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"Metal and magnet : A few things I know about Jam Saqi from my time with him"


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Metal and magnet: A few things I know about Jam Saqi from my time with him

Hidayat Hussain Published March 7, 2018

Jam Saqi —Abro Khuda Bux

Jam Saqi —Abro Khuda Bux

I first met Jam Saqi in 1966. He was a senior student in Sindh University and I had just entered in my first year.

First of all, I was struck by his name. Jam in Urdu is wine and saqiis the one who serves wine.

People used to find his name amusing. He used to explain that Jam was a common first name in Sindh and Saqi was his takhalus — pen name.

Jam Saqi was as unusual a person as his name. He had one pair of shirt and pants. He always wore chappals. I never saw him wearing shoes.

He was always on the move between the old campus of Sindh University in the centre of Hyderabad and various colleges.

Jam was dedication personified. Even before being convinced by his political message, one was convinced of the sincerity of the man.

Jam Saqi with his father Mohmand Sachal, mother Mehi Bai, sister Marvi and brother Sultan. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with his father Mohmand Sachal, mother Mehi Bai, sister Marvi and brother Sultan. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Soon I started visiting him in the kholi he occupied on the top floor of a shabby building in Tilak Charri. The room was hardly large enough to contain his charpoy.

There was an oil stove in a corner on which he cooked his only meal of the day late in the evening. The meal would generally consist of lentils and chapati. He would always insist that I share the food with him.

Jam was from a small village, Jhanji, in the furthest confines of Tharpakar, only a few kilometres from the Indian border.

His mother tongue was Thari. His father, Sachal Baba, was a teacher in the primary school of the village.

There was a well in the village which yielded only muddy water unless there were sufficient rains.

It was a long distance from Jhanji to Chachro, the nearest town. And travelling from Chachro to Mirpurkhas in those days was like going by train from Karachi to Lahore, to say nothing of Hyderabad, which felt like some light years away.

Jam Saqi with leftist poet Habib Jalib. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with leftist poet Habib Jalib. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

How did Jam become a communist? When I asked him, he replied that metal is always attracted by magnet.

He was a voracious reader. Apart from Sindhi, he read a lot in Urdu as well as English. One book he liked a lot and gave everyone to read was the Urdu translation of Naked Among Wolves, a novel set in a Nazi-controlled concentration camp.

The Urdu translation, under the title Phool aur Samoom (Flowers and Thorns), was by Razia Sajjad Zaheer, the wife of Sajjad Zaheer, famous Urdu writer and the first general secretary of Communist Party of Pakistan. Jam later on also named his first son Sajjad Zaheer.

A young Sindhi writer of those days, Munir Manik, used to joke that Jam is distributing Phool aur Samosay (Flowers and Samosas) to others all the time.

Jam Saqi with Khan Abdul Wali Khan and Sindhi writer Badar Abro. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with Khan Abdul Wali Khan and Sindhi writer Badar Abro. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam was an extremely affectionate person. This is what struck the people most in him. He usually embraced everyone on meeting them and his favourite way of addressing them was jani.

This was not merely for form: there indeed was a sincere warmth and gentleness in his attitude towards people irrespective of whether they were political friends or adversaries.

Years later, after spending eight years in jail during the Zia regime, most of it in solitary confinement at the Lahore Fort and Mach Jail, he bore no grudge against the men in uniform.

He used to say that the ordinary soldier has nothing in common with the likes of Yahya Khan and Zia-ul-Haq

Jam Saqi with acclaimed poet Ahmed Faraz and others. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with acclaimed poet Ahmed Faraz and others. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam was first put in prison in the Ayub era, then under Yahya Khan’s regime and finally during Zia’s time.

Between these stints behind bars, he married his first wife Sukhan, who was from the same village as him.

During his bride’s first visit to Hyderabad, he brought her to meet my mother who had become very fond of him over the years.

My mother was a very religious person but she liked his dedication and simplicity. In the meantime, I went abroad, but he continued to visit my mother.
Later on when Jam had to go underground with the state sleuths at his heels, he used our house to meet with Sukhan.

Just days before he was arrested in 1978, he met his wife in our house. This proved to be his last meeting with Sukhan.

