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Meerut tense after clashes over forced conversion of a lady teacher

Meerut Police arrest madrasa member after SOