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message to the People of the west

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New Recruit

Jul 2, 2006
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In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy​

To the coalition of crusading nations particularly and to the people of the West in general:​

Peace be upon those who follow the guidance.​

I am writing this letter to you as the world is full of great events and enormous disasters. I want to let you know our vision concerning this and also our vision concerning you so that you can determine your position accordingly. I want to let you know what we feel and how we think, what we want and what we aim for. I will put it in points to make it easy to understand:​

Instead of correcting the heinous mistake of invading Iraq, getting out as you got in, and leaving the Iraqi people to manage their own affairs, your governments and armies have committed a great mistake by killing our sheikh, Abo-Mosaab al-Zarqawi – may Allah have mercy on his soul - this mistake we consider a war crime itself. Killing our leaders and great men will not weaken our forces and will not stop us until we achieve victory and kick you out of all the Muslim lands, humiliated and dishonored.​

Waht about wearing a suicide vest & blowing yourself up in mosque?

Ask your sons and your soldiers in the armies of the coalition of crusaders because they are the best to answer this question: what happens when one of our leaders is killed in the battlefield? I'm sure it would be difficult for you to ask them because of the long distance between you, so I will volunteer the answer:​

The fall of any of our leaders means that a battalion takes his place and a battle named after him is launched. Your soldiers know the taste of such a battle because it has no taste except the taste of death. They also know the consequences of a battle against angry Muslim men in defense of their religion when taking revenge for the slaying of their leaders.​

This has nothing to do with religion. The war was about, oil & had strategic purpose behind it

How do you think the revenge will be this time when we have lost our leader, Sheikh Abo Mosaab al-Zarqawi? Ask your soldiers how they feel. Ask them about the horror and fear they live in now as they await the wrath of the lions. You will see, but they won't be able to see it. They won't see it coming, because by that time the bombs and traps will be tearing them to pieces and destroying their morale.​

your leader killed Inoccent civlians & according to Islam he is not jihadi he is the misguided one who is promoting terrorism in name of religion which is wrong.

"Islam enjoins upon all Muslims to work actively to maintain the balance in which God created everything. However, regardless of how legitimate the cause may be, the Glorious Qur’an never condones the killing of innocent people. Terrorizing the civilian population can never be termed as Jihad, and can never be reconciled with the teachings of Islam."

Let me tell you, you were foolish when you agreed to follow Bush, Blair, and everyone who allied themselves with them, and it was even more foolish to rejoice at the death of Sheikh al-Zarqawi because you have made the whole of the Islamic nation angry with you now for killing one of its greatest men.
This anger will erupt like a volcano, burning each and every one of you. How many faithful sons of the Muslim nation are waiting anxiously to avenge the death of Sheikh Abo-Mosaab al-Zarqawi? You must keep this question in mind and think seriously about how to escape the dilemma your leaders have put you in. The beating, the killing, and the bombing will devestate both you and your relatives. But it will not harm Bush or Blair, because they leave you to face death alone.
Bush and Blair claim that security conditions have been made stricter to protect you from terrorists, but who can prevent someone seeking death from doing what he wants? Bush and Blair will remain safe because it is you who will pay the price. You must do your best to fix this situation. You must put things in their proper place so as not to pay the price twice; once by loosing your sons in a battle waged for the sake of war traders and oil companies, and a second time when you a forced to live in fear, and be killed when the wrath of Allah pours down on you at the hands of the lions of Tawhid and Jihad.​

I suggest some practical solutions for you to clarify the situation, so that you won't find any excuse and so that each one of you will be responsible for the consequences of his decisions.​

I sincerely invite you to believe in Islam, abandon the trinity and worship of the cross, and follow the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and all his family and companions. This will ensure your safety and guarantee security for you in your lands as the Muslims are all brothers in faith. You can achieve this by reading more books that talk about Islam and explain it, or by asking the Muslims who live nearby.​

This is denfece forum, we will not buy ur extremist crap. What you say is not related to islam.

Pressure your governments to accept the truce offered by Shaykh Osama in order to give us the chance to rebuild our countries which you have destroyed. Although it is the leaders of the USA and Britain who have refused this truce, it is you who will pay the price as we mentioned before. It is not acceptable that your soldiers kill our fathers and sons and violate our honor, while you live in safety. Therefore, the best thing would be to accept the truce and force your governments to accept it.​

Like other muslims I hope Osama gets killed like Alzawarqi.