Jam Saqi with his first wife, Sukhan. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with his first wife, Sukhan. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Sukhan had borne him two children, a boy and a girl, Sajjad Zaheer and Bakhtawar. When news spread that Jam was being tortured in Lahore Fort and kept in solitary confinement, Sukhan could not bear it.

To escape the torment, she jumped into the well in her village and died.
Sukhan’s love for Jam would need another Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai to celebrate it in his verses. A Sur Sukhan like Sur Sassi and Sur Marvi.

A news clipping following Jam Saqi's release from jail, with a picture of the home where he was born. —Abro Khudabux

A news clipping following Jam Saqi's release from jail, with a picture of the home where he was born. —Abro Khudabux

When Jam came out of jail in 1987, the long imprisonment had taken its toll on him. He was physically diminished. His legs were practically crippled after being kept in a standing position for interrogations lasting hours on end. Sukhan’s death had also wrought grief over his entire existence.

Some years later when well-wishers arranged for his treatment at Cromwell Hospital in London, the doctors told him that it was a miracle that he was still alive. But his lust for life led him to remarry and to re-establish family life.

Jam Saqi with his second wife, Akhtar Sultana. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi with his second wife, Akhtar Sultana. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas' biography of Jam Saqi

The ideal Jam fought for suffered a deadly crash with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but his attachment with the poor and oppressed remained intact.
He also had great admiration for those who stood bravely against dictatorial regimes in Pakistan. This was the reason why he held Benazir Bhutto in great esteem

It was not, perhaps, political affiliation as much as adoration for the person who fought empty-handed against the cunning regime of Zia-ul-Haq.

Benazir Bhutto vouching in favour of Jam Saqi in court during the Zia regime. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas biography of Jam Saqi

Benazir Bhutto vouching in favour of Jam Saqi in court during the Zia regime. —Photo from Ahmed Saleem and Nuzhat Abbas biography of Jam Saqi

Jam Saqi has died at the age of 74. This was not a short life, but in substance, it was cut short by years of imprisonment and personal sufferings.

When I attended his funeral this week, I was immersed in reminiscence of the days when I first became acquainted with him.

I kept thinking about the man he was and the immense energy he had. He was certainly too great for this life that cuts short the giants.


Jamahir's comment : I remembered his name from seeing the title of a thread about a Sindh chief minister also called Jam. I thought I must bring the idealism of Jam Saqi to a time in South Asia now when progressive activism among South Asians, including Muslims sadly, is not so present, there but not so present, unlike in earlier decades. My salute to this revolutionary.


@Areesh ;)
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You are trying hard to be a gangsta hard man with your language. Just leave it. :lol:

You are not aware that Communists exist in South Asia ( including Pakistan ), Palestine, Turkey, Russia and North Korea of course, Italy, Greece, Britain and even USA, maybe Japan still. I suggest you mourn the Pakistani Communist Jam Saqi who died in 2018. My thread on him :
I had to reply here because the previous thread was locked

We will see who is a gangsta hard man why don't you dare to bring a communist revolution? The only way for you to do is a mass murder or genocide because nobody would side with you and you and your filthy kind lack the strength to do that :D

And I don't care where the rest of your retarded kind exists you're all vile filth sucking maggots nothing else and as far as the communist you're talking about goes GOOD RIDDANCE

Hope more and more of you leave this world so it can be a better place without your filthy atheist murtad kind around
We will see who is a gangsta hard man why don't you dare to bring a communist revolution? The only way for you to do is a mass murder or genocide because nobody would side with you and you and your filthy kind lack the strength to do that :D

1. You didn't understand, I was accusing you of trying hard to to be a gangsta hard man and that's not a compliment. :) Why would I want to be a gangsta hard man mouthing foul words ?

