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Democratic system and Pakistan

That is why I put reforms to Judiciary and policing on high priority. If these two work the rest of the system will start working properly as the incompetent and corrupt people will be booted out of the system slowly and replaced with people able to perform the job properly. This will not eliminate the corruption entirely as discussed before but it will introduce accountability and some checks and balances. Government is like an organism if one cell is not performing its job then every other cell will be affected.
A committee of both high court and military court judges will be held responsible to keep a sharp eye over SCP members. No politician neither President will be allowed to influence these two committee.
Grand Marshall Revolution, only cando that!

That is why I put reforms to Judiciary and policing on high priority. If these two work the rest of the system will start working properly as the incompetent and corrupt people will be booted out of the system slowly and replaced with people able to perform the job properly. This will not eliminate the corruption entirely as discussed before but it will introduce accountability and some checks and balances. Government is like an organism if one cell is not performing its job then every other cell will be affected.
Who will bring The reforms ! Question is .that?
Yes that is the biggest question. As I see it the people should bring about the reforms/changes.
Start from your own city/village. Educate the next generation, teach them diversity, tolerance, good ethos and unity. The changes will not happen over night. It will take a few decades to change the thinking. There is no quick fix. The organism is plagued with cancer and unless the cancer is eradicated completely it will come back and take over again.
Excellent and informative posts like these need to be put in some kind of 'featured archive' or database or something similar, so that they can be easily accessed. I probably never would have come across this if it wasn't bumped by someone, and that'd be a shame.
@Slav Defence @Horus @WebMaster
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