If you refuse the two previous solutions, we say - seeking to be excused before Allah and so that you cannot claim that you did not receive the warning - we say here what our Shaykh Osama - may Allah protect him - has said, "The days will not pass until we take revenge as on the 11th of September or worse". We add to this, saying, as in Madrid and London, that the answer is what you will witness, not what you will hear of. So prepare the shrouds, dig your tombs, and cry for your souls which will end up in the Hellfire -Allah willing- at the hands of the lions of Tawhid and Jihad.​


You should know that your soldiers do not kill combatants; they kill innocent civilians. Your governments and their organizations that pretend to be humanitarian blockade the poor people and intend to weaken the Islamic nation with war. Our case is therefore just and devoid of oppression; as long as the killing of civilians goes on, we will continue to kill you. As long as your governments intervene in our personal affairs and try to tamper with our Islam, we will not stop intervening in your affairs and we will not stop killing you. The West has proved that it knows only the language of bullets and bombs – that is what it takes to make you understand who we are and what we want.
So wait for the battle taking revenge for the martyr of the Muslim nation, Sheikh Abo-Mosaab, and know that I have been honest in the words I have said to you. I hope these words will be understood by your men of wisdom.​

Written by:
The Servant of Jihad and the Mujahideen
Saqr al-Jihad Alefriqi (The African Falcon of the Jihad​

What a load of BS, you are not follwing correrct & real Islam, You are the misguided one.
Hope this clears it up:

Q: As-salamu `alaykum. I have a very important and serious question. What is the Islam’s stance on terrorism? Could you please answer in detail? Jazakum Allah kairan for your co-operation and efforts.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thanks a lot for your good question, and may Allah enlighten our hearths with the light of Islam.

In the first place, we would like to stress that the study of world history would show that Islam and terrorism are extreme opposites. There is no meeting point between Islam and terrorism as practiced by terrorist groups in different parts of the world. Terrorism involves the indiscriminate use of force to achieve certain objectives. Whereas, the basis of national and international relations in Islam is peace and not war as falsely claimed by some people.

In Islam, the use of force is allowed only in special situations, particularly when the Muslim community is threatened by hostile forces. This is natural and logical for any other community indeed. Then again, the use of force in a campaign of Jihad is determined by the leader of the Muslim community in a very orderly way.

For a detailed discussion on the Islam’s stance on terrorism, we would like to cite for you the following:

One of the distinctive characteristics of the times we live in is the overwhelming presence of violence in our societies. Whether it is a bomb going off in a market place, or the hijacking of an aircraft where innocent people are held at ransom to achieve political ends, we live in an age, where the manipulation and loss of innocent lives has become commonplace.

Such is the all-pervasive nature of indiscriminate violence, that “terrorism” is considered as one of the prime threats to peace and security in our societies.

The word “terrorism” came into wide usage only a few decades ago. One of the unfortunate results of this new terminology is that it limits the definition of terrorism to that perpetrated by small groups or individuals. Terrorism, in fact, spans the entire world, and manifests itself in various forms. Its perpetrators do not fit any stereotype. Those who hold human lives cheap, and have the power to expend human lives, appear at different levels in our societies. The frustrated employee who kills his colleagues in cold-blood is a terrorist who provokes our anger and revulsion. Ironically however, the politician who uses age-old ethnic animosities between peoples to consolidate his position, the head of state who orders “carpet bombing” of entire cities, the exalted councils that choke millions of civilians to death by wielding the insidious weapon of sanctions, are rarely punished for their crimes against humanity.

It is this narrow definition of terrorism that implicates only individuals and groups, that has caused Muslims to be associated with acts of destruction and terror, and as a result, to become victims of hate violence and terror themselves. Sometimes the religion of Islam is held responsible for the acts of a handful of Muslims, and often for the acts of non-Muslims!

Could it be possible that Islam, whose light ended the Dark Ages in Europe, now propound the advent of an age of terror? Could a faith that has over 1.2 billion followers the world over, and over 7 millions in America, actually advocate the killing and maiming of innocent people? Could Islam, whose name itself stands for “peace” and “submission to God”, encourage its adherents to work for death and destruction?

For too long, have we relied on popular images in the media and in Hollywood films, for answers to these pertinent questions. It is now time to look at the sources of Islam, and its history to determine whether Islam does indeed advocate violence.