2. The coming about of revolutions are situational on local condition and how the progressives can arrange a large change there and also how these progressives can work with progressives in other societies. For example, Some years ago I met the leaders of three progressive political groups in my city because I wanted to bring about an umbrella formation for progressive movements like PLO starting at least in my state. Two of these three groups were among the public Communist groups in India and from one of them I met the state secretary for my state in that group. The group is a major Communist group in India. The state secretary was an elderly intellectual man who had been in workers unions for long and had narrowly missed being killed by 20-25 RSS terrorists at his house. I and he had two or three meetings and we discussed various things in the world including why the Iraqi Baathists shouldn't have suppressed the Iraqi Communists because ultimately both were progressives. In the end I decided to join that group and he called me to a protest meeting in my city to remember the Dalit student Rohith Vemula who had suicided in the hostel because of oppression by upper caste university management and government officials. Somehow I missed meeting that party's city chief who would have entered me into the party / group so I am not in it now. This is just one example. I know how to bring big change just that I have to arrange the situation and have time, not too long a time but time. @SecularNationalist, you were lecturing to me to act on my words, yes ? Words and ideas are very important and as above I act on them too. Unlike those fools you know in Pakistan who strut about with AKs and fire them in weddings injuring some guests and then firing them at each other in crazy tribal and family feuds. :lol:

Laal Salaam.

And I don't care where the rest of your retarded kind exists you're all vile filth sucking maggots nothing else

But you declared that Communism died 30 years ago ? :)

and as far as the communist you're talking about goes GOOD RIDDANCE

I tell you again, if the attempt to take over Pakistan's governance in 1951 by Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his comrades in the military and civilian society had succeeded - 1951 being much before you were born - then the late Jam Saqi whom you are insulting would have been part of that leadership and goverance system and you now wouldn't have been arrogant and your NATO proxy "Mard-e-Momim" Zia ul Haq would not have been around too. :)
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1. You didn't understand, I was accusing you of trying hard to to be a gangsta hard man and that's not a compliment. :)
I understood very well what you meant, I was telling you that I might not be a gangsta but you sure seem to be one

If you had half a brain you'd pick up on that

narrowly missed being killed by 20-25 RSS terrorists at his house.
The one time I'd rather side with RSS since we don't need your bullshit either

I and he had two or three meetings and we discussed various things in the world including why the Iraqi Baathists shouldn't have suppressed the Iraqi Communists because ultimately both were progressives.

Somehow I missed meeting that party's city chief who would have entered me into the party / group so I am not in it now
Why? You're a retarded fag you fulfill their basic requirement I don't understand why wouldn't they bestow upon you the membership of their atheist cult by default :lol:

I know how to bring big change just that I have to arrange the situation and have time, not to long a time but time.
You're retarded enough already to think communism can work and even more retarded if you think such a time would ever come
Your gay partners couldn't do shit in the past and a murtad pig like you from the shithole India wants to change something? :lol::lol:

But you declared that Communism died 30 years ago ? :)
Did I say communism? Even once? Communists can exist without communism
You are so fcking braindead even more retarded than I initially believed lol

I tell you again, if the attempt to take over Pakistan's governance in 1951 by Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his comrades in the military and civilian society had succeeded - 1951 being much before you were born - then the late Jam Saqi whom you are insulting would have been part of that leadership and goverance system and you now wouldn't have been arrogant and your criminal "Mard-e-Momim" Zia ul Haq would not have been around too. :)

If If If If If If If Do you have any other things to say apart from IF? But what can I say communists never had any prosperity in their lives all they can do is reimagine reality :lol:

All your posts are "If this happened in the past" "If communism is reinstated" "If he was successful" but go on keep dreaming Lenin, Stalin and Marx did too :enjoy:

And then you wondered why I said you were trying hard to be gangsta hard man.

You're retarded enough already to think communism can work and even more retarded if you think such a time would ever come
Your gay partners couldn't do shit in the past and a murtad pig like you from the shithole India wants to change something? :lol::lol:

Gather your mullahs in Raiwind and challenge Communist-USSR-legacy Russia to fire its nuclear missiles at you and then as the missiles appear 1000 feet above you throw your regular insults at the missiles. Let's see if you don't melt to the ground. :)

If If If If If If If Do you have any other things to say apart from IF? But what can I say communists never had any prosperity in their lives all they can do is reimagine reality :lol:

