally, the Indian military, just two years later and one million North Koreans genocided and its cities destroyed as is the tradition of NATO.
Perhaps the only thing we can agree on but NATO is as evil as communists themselves
Both of you are thugs and a cancer to this planet and this world would be better off if NATO members and communists were to be eradicated

Afghanistan had Communist governance for much of the timeline you describe and the USSR came into Afghanistan to protect its progressive system from being regime-changed and its progressive people from being murdered by thousands of transnational mullah criminals from all over the world arranged, supported, created, financed and armed by of course NATO ( and China unforunately ) because NATO because of its nature seeks to overthrow progressive leftist systems everywhere especially if they happen to be Muslim-majority.
Progressive and Afghanistan that too under communism:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
They were here to invade Pakistan and expand their influence up to the Indian Ocean and they got their *** handed to them which inevitably resulted in the collapse of USSR :lol:

NATO employing mullah proxies like you to destroy progressive societies. Same old same old.
Big words coming from a commie pig who is on a mission on behalf of his communist cult to destroy Islamic values

Keep calling other agents but in reality YOU ARE THE AGENT you murtad pig you are the cancer to our Muslim society and quite frankly after listening to your murtad bullshit for months even I've grown tired of your same old bullshit you like to go in circles and deflect arguments with what ifs

You can't debate or fight for shit you're destined to fail just like everyone else before you
Mark my words and even take screenshot of this post

YOU WILL FAIL to destroy Islam and that's a promise no proggie bullshit or communism will ever overcome Islam
We exist they don't case closed 🖕

Idiot, you exist but how ? Go ask the sister of the village peasant torn up by the feudal's dogs. Go ask the families and friends of the two young men who suicided last year. Go ask the ghost of Mashal Khan who was lynched in 2017. Go ask the ghosts of the honor killed. Go ask the 20 million homeless. Go ask... Did these things used to happen in the USSR which you so much hate ? There should be a forum rule to warn members who post something stupid again for which the answer has been given posts ago.

They were here to invade Pakistan and expand their influence up to the Indian Ocean and they got their *** handed to them which inevitably resulted in the collapse of USSR :lol:

Firstly, your NATO proxy "Mard-e-Momin" Zia ul Haq didn't make the USSR to collapse.

Now, in fact India in the 1980s under PM Rajiv Gandhi would have gotten Zia back into power if he was overthrown by Pakistani leftists who would have received support from USSR and USSR-supported Communist Afghanistan. Rajiv Gandhi probably didn't want a Socialist or Communist governance system in Pakistan which could have led to a Communist mass swelling in India. From my thread from 2015 :
Washington: Contradicting perceived proximity to the Soviet Union in the Cold War era, India under the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had toyed with the idea of supporting anti-Russian civilian groups in Pakistan if the then Zia regime was thrown out by Moscow, a recent declassified CIA document has claimed.

According to CIA documents of the era, which were recently declassified and posted on the CIA website under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which is similar to India's Right to Information Act, Gandhi wanted non-interference from both the United States and the then USSR. "Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi would like both the USSR and the United States to end their involvement in South Asia," noted the 31-page CIA document titled 'The Soviet Presence in Afghanistan: Implications for the Regional Powers and the US'.

While taking note of the historic India-USSR relationship in particular in the defence field, the CIA report of April 1985 noted that India is likely to become increasingly concerned about long-range Soviet intentions in the region and could find itself moving towards confrontation with the Soviets if Pakistan was effectively neutralised.

"New Delhi regards Pakistan as a strategic buffer against the USSR and would oppose Moscow's effort to dominate Pakistan. New Delhi and Moscow would find themselves supporting rival factions within Pakistan," said the report, according to which Moscow had plans to change the regime in Pakistan and extend its influence beyond Afghanistan. In that case, the report said, "The Indians would seek to significantly reduce their dependence on Moscow and reorder their strategic relationship with the USSR, the United States and China if they perceived Soviet ambitions as extending beyond Afghanistan toward the subcontinent."

According to the report, the Soviets tried to heighten India's suspicion about Pakistan's intentions and its security relationship with the US in order to foster Indo-Pakistani tensions and heighten New Delhi’s dependence on Moscow. "In Soviet view, conflict between India and Pakistan would work toward solving Moscow's Afghan problem and would give Moscow opportunities to strengthen its position in South Asia," the report said.

"If (Gen) Zia (Ul Haq) regime were to fall, the Indians might try to prevent Soviet attempt to dominate Pakistan by supporting rival Pakistani political factions, Soviet military moves against an already neutralised Pakistan could even result in military confrontation with India," it added.

Six months later when Gandhi was planning to meet General Zia on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, the CIA analyzed that the then Indian Prime Minister, despite his strong public views on Pakistan's nuclear weapons program, was unlikely to push him hard on it. "Gandhi is unlikely to push Zia hard about the Pakistani nuclear program, although he probably will at least mention his continuing concern," noted the top secret CIA document dated October 21, 1985.

"For his part, Zia is also likely to propose ideas on ways to improve the bilateral relationship. He may suggest regular high-level diplomatic talks in addition to the formal Joint Commission sessions that focuses on trade, communications and cultural exchanges," the report said. "Zia may also solicit Gandhi's views on whether as the Pakistanis believe the Soviets are becoming serious about a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan," it said.
So by Pakistan becoming governed by USSR-ally Communists and Socialists the warm water ports of Pakistan would automatically have been among the channels for USSR to do trade and assistance goods transport to many places. No need for USSR to specially invade Pakistan. And who saved "Mard-e-Momin" from jail ? A kaafir leader from padosi dushman mulk. :rofl: So let us stop with the mythology propagation.
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Idiot, you exist but how ? Go ask the sister of the village peasant torn up by the feudal's dogs. Go ask the families and friends of the two young men who suicided last year. Go ask the ghost of Mashal Khan who was lynched in 2017. Go ask the ghosts of the honor killed. Go ask the 20 million homeless. Go ask... Did these things used to happen in the USSR which you so much hate ? There should be a forum rule to warn members who post something stupid again for which the answer has been given posts ago.
Yes IT DID you retarded faggot
USSR didn't die without a reason if it was a fucking paradise why is it gone? Answer that you retarded bitch you keep barking like a rabid wild dog without any facts and figures and get mad when you get debunked idiot

Firstly, your NATO proxy "Mard-e-Momin" Zia ul Haq didn't make the USSR to collapse.

Now, in fact India in the 1980s under PM Rajiv Gandhi would have gotten Zia back into power if he was overthrown by Pakistani leftists who would have received support from USSR and USSR-supported Communist Afghanistan. Rajiv Gandhi probably didn't want a Socialist or Communist governance system in Pakistan which could have led to a Communist mass swelling in India. From my thread from 2015 :
What a load of bullshit but then again what can we expect from a gay commie like you USSR didn't collapse solely because of Zia's policies their shitty ideology played the main role in their demise the failure to expand only accelerated the process

So by Pakistan becoming governed by USSR-ally Communists and Socialists the warm water ports of Pakistan would automatically have been among the channels for USSR to do trade and assistance goods transport to many places. No need for USSR to specially invade Pakistan. And who saved "Mard-e-Momin" from jail ? A kaafir leader from padosi dusman mulk. :rofl: So let us stop with the mythology propagation.
We get it you're retarded you cannot comprehend a basic sentence anyone with half a brain would know Russia had no warm water ports so they had to expand south to establish maritime trade routes

And I didn't quote that you did you quote retarded articles such as yourself :lol:
Like I said before I'll say it again if you have nothing new to say shut the **** up and go hang yourself gay boy don't waste my time with your retarded proggie gay bullshit
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