The Sanctity of Human Life

The Glorious Qur’an says: (…take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.) (Al-An`am 6: 151)

Islam considers all life forms as sacred. However, the sanctity of human life is accorded a special place. The first and the foremost basic right of a human being is the right to live. Allah says in the Qur’an says: (… if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.) (Al-Ma’idah 5: 32)

Such is the value of a single human life, that the Qur’an equates the taking of even one human life unjustly, with killing all of humanity. Thus, the Qur’an prohibits homicide in clear terms. The taking of a criminal’s life by the state in order to administer justice is required to uphold the rule of law, and the peace and security of the society. Only a proper and competent court can decide whether an individual has forfeited his right to life by disregarding the right to life and peace of other human beings.

The Ethics of War

Even in a state of war, Islam enjoins that one deals with the enemy nobly in the battlefield. Islam has drawn a clear line of distinction between the combatants and the non-combatants of the enemy country. As far as the non-combatant population is concerned such as women, children, the old and the infirm, etc., the instructions of the Prophet are as follows: "Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman.” (Reported by Abu Dawud) "Do not kill the monks in monasteries" (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal)

During a war, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) saw the corpse of a woman lying on the ground and observed: "She was not fighting. How then she came to be killed?" Thus non-combatants are guaranteed security of life even if their state is at war with an Islamic state.


While Islam in general is misunderstood in the western world, perhaps no other Islamic term evokes such strong reactions as the word ‘Jihad’. The term ‘Jihad’ has been much abused, to conjure up bizarre images of violent Muslims, forcing people to submit at the point of the sword. This myth was perpetuated throughout the centuries of mistrust during and after the Crusades. Unfortunately, it survives to this day.

The word Jihad comes from the root word iahada, which means to struggle. So Jihad is literally an act of struggling. Jihad primarily refers to the inner struggle of being a person of virtue and submission to God in all aspects of life.

Secondarily, Jihad refers to struggle against injustice. Islam, like many other religions, allows for armed self-defense, or retribution against tyranny, exploitation, and oppression. The Glorious Qur’an says: (And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!) (Aal-`Imran 3: 75)

Thus, Islam enjoins upon its believers to strive their utmost in purifying themselves, as well as in establishing peace and justice in the society. A Muslim can never be at rest when he sees injustice and oppression around him. As Martin Luther King Jr. said: “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”

Islam enjoins upon all Muslims to work actively to maintain the balance in which God created everything. However, regardless of how legitimate the cause may be, the Glorious Qur’an never condones the killing of innocent people. Terrorizing the civilian population can never be termed as Jihad, and can never be reconciled with the teachings of Islam.

History of Tolerance

Even Western scholars have repudiated the myth of Muslims coercing others to convert. The great historian De Lacy O'Leary wrote: "History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims, sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” (Islam At Crossroads, London, 1923, page 8)

Muslims ruled Spain for roughly 800 years. During this time, and up until they were finally forced out, the non-Muslims there were alive and flourishing. Additionally, Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslim lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan all have significant Christian and/or Jewish populations.

This is not surprising to a Muslim, for his faith prohibits him from forcing others to see his point of view. The Glorious Qur’an says: (Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.) (Al-Baqarah 2: 256)

Q: Is suicide bombing permissible?

A: Generally, suicide bombings is not permissible anywhere, not in the war field or in public places However, the ruling for a specific situation may differ.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai


Q: What happens to soul of an individual who took his own life? What is the Shari'ah position on Suicide?

A: Allah Taãla, our Creator, has granted us life and sent us to this world
to test our submission to Him. During this test various conditions come upon
a person. Allah Taãla says, "Do people think We will leave them saying 'we
believe' and they will not be tested. Verily we have tested the people in
the past so that the truthful are known and the liars are known." (Ankaboot
In another Aayat, Allah Taãla says, "Verily we will test you with fear,
hunger, and by decrease in wealth, lives and fruits (crops). Glad tidings
for the patient ones who (at the time of adversities) say, "Verily we belong
to Allah and to Him we return." (Baqarah 155 - 156).
Furthermore, Allah Taãla has also promised relief after difficulties, He
says, "Verily with every difficulty there is relief." (Nashrah 6 - 7)
The solution to the different frustrations in life is not taking one's life
but to be patient and seek assistance from Allah directly. One should also
ask the pious to make Du'a for one. Taking one's life is strictly
prohibited. Such a person will be continuously punished in the hereafter in
the manner he had taken his life. Thus, escaping from one temporary problem,
he places himself into a permanent problem from where there is no escape.
Life is a trust from Allah and such a person who breaches the trust of Allah
will be held in contempt even in this world i.e. the Ulama and leaders of
the community should not attend his Janaaza. The punishment in the Hereafter
is more severe.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
ISNA Denounces Terrorism in the Name of Islam