Black Vigo says this even as Pakistan's Capitalist soceity has 20 million homeless people; rural feudalism where the feudals can easily set dogs upon peasants who die in the attack and the police will forgive the feudal; then urban feudals; bonded labor; gender violence; stupidly proud tribalism; irrational social, religious and socio-economic class violence and oppression including mob lynching and suicides by students and workers including two young men who jumped off the higher floors in two separate malls just late last year because they were unemployed and the Capitalist system in Pakistan demanded that they have to compulsorily earn montly wage slavery and pay tax extortion too to barely survive themselves and their family and once the two were unemployed they were left socio-economically destitute and desperate and the Pakistani sytem was not empathetic to their tragic situtation, and desperate and trapped because of traditional anti-human social expections they suicided. If this is prosperity then no society should have it.
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Gather your mullahs in Raiwind and challenge Communist USSR-legacy Russia to fire its nuclear missiles there and then as the missiles appear 1000 feet above you throw your regular insults at the missiles. Let's see if you don't melt to the ground.
Seems I struck a nerve there lol I like how triggered you are
If communist Russia had guts they'd fire nukes during the cold war

And why are you relying on Russia? What can YOU DO? NOTHING:lol:

It is obvious you want to kill everyone who opposes you and I'd like to see you try lol

Black Vigo says this even as Pakistan's Capitalist soceity has 20 million homeless people; rural feudalism where the feudals can easily set dogs upon peasants who die in the attack and the police will forgive the feudal; then urban feudals; bonded labor; gender violence; stupidly proud tribalism; irrational social, religious and socio-economic class violence and oppression including mob lynching and suicides by students and workers including two young men who jumped off the higher floors in two separate malls just late last year because they were unemployed and the Capitalist system in Pakistan demanded that they have to compulsorily earn montly wage slavery and pay tax extortion too to barely survive themselves and their family and once the two were unemployed they were left socio-economically destitute and desperate and the Pakistani sytem was not empathetic to their tragic situtation, and desperate and trapped because of traditional anti-human social expections they suicided. If this is prosperity then no society should have it.
This is coming from someone who supports communist dictatorship, forced reeducation, forced labor in mines, gulags and concentration camps :lol:

You speak as there is no poverty in communist countries
If they were so great why is Russia a capitalist state now? Why did they abandon communism? Why did Eastern Europe ditch communism? I mean they were doing so well and everyone was better off so why? But you're a gay retard atheist so I'm not surprised due to your lack of brain LOL
If communist Russia had guts they'd fire nukes during the cold war

Two reasons :

1. Strategic government alliance element : Pakistan government of Zia ul Haq was a proxy of NATO which wouldn't want to lose a useful anti-Communist mullah government ally so USSR firing nukes at Pakistan would make NATO to also fire nukes at USSR.

2. Ideological and moral element : Not everyone in Pakistan was a Tableegh Jamaati follower of Zia ul Haq. Many were progressive people including the Communists. USSR nukes on Pakistan would kill all these innocent and leftist people and make USSR to be disliked even among the leftists. Plus the fallout of the nuke strikes would affect the Communist and neutral people in Afghanistan in India. Needless. If however Zia and the TJ could have been the one residents of an isolated place then USSR nukes would have struck. No innocent life harmed.

And why are you relying on Russia? What can YOU DO? NOTHING:lol:

Russia was once USSR which didn't drop from the sky one night but began through a staggered people's revolution culminating in 1917 and then establishment of the USSR in 1922. Like I have told you above that revolution's elements were situational to the context of Russia, Central Asia and other places eventually forming the USSR. The change in India will use the same broad concepts that USSR used but modernized and will be situational to India. And then will move outside, regionally and beyond through collaboration. Let me give another example. In 2014 I was working in an Indian ITES company for less than a year and because of office situations of injustice I thought of starting a workers union. I didn't know then that the Indian constitution gave the Indian worker the right to organize or join a workers union. My thought came naturally, organically. It was like a peasant in a rural feudal structure organizing a group to demand the human rights. My idea was to establish a workers union in my office and then once established here encourage the workers in my company's other city branch to start a union there and encourage their near and dear ones working in the Indian IT / ITES industry all over India to start their own local unions but all these unions collaborating nationally. And I the initiator would have been the natural leader of the confederation of workers unions in the Indian IT / ITES industry. :)

