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Membership Moderation

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Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Admin,
The PakDef has been consistently loosing its charm, thanks to increasing troll levels. I would like to recomend an amendment in the membership policy which prohibits the use of free mail service for membership purposes (like analystforum) or we may also ask some dedicated members to moderate incoming membership request in accordance with some guidelines. I mean seriously, the immeture comments and posts are derailing the threads which is harming the reputation and purpose of PakDef. I hope you will consider my request
Lucky I signed up a few months before such a thread was started .....always wondered when the Mods would think of something like this.....A few forums seem to have already implemented this......feels good to be living in West Germany when the Iron curtain begins to fall.....:):):)
yeah, at least i should know that i am discussing with some sane person.I have seen some member making childish comments and then saying "yippy, 3500 posts!!":sick:


seriously, most of the times its the school students u r dealing with..
i agree reputation of this site going down..some members like me resort to trolls as a reaction, by controlling certain few original trolls, we can automatically control the response trolls.

strict moderation prevents intensive lowest level bacha trolling..
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[moderator-mode]Just report the posts, action is being taken[/moderator-mode]

Lets have a 10 minutes maths test before membership is allowed :rofl:

Only those members will be able to register who pass that Maths and/or English/Urdu test

That will help minimise the trolls as the immature level of trolls may not be able to pass that test in first place
or you can say 5 random questions in the registration form.... and the questions are usually upper level of maths/english/history (mostly college students+ can solve it)

We can build a question bank that is not dfficuilt.... it will surely help decrease the number of trolls?
Lets have a 10 minutes maths test before membership is allowed :rofl:

Only those members will be able to register who pass that Maths and/or English/Urdu test

That will help minimise the trolls as the immature level of trolls may not be able to pass that test in first place


Actually, as popularity increases, there will be exponential increase in trolling - this happens in all web forums, and the mods just cannot keep up after a while. Maybe defence.pk should move to a crowdsourced moderation model, something like Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that matters, with minor changes to fit the needs of defence.pk?!

And I don't agree with the original thread starter. Banning free mail IDs is going to reduce traffic by more than 70% at one shot. And then, this site will become unattractive and boring. Trolls do make life exciting at times!
As popuarity of this forum increases, mods and members both will have to undergo some evolution.

It's pure and simple maths. The rate at which internet is growing in India and China and keeping in mind the sheer population size of these countries. There will soon be a time when there will be significantly more indian and chinese members than there will be pakistani members.

moreover, as popularity increases, members who log in just to have some fun and bash a few 'enemies' will increase drastically.

This is something mods will have to adjust to. It's a side effect of 'expansion'.

members will have to learn to ignore the troll. there's simply no point being a compulsive responder.

Just respond to posts you really feel like responding to.

Beyond this, I think there's little anybody can do.
Only if Indians stop making multiple IDs we will have less issues.

It only shows how addicted some people are to this forum and in fact I see this as a compliment to this forum.
Addiction is one thing and registering with multiple ids for trolling another.

I do not think people would be creating multiple id's just for trolling. What I believe is that people create multiple id's only after they get banned for some reason or the other because they just cannot 'let go' off this forum. They are so much in love with it.
I hope this new email policy wont effect current members....As i use free one :)
@ Thread: you build a better mouse, somebody else will build a better trap.

no matter what policy you adopt, if a guy/gal wants to troll, he/she will troll. Only thing you can do is ignore him/her.
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