05-22-04 00:00

Not In the Name of Islam

"We, the undersigned Muslims, wish to state clearly that those who commit acts of terror, murder and cruelty in the name of Islam are not only destroying innocent lives, but are also betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent. No injustice done to Muslims can ever justify the massacre of innocent people, and no act of terror will ever serve the cause of Islam. We repudiate and dissociate ourselves from any Muslim group or individual who commits such brutal and un-Islamic acts. We refuse to allow our faith to be held hostage by the criminal actions of a tiny minority acting outside the teachings of both the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

"As it states in the Quran: 'Oh you who believe, stand up firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even if it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be against rich or poor; for God can best protect both. Do not follow any passion, lest you not be just. And if you distort or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that you do.'" (Quran 4:135)

Signed by:

1. Muhammad Nur Abdullah, ISNA President
2. Ingrid Mattson, ISNA Vice President - USA
3. Syed Imtiaz Ahmad, ISNA Vice President-Canada
4. Dr Sayyid M. Syeed, ISNA Secretary General
5. Faizul Khan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
6. Faroque A. Khan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
7. Sayed Gomah, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
8. Kareem Irfan, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
9. Jamal Badawi, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
10. Yusuf Ziya Kavakci, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
11. Khadija Haffajee, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
12. Abdalla Idris Ali, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
13. Siraj Wahhaj, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
14. Muzammil Siddiqi, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
15. Ameena Jandali, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
16. Tarek Elgawhary, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
17. Bassam Osman, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
18. Khurshid A. Qureshi, Member, ISNA Maljis Ashura
19. Rafik Beekun, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
20. Parvaiz Malik, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
21. M. Anwarul Haque, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
22. Hanaa Unus, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
23. Qaiser Imam, Member, ISNA Majlis Ashura
24. Ilyas Ba-Yunus, Member, ISNA Majls Ashura
25. Azhar Azeez, Member, ISNA Executive Council
26. Mohamad Magid, Member, ISNA Executive Council
27. Mohamad Rajabally, Member, ISNA Executive Council
28. Hatim Zagloul, Member, ISNA Executive Council
29. Afshan Khan, ISNA HQ
30. Ahmed ElHattab, ISNA HQ
31. Anbareen Khan, ISNA HQ
32. Anjum Khan, ISNA HQ
33. Ashfaq Lodhi, ISNA HQ
34. Bahauddin Bade, ISNA HQ
35. Basharat Saleem, ISNA HQ
36. Gulamali Kapadia, ISNA HQ
37. Habibe Ali, ISNA HQ
38. Hanane Elabbassi, ISNA HQ
39. Kariem Abdullah, ISNA HQ
40. Louay Safi, ISNA HQ
41. Mohamed Elsanousi, ISNA HQ
42. Mukhtar Ahmad, ISNA HQ
43. Omer Bin Abdullah, ISNA HQ
44. Pamela Taylor, ISNA HQ
45. Sandra Asbury, ISNA HQ
46. Shariq Siddiqui, ISNA HQ
47. Taneeza Islam, ISNA HQ
48. Tipu Ahmad, ISNA HQ
49. Abdel Mannan Alo, MD
50. Abdul Alim Khandekar, MD
51. Abdul Rauf Mir, MD
52. Abdul Wahab
53. Ashraf Sufi
54. Ayman Rayes
55. Faroque A. Khan
56. Ghulam Nabi Mir, MD
57. Hashem Mubarak, MD
58. Husain Nagamia, MD
59. Ihsanul Haque, MD
60. Khalid Bhatti, MD
61. Laeeq Khan
62. M. Ashraf & Mubeena Balti, MD
63. Mohammad Saleem Bajwa, MD
64. Mohammed Zaher Sahloul
65. Muhammad Akram Dar, MD
66. Samir & Samar Shakfeh, MD
67. Shakeela Z. Hassan, MD
68. Sheikh Abdul Rahman, MD
69. Tajuddin Ahmad, MD
70. Talal Sunbulli, MD
71. Tayeb Jukaku
72. Waheed & Raana Akbar, MD
Loosely interpreted Arabic terms can promote enemy ideology

by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

BAGHDAD - The pen is mightier than the sword, and sometimes in the war of words we unwittingly give the advantage to the enemy.