So I spread the word to a few in my office but someone the word got to the ears of the branch manager and he and I had a tiff but because I wasn't so well-spoken in political and socio-economic ideas as now I wasn't able to say much in his cabin and then I was punished by shifting my shifting from evening shift to morning shift so that I would have to take autorickshaw twice to office instead of the earlier night-time office cab home and thus now I would have lesser money in the month by paying two autorickshaw fares a day - 100+ rupees one way. Another punishment was making me sit near the branch manager's cabin to prevent me from talking to most of the workers. But this gave me more time to stare dreamingly at my object of obsession. :rofl:

But after a few days I demanded with the assistant branch manager, who was a reasonable man, to allow me to speak with the human resources department in the other branch because that branch was the city hq for this MNC. He arranged for the meeting and the I had a long meeting with the girl who was the HR head for the two branches in the city. At the end she asked me the solution and I could have said I wanted a meet with the vice-president of India operations sitting in that branch and convinced her that the workers have the right to start a union. She had earlier appeard to be a reasonable woman. But instead of meeting the vice-president I foolishly said I wanted to resign ! The HR head girl called my branch manager and asked for his objection and I was told to go to my branch. Outside I met my office cab driver with whom I was friendly and he dropped me till my branch. But as I entered the security desk room I was told sadly by the guard, with whom also I was friendly, that he had been told to not let me enter the office and I would be given my papers.

The exisiting All-India Indian IT / ITES workers unions confederation was established in 2018, four years after I almost established one. I almost became the leader of the confederation of Indian IT / ITES workers unions and I would have been a significant influence in Indian workers' lives by now at the least. So progressive / Communist revolutionary thought is pan-human but many times is subject to local situations and thus adaptations.

@DrJekyll @SIPRA @Sharma Ji, read the above and point 2 of post# 4.

This is coming from someone who supports communist dictatorship, forced reeducation, forced labor in mines, gulags and concentration camps :lol:

1. True Communism aka progressive direct democracy is the truest expression of real democracy through direct citizen participation in the running of society at neighborhood level, district / city level and country level. The national congress for citizens if generating ideas sends it to the citizens' congresses for consultation. Reverse also applies. The citizen participates without a party pretending to represent him or her but instead acting on its own power game and ideology however bad it might be. There is no superboss lording over the masses. The citizens are the governance though should be guided by progressive philosophers and revolutionaries from time to time to avoid possible corrupt tendencies in the public from destroying the system meant to give the public the power.

So any other form of "democracy" is an illusion of democracy, in fact anti-democracy. I speak of the unnecessarily complicated and anti-democracy Anglo-style system of multiple political parties ( some many be regional too ); ballot voting; elections ( many may be regional too at different times of the year ); a complex hierarchy of president, prime minister, deputy prime minister, governors, chief ministers, district magistrates, mayors etc; and then multiple parliaments even at national level, for example the Indian Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in imitation of the British anti-democratic House of Commons and House of Lords. In these parliaments the citizen is prevented from voicing his or her opinion about national or other matters directly by being there or the citizen doesn't even have the chance starting neighborhood level to voice his or her opinion and have that opinion heard in the parliaments. Nor do the parliaments put out ideas for consultation among the citizens of the country even though these ideas will form daily influences in the citizens' lives or influence in some way. The power making the decisions in this system is not the citizen but the party and the parliament even without the consent of the citizen. So how is this democratic ? In the Korea War of 1950-53 the Indian government sent the Indian military to participate in the NATO Capitalist imperialist aggression on North Korea and its two allies in the war - USSR and China. One million North Koreans were genocided in the war. Indian government and the military put themselves in the situation where they became responsible for that genocide. Did the Indian government consult with the citizens if they wanted India in that Korea or in fact if they even wanted India to side with North Korea, USSR and China ? Who gave right to Nehru's government to unilaterally fight alongside NATO in that war ? So this decision of Nehru government done without consent of each citizen of India was anti-democratic, also to mention anti-human in this context. Direct democracy that was brought up in Greek cities 2500 years ago but was flawed was implemented in the modern world first in the Libyan Jamahiriya. This post of mine is more on that. You should read that entire thread.

2. Re-education : If an individual stubbornly refuses to understand the rationality of philosophy such as above then he or she will have to be re-educated, is it not ?

