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Meet the Texas Speech Pathologist Who Lost School Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel, Anti-BDS Oath

Whenever there is a united voice against Zionists the Western powers who are enslaved label it as a rise in anti-Semitism.

Let me tell you that many people in Western capitals are now fed up with Zionist meddling in their lands.
The Zionists are promoting this anti-Islam activity in the media which is helping the likes of that ugly swine Geert Wilders, however they are playing a dangerous game as events could easily spin out of control and someone even more to the right of Wilders could emerge and target both the Jews and Muslims equally, with their propaganda they may well be ensuring their own demise in Europe.Kudos Sir
The contrast being AEK is easier on the eye ;).Kudos Zibago
Well :D
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Proof the coup happened long ago. This is the end of the beginning... of the choice the public faces: worship the jew as your master or be genocided as a good Godly people resisting slavery. Things will only get much worse. Muslims in the West working and building a better future are the hope and light of the Westerners. They are the way out of the madness/slavery. Doing this anti-BDS Oath only makes matters worse for Westerners. Muslims can return to the bombed out countries, bombed out due to zionist wars. Westerners have no bombed out places of retreat, they cannot become refugees fleeing zionist oppression. They ruined much of the world, who would want some 25 year old with debt up to their ears.
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I preferred her previous DP (though nothing wrong with current), not ashamed to admit I find her rather attractive......though detest her politics.Kudos Zibago bhai
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Man are you serious, she is a below average looking girl, nothing special !! Dude improve your taste. no pun intended. lol.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan In Murica we got free dumb and speech ebil Chinks and Turks put muh journalists in jails and sheittt

As Pat Buchanan stated "Congress is Israeli occupied territory".Kudos bhai
I would love for him if he was President or Ron Paul or Ralph Nader,, Trump just stole some of their platforms when he ran
APIAC is the central nervous system of US Zionism, the US public needs to be aware of their nefarious plans in order to prevent terror attacks from Mid East, it is time for US fools to wake up and smell the coffee.Kudos

True but I think people are slowly waking up

The matter is going to be decided in the courts because the question posed here is important: Does education policy allow for any teacher to impose their own personal views in a manner that would affect the students by boycotting any particular country or religion, and to what extent?
This firing of the teacher qualifies as an antisemitic act without any doubt.
Yes Arabs are indeed Semites.Kudos Mentee bhai

Man are you serious, she is a below average looking girl, nothing special !! Dude improve your taste. no pun intended. lol.
She is not Miss Pakistan.... but seriously below average:disagree:

I would love for him if he was President or Ron Paul or Ralph Nader,, Trump just stole some of their platforms when he ran
Buchanan is an intellectual, Trump is a dimwit, Buchanan trumped Trump back in 2000 in leadership contest for the reform party.Kudos
The matter is going to be decided in the courts because the question posed here is important: Does education policy allow for any teacher to impose their own personal views in a manner that would affect the students by boycotting any particular country or religion, and to what extent?
Wait what? It's like asking a teacher of kashmiri origin in Russia to pledge allegiance to India while it got nothing to with the periodic table or the theory of evolution :crazy:
Wait what? It's like asking a teacher of kashmiri origin in Russia to pledge allegiance to India while it got nothing to with the periodic table or the theory of evolution :crazy:

A teacher of Kashmiri origin in Russia would have no choice but to teach the assigned curriculum - or else. Wrong analogy! :D
The matter is going to be decided in the courts because the question posed here is important: Does education policy allow for any teacher to impose their own personal views in a manner that would affect the students by boycotting any particular country or religion, and to what extent?

Hope she gets millions. That's outrageous for some school district to ask her to sign that.
Hope she gets millions. That's outrageous for some school district to ask her to sign that.

Let us see how the case proceeds in the courts first. As I said, the rights of the teacher must be balanced against the right of students to a fair education untainted by personal choices.
As I said, the rights of the teacher must be balanced against the right of students to a fair education untainted by personal choices.
Like doubting the existence of God but get penalized for even questioning the extent and scale of holocaust ? BTW she's a Semite and looks too.

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