In dealing with Islamic extremists, the West may be giving them the advantage due to cultural ignorance, maintain Dr. Douglas E. Streusand and Army Lt. Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV. The men work at the National Defense University at Fort Lesley J. McNair in Washington, D.C.

The two believe the right words can help fight the global war on terror. "American leaders misuse language to such a degree that they unintentionally wind up promoting the ideology of the groups the United States is fighting," the men wrote in an article titled "Choosing Words Carefully: Language to Help Fight Islamic Terrorism."

A case in point is the term "jihadist." Many leaders use the term jihadist or jihadi as a synonym for Islamic extremist. Jihad has been commonly adapted in English as meaning "holy war." But to Muslims it means much more. In their article, Steusand and Tunnell said in Arabic - the language of the Koran - jihad "literally means striving and generally occurs as part of the expression 'jihad fi sabil illah,' striving in the path of God."

This is a good thing for all Muslims. "Calling our enemies jihadis and their movement a global jihad thus indicates that we recognize their doctrines and actions as being in the path of God and, for Muslims, legitimate," they wrote. By countering jihadis, the West and moderate Muslims are enemies of true Islam.

The men asked Muslim scholars what the correct term for Islamic extremists would be and they came up with "hirabah." This word specifically refers to those engaged in sinful warfare, warfare contrary to Islamic law. "We should describe the Islamic totalitarian movement as the global hirabah, not the global jihad," they wrote.

Another word constantly misused in the West is mujahdeen. Again, in American dictionaries this word refers to a holy warrior - again a good thing. So calling an al Qaeda terrorist a mujahid legitimizes him.

The correct term for these killers is "mufsidun," Streusand and Tunnell say. This refers to an evil or corrupt person. "There is no moral ambiguity and the specific denotation of corruption carries enormous weight in most of the Islamic world," they wrote.

People can apply other words instead. "Fitna/fattan: fitna literally means temptation or trial, but has come to refer to discord and strife among Muslims; a fattan is a tempter or subversive," they wrote. "Applying these terms to our enemies and their works condemns their current activities as divisive and harmful."

The men also want officials to stop using the term "caliphate" as the goal of al Qaeda and associated groups. The Caliphate came to refer to the successors of the Prophet Mohammed as the political leaders of the Muslim community. "Sunni Muslims traditionally regard the era of the first four caliphs (A.D. 632-661) as an era of just rule," the men wrote. "Accepting our enemies' description of their goal as the restoration of a historical caliphate again validates an aspect of their ideology."

The men point out that an al Qaeda caliphate would not mean the establishment of just rule, but rather a global totalitarian state where women would be treated as chattel, music banned and any kind of difference severely punished. "Anyone who needs a preview of how such a state would act merely has to review the conduct of the Taliban in Afghanistan before Sept. 11, 2001," they wrote.

The correct term for the al Qaeda goal is global totalitarian state - something no one in the world wants.

Finally, the men urge Westerners to translate Allah into God. Using Allah to refer to God would be like using Jehovah to refer to a Hebrew God. In fact, Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the God of Abraham. Using different names exaggerates the divisions among the religions, the authors say.

The men have launched an education effort. "Our work is an attempt to educate the interagency community about the challenges of communication with Islamic audiences," they wrote in answer to written questions. "Our particular effort is in its infancy, but is showing some level of success."

Scholars at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College use the essay in class, and the Marines are using an earlier version of the essay as part of their lessons-learned Web site. The final version of the essay is on the National Defense University's Center for Strategic Communications Web site.
Osama bin ladin is not jihadi, he is hirabahi
He is mufsidun,"
His goal is global totalitarian state
**This is your first & last warning, If you continue posting BS then i will ship ur @ss back to cave.**

how ironic that you are posting from Houston,TX,USA. (IP??)

(Dont get me wrong, I welcome Islamic topics, but what you posted here is a letter from terrorist, if you wanna contribute then by all mean do so;ofcourse according to the guidelines)

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