You speak as there is no poverty in communist countries
If they were so great why is Russia a capitalist state now? Why did they abandon communism? Why did Eastern Europe ditch communism? I mean they were doing so well and everyone was better off so why? But you're a gay retard atheist so I'm not surprised due to your lack of brain LOL

1. In Germany there are people who are sick of the disparities in living in the new Germany and long for former East Germany especially those elderly people who were citizens of it. Similarly in Russia.

2. Someone who wrote the points above has lack of brain ?
1. Strategic government alliance element : Pakistan government of Zia ul Haq was a proxy of NATO which wouldn't want to lose a useful anti-Communist mullah government ally so USSR firing nukes at Pakistan would make NATO to also fire nukes at USSR.
So they were pussies like you? lol
2. Ideological and moral element : Not everyone in Pakistan was a Tableegh Jamaati follower of Zia ul Haq. Many were progressive people including the Communists. USSR nukes on Pakistan would kill all these innocent and leftist people and make USSR to be disliked even among the leftists. Plus the fallout of the nuke strikes would affect the Communist and neutral people in Afghanistan in India. Needless. If however Zia and the TJ could have been the one residents of an isolated place then USSR nukes would have struck. No innocent life harmed.
Communists and morality :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
So you just admitted they were pussies like you LOL

Russia was once USSR
I'm surprised you didn't say its still Soviet Russia :lol:

Like I have told you above that revolution's elements were situational to the context of Russia, Central Asia and other places eventually forming the USSR. The change in India will use the same broad concepts that USSR used but modernized and will be situational to India. And then will move outside, regionally and beyond through collaboration. Let me give another example. In 2014 I was working in an Indian ITES company for less than a year and because of office situations of injustice I thought of starting a workers union. I didn't know then that the Indian constitution gave the Indian worker the right to organize or join a workers union. My thought came naturally, organically. It was like a peasant in a rural feudal structure organizing a group to demand the human rights. My idea was to establish a workers union in my office and then once established here encourage the workers in my company's other city branch to start a union there and encourage their near and dear ones working in the Indian IT / ITES industry all over India to start their own local unions but all these unions collaborating nationally. And I the initiator would have been the natural leader of the confederation of workers unions in the Indian IT / ITES industry. :)
Who is stopping you bitch boy? Go for it LOL

Should have/would have :lol::lol:

1. True Communism aka progressive direct democracy is the truest expression of real democracy through direct citizen participation in the running of society at neighborhood level, district / city level and country level. The national congress for citizens if generating ideas sends it to the citizens' congresses for consultation. Reverse also applies. The citizen participates without a party pretending to represent him or her but instead acting on its own power game and ideology however bad it might be. There is no superboss lording over the masses. The citizens are the governance though should be guided by progressive philosophers and revolutionaries from time to time to avoid possible corrupt tendencies in the public from destroying the system meant to give the public the power.
Who is your Stalin? Lenin? Kim-il sung, kim jong il, kim jong un, fidel castro?
Your whole movement is corrupt just like your morality

Your kind is filthy and disgusting this is why you guys never achieved any success thanks to Allah and you never will

In the Korea War of 1950-53 the Indian government sent the Indian military to participate in the NATO Capitalist imperialist aggression on North Korea and its two allies in the war - USSR and China. One million North Koreans were genocided in the war. Indian government and the military put themselves in the situation where they became responsible for that genocide. Did the Indian government consult with the citizens if they wanted India in that Korea or in fact if they even wanted India to side with North Korea, USSR and China ? Who gave right to Nehru's government to unilaterally fight alongside NATO in that war ? So this decision of Nehru government done without consent of each citizen of India was anti-democratic, also to mention anti-human in this context. Direct democracy that was brought up in Greek cities 2500 years ago but was flawed was implemented in the modern world first in the Libyan Jamahiriya. This post of mine is more on that. You should read that entire thread.
Yeah because communist dictator fags ask each and every citizen of theirs before invading a country

Soviet russia definitely asked it's population if they should have invaded peaceful countries and forcefully incorporate into the demonic ussr :lol::lol:

