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Men and Women's Average Height by Country | Asia Countries Ranking |Tallest Countries


Nov 4, 2011
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Men's Average Height by Country | Asia Countries Ranking |Tallest Countries​

Women's Average Height by Country | Asia Countries Ranking |Tallest Countries​

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Not surprised China came in first.

Chinese are the same height as Americans or Russians and our people still don't have the nutrition and sustenance of Western counterparts yet due to economy. When Chinese economy is equal to the West, Chinese will be one of the tallest countries in the world.

If (relatively speaking) women are smaller/cuter than men, it helps the birth-rate in a country, if you know what I mean. :-)

Being larger and heavier for women is not a desired quality (even by women themselves), culturally speaking, in most of the world....

Just my thoughts on this...
My real life experience says otherwise.
Thats the thing, your real life experience means nothing when it comes to facts and data. Just because I met one black person who was a criminal that means all blacks are criminals because i only met one black guy? Logic fail

Here is a little IQ dose for you though, the shortest people in China (Fujianese and Cantonese) dominate as immigrants who leave China to go elsewhere to make money. When you think of Chinese, you are thinking of deep south Cantonese people because you have no experience with China as a whole. Understand?

1. Highest IQ
2. Tallest and strongest
3. Dominate Olympics with one single race

don't hate, just appreciate
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Two infractions will be issued next time. Be careful
If (relatively speaking) women are smaller/cuter than men, it helps the birth-rate in a country, if you know what I mean. :-)

Being larger and heavier for women is not a desired quality (even by women themselves), culturally speaking, in most of the world....

Just my thoughts on this...
I'D believe you if Sub continent didn't go into rapey mode when they see a tall white woman. Its quite frightening and disgusting really.
Chinese basketball, volleyball teams are always the tallest in Asia

Women's basketball World cup all star team

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Not surprised China came in first.

Chinese are the same height as Americans or Russians and our people still don't have the nutrition and sustenance of Western counterparts yet due to economy. When Chinese economy is equal to the West, Chinese will be one of the tallest countries in the world.

View attachment 899265

I'd say the younger generations of Chinese are noticeably taller. The older generations are still pretty short. There is also a big gap between Northern Chinese vs the ones from the deep South like Cantonese for example.

But in these rankings, Chinese and Koreans are always the tallest Asians. Usually when I see a very tall Asian, they are either Chinese or Korean.
Thats the thing, your real life experience means nothing when it comes to facts and data. Just because I met one black person who was a criminal that means all blacks are criminals because i only met one black guy? Logic fail

Here is a little IQ dose for you though, the shortest people in China (Fujianese and Cantonese) dominate as immigrants who leave China to go elsewhere to make money. When you think of Chinese, you are thinking of deep south Cantonese people because you have no experience with China as a whole. Understand?

1. Highest IQ
2. Tallest and strongest
3. Dominate Olympics with one single race

don't hate, just appreciate
Why do you think I am hating when I didn't even mention any country in particular? And why do you think I am hating you specifically when I don't even know who you are?

My life experience revolves around 10 and half years living in three different European countries and travelling to 44 different countries mostly European, Middle Eastern and East Asian. It gave me a pretty good idea of which nation is taller or shorter in general.

Interestingly, all the countries which I found to be taller had much higher dairy consumption and as for shorter ones, they were extremely low on milk consumption.

Milk = Calcium
Calcium grows your height during right age.

Now if you are from China which has one of the least dairy consumption per capita in the world , I find it hard to believe you guys have grew taller all of a sudden. May be reality is different. But hey, I have seen the reality, where are all the tall Chinese people? Never seen them.
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Why do you think I am hating when I didn't even mention any country in particular? And why do you think I am hating you specifically when I don't even know who you are?

My life experience revolves around 10 and half years living in three different European countries and travelling to 44 different countries mostly European, Middle Eastern and East Asian. It gave me a pretty good idea of which nation is taller or shorter in general.

Interestingly, all the countries which I found to taller had much higher dairy consumption and as for shorter ones, they had extremely low on milk consumption.

Milk = Calcium
Calcium grows your height during right age.

Now if you are from China which has one of the least dairy consumption per capita in the world , I find it hard to believe you guys have grew taller all of a sudden. May be reality is different. But hey, I have seen the reality, where are the tall Chinese people? Never seen them.
Depends on the region of China you go to. If you are in the Southern regions, people are pretty short. But in the Northern provinces, there are a lot of tall people. The younger generations are also a lot taller. I'm well over 6 feet and when I went to some Northern regions, especially in the rural areas where the people are natives, there were several instances where men towered over me.
The data does surprise me to be honest, particularly for Pakistan, not saying we are super tall or anything but where I live (UK) most Pakistanis are 5.10 or above, same with most north Indians. I myself am over 5.10 and am considered a runt in my whole extended family. I wonder how much of it depends on nutrition, diet in the subcontinent is pretty bad.
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Not surprised China came in first.

Chinese are the same height as Americans or Russians and our people still don't have the nutrition and sustenance of Western counterparts yet due to economy. When Chinese economy is equal to the West, Chinese will be one of the tallest countries in the world.

View attachment 899265
Chinese women's average height is taller than US women, Chinese guys short than US men

CountryAvg Male Height (cm)
China175.66163.465 ft. 9 in.5 ft. 4 in.
United States176.94163.315 ft. 10 in.5 ft. 4 in.

eat more cheese and drink more milk bt get organic if you can.
I'D believe you if Sub continent didn't go into rapey mode when they see a tall white woman. Its quite frightening and disgusting really.

I think you are talking about India - don't lump us Pakistanis and Bangladeshi with Indians.

We don't have the "rape" culture like some in India do....
Chinese women's average height is taller than US women, Chinese guys short than US men

CountryAvg Male Height (cm)
China175.66163.465 ft. 9 in.5 ft. 4 in.
United States176.94163.315 ft. 10 in.5 ft. 4 in.

Dude there is no way the average height in China is taller than the US. GTFO here. Those statistics are lying. Tallest in Asia, maybe, but no way it is taller than in Western countries.

In the US, a woman that is 5'8 is considered on the tall side but typical. In China, she would be considered statuesque and would be proud of her height. This smells like bullshit. You regularly see women in the US at like 5'11 or so.
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