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Men and Women's Average Height by Country | Asia Countries Ranking |Tallest Countries

yeah I am not a researcher or a doctor but this looks off purely based on my personal experience

I am 5;11 ish and I have barely seen an afghan taller than me irl whether in US or in Pakistan I can't remember even one, during my university days most Chinese international students were definitely not the same height as American couple were taller than me, I'd say around 35-40%

granted it was a while back so can change by now
Dude there is no way the average height in China is taller than the US. GTFO here. Those statistics are lying. Tallest in Asia, maybe, but no way it is taller than in Western countries.

In the US, a woman that is 5'8 is considered on the tall side but typical. In China, she would be considered statuesque and would be proud of her height. This smells like bullshit. You regularly see women in the US at like 5'11 or so.
You curse the wrong person, I didn't make this statistics, don't forget, US is made up immigrants, many of them are from Latin America.
Thats the thing, your real life experience means nothing when it comes to facts and data. Just because I met one black person who was a criminal that means all blacks are criminals because i only met one black guy? Logic fail

Here is a little IQ dose for you though, the shortest people in China (Fujianese and Cantonese) dominate as immigrants who leave China to go elsewhere to make money. When you think of Chinese, you are thinking of deep south Cantonese people because you have no experience with China as a whole. Understand?

1. Highest IQ
2. Tallest and strongest
3. Dominate Olympics with one single race

don't hate, just appreciate
Seems like his comment hit a nerve!

why asians are obsessed with height ?
Judging by some of the replies it seems like insecurity and trying to prove otherwise
The data does surprise me to be honest, particularly for Pakistan, not saying we are super tall or anything but where I like (UK) most Pakistanis are 5.10 or above, same with most north Indians. I myself am over 5.10 and am considered a runt in my family. I wonder how much of it depends on nutrition, diet in the subcontinent is pretty bad.
Pakistan is in 5;7- 5;8 range imo , the 5'5 category looks off for men

but most Pakistani in the UK are from AJK, Potohar, and Attok while US ones are from urban areas like Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore of course UK ones are going to be taller than urban areas, people from Potohar and AJK are taller than others probably in the whole country
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You curse the wrong person, I didn't make this statistics, don't forget, US is made up immigrants, many of them are from Latin America.
I think those statistics are bullshit. In the US, there isnt a complex about height so the statistics are probably more accurate. In East Asia, the societies there are insecure about their height and nationalistic so I wouldn't be surprised if they added a couple inches unto their measurements. There is no conceivable way that the average person in China is as tall as in the West. I would say the Northern provinces would be the only areas where you notice some equivalence but even there, I'd say Americans are taller on average.
i have seen here many threads in past too
Not a great many, actually most of those reports were made and circulate on the media by the west, not Asians.

I think those statistics are bullshit. In the US, there isnt a complex about height so the statistics are probably more accurate. In East Asia, the societies there are insecure about their height and nationalistic so I wouldn't be surprised if they added a couple inches unto their measurements. There is no conceivable way that the average person in China is as tall as in the West. I would say the Northern provinces would be the only areas where you notice some equivalence but even there, I'd say Americans are taller on average.
It was not made by me, multiple statistics show the same results, besides, I think the stastics is for young adults, not the general public of all age groups.
Not a great many, actually most of those reports were made and circulate on the media by the west, not Asians.

It was not made by me, multiple statistics show the same results, besides, I think the stastics is for young adults, not the general public of all age groups.
I really call bullshit on this. You would only believe this shit if you haven't traveled widely in both countries. In the US, if you go to the Midwest and the South, you will REGULARLY see men over 6'5 and women over 5'10.
I really call bullshit on this. You would only believe this shit if you haven't traveled widely in both countries. In the US, if you go to the Midwest and the South, you will REGULARLY see men over 6'5 and women over 5'10.
I traveled widely in US, in Miami people are very short, and most people there speak Spanish, many do not even understand English. Again, don't argue with me, I didn't make that report.
I traveled widely in US, in Miami people are very short, and most people there speak Spanish, many do not even understand English. Again, don't argue with me, I didn't make that report.
There are a lot of places in China where the people are very short. No way is this accurate. Sounds like some nationalistic bullshit, same for Korea btw.
There are a lot of places in China where the people are very short. No way is this accurate. Sounds like some nationalistic bullshit, same for Korea btw.
If the was made by China, probably it's nationalistic bullshit, but it's not made by China, it's by the west.

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