Go sell this bullshit to someone else gay retard

Re-education : If an individual stubbornly refuses to understand the rationality of philosophy such as above then he or she will have to be re-educated, is it not ?
That's only how a communist dictator pig such as yourself would think not any peaceful human being

You're not even a human let alone a Muslim you're a disgusting atheist pig
In Germany there are people who are sick of the disparities in living in the new Germany and long for former East Germany especially those elderly people who were citizens of it. Similarly in Russia.
Source: Trust me bro

Someone who wrote the points above has lack of brain ?
Indeed you do, hope you seek medical attention before you go full retard :lol:
bitch boy?

gay retard

Still full-on gangsta mode, eh ? When can't reply rationally, switch to aggressive words. :lol:

What is this obsessive chanting of "gay" and "fag" when the OP mentions Jam Saqi being married twice to females and I mentioning my female object of obsession ?

But I must make clear I have nothing against gays, that's their personal life, except gay mullahs who rape.

Communists and morality :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
So you just admitted they were pussies like you LOL

Communists have morality, a light year more than you right-wingers. :) And yes, Communists are pussies - cats - gentle, sensitive, empathetic, thoughtful, loyal, tranquil, harmony-loving etc.

Who is stopping you bitch boy? Go for it LOL

Should have/would have :lol::lol:

My game is much wider now. :)

Who is your Stalin? Lenin? Kim-il sung, kim jong il, kim jong un, fidel castro?
Your whole movement is corrupt just like your morality

Lenin was a philosopher and a revolutionary who founded what became later the most powerful Socialist society, a superpower ( power for defence and not for imperialism like NATO ). Lenin wasn't a dictator. Kim il Sung was also the founder of another progressive Socialist society. Muammar Gaddafi was also a philosopher and a revolutionary whose true democracy political system carries on now in Venezuela. Why didn't you mention him ? I have told you above the nature of democracy and what is not democracy and the Anglo-derived political systems whether in Pakistan or India or USA or France or Australia and so on are anti-democracy. So the corruption is not in the Communist / Socialist / leftist movements but in the Capitalist political systems Anglo-style. Fidel Castro is a great man, a revolutionary.

Your kind is filthy and disgusting this is why you guys never achieved any success thanks to Allah and you never will

USSR existed for 69 years and the "Islamic" Republic of Pakistan continues to exist for 75 years, existing for six years more than the USSR. Which was the advanced, welfare-based society that was also a space power and where continues political, social and socio-economic oppressions that we don't need to list again and from where not a single human has gone to space or sent a probe to another space body ? Who was the success ? Whom did Allah did not deliver success despite the country being named in his name ? :)

Yeah because communist dictator fags ask each and every citizen of theirs before invading a country

Soviet russia definitely asked it's population if they should have invaded peaceful countries and forcefully incorporate into the demonic ussr :lol::lol:

Go sell this bullshit to someone else gay retard

Which are these invaded countries ?

That's only how a communist dictator pig such as yourself would think not any peaceful human being

You're not even a human let alone a Muslim you're a disgusting atheist pig

I am being humane, a gentle cat. I didn't say, make the stubborn irrationals kneel along a long ditch and put a bullet into the back of their heads one by one.
But I must make clear I have nothing against gays, that's their personal life, except gay mullahs who rape.
Seems like you have gay lovers but have hatred of Islam because of one of those retarded mullahs molested you

Communists have morality, a light year more than you right-wingers. :) And yes, Communists are pussies - cats - gentle, sensitive, empathetic, thoughtful, loyal, tranquil, harmony-loving etc.
Yeah 20 Million dead soviets definitely :lol:proves that :lol::lol:

My game is much wider now. :)
By all means go for it try and see what happens to your filthy murtad kind
Since you have openly declared war on Islam and are hell bent on destroying it I promise you this time you'll be completely erased from existence

Lenin was a philosopher and a revolutionary who founded what became later the most powerful Socialist society, a superpower ( power for defence and not for imperialism like NATO ). Lenin wasn't a dictator
Power for defence :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
By forcing others to be a part of your atheist cult or face death :lol:

Kim il Sung was also the founder of another progressive Socialist society.
Yeah and they are also your God's who don't have buttholes and don't take a dump right? They were also born on the holy Korean mountains because they are holy commies

Lol talk about delusional what a retard I like how blind you are to the fact North Koreans are being ruled by a big fat pig who eats lavish meals in his castle whereas his citizens die due to starvation LOL

Which was the advanced, welfare-based society that was also a space power and where continues political, social and socio-economic oppressions that we don't need to list again and from where not a single human has gone to space or sent a probe to another space body ? Who was the success ? Whom did Allah did not deliver success despite the country being named in his name ? :)
So where is USSR now? Why did it die? Why are former communist countries now capitalists? Answer that you retarded pig you always skip this because you have no answers and only what ifs :lol::lol::lol:

Whom did Allah did not deliver success despite the country being named in his name ? :)
USSR doesn't exist but we continue to exist that says a lot :lol:

Which are these invaded countries ?

Poland (1939–1956)

Baltic states (1940–1991)

Finnish territories (1940)

Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina (1940)

Iran (1941–1946)

Hungary (1944)

Romania (1944)

Bulgaria (1944)

Czechoslovakia (1944)

Northern Norway (1944–1946) and Bornholm, Denmark (1945–1946)

Eastern Germany (1945–1949)

Austria (1945–1955)

Manchuria (1945–1946)

Korea (1945–1948)

Kuril Islands (1945)

Afghanistan (1979–1989)

Go ahead and deny this too :lol::lol:

I am being humane, a gentle cat. I didn't say, make the stubborn irrationals kneel along a long ditch and put a bullet into the back of their heads one by one.
Your words are enough to conclude this
Talking about nuking "mullahs" and all what else is that supposed to mean pig? :lol:

Either come back with facts and figures or don't bother tagging me 🖕
Since you have openly declared war on Islam and are hell bent on destroying it

What !

Eastern Germany (1945–1949)

Korea (1945–1948)

Afghanistan (1979–1989)

What nonsense is this ! East Germany ( German Democratic Republic ) was established by revolutionary Germans in 1949 with help of the USSR. North Korea ( Democratic People's Republic of Korea ), whose founder you yourself mention above, was established by revolutionary Koreans in 1948 with help of the USSR. And then North Korea was invaded by NATO and its ally, the Indian military, just two years later and one million North Koreans genocided and its cities destroyed as is the tradition of NATO. Afghanistan had Communist governance for much of the timeline you describe and the USSR came into Afghanistan to protect its progressive system from being regime-changed and its progressive people from being murdered by thousands of transnational mullah criminals from all over the world arranged, supported, created, financed and armed by of course NATO ( and China unforunately ) because NATO because of its nature seeks to overthrow progressive leftist systems everywhere especially if they happen to be Muslim-majority. One of those transnational mullah criminals brought in by NATO was Osama bin Laden, founder of Al Qaeda, trained in the mountains of Scotland by British commandos and in other places before sent into Afghanistan. What happened in Afghanistan in from 1979 to 1996 ( year of murder of President Najibullah ) is what is happening in Libya and Syria now since 2011. NATO employing mullah proxies like you to destroy progressive societies. Same old same old.
communism = collectivism = shared misery, lack of food, starvation, international isolation.. and death

communism = collectivism = shared misery, lack of food, starvation, international isolation.. and death

View attachment 849196

Pictures from Bombay, the "economic capital" of India, the most extreme Capitalist society in human history. Google image keywords "Bombay juxtaposition of slums and tall buildings" :



Sharma will now say that the people living in these slums are much much happier than the middle class people in those tall buildings and have access to delicious food in every meal and there is no shared misery. Sab changa si. And of course the slum dwellers will be happy to know that there is no "international isolation" created against extreme Capitalist India by the Capitalist NATO bloc which "internationally isolated" Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Cuba etc even though these latter countries had / have regular progressive people's delegations from everywhere and government relations with the non-NATO countries. :lol:
Sharma will now say that the people living in these slums are much much happier than the middle class people in those tall buildings and have access to delicious food in every meal and there is no shared misery. Sab changa si.
No, far from, the people there are miserable.. I happen to be of the lot that lives across that river of flith and in a tower of comfort 3 :smokin:

I doubt they have access to tasty wholesome meals, that lot.. ++
Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Cuba :blah:

lagay raho, but you have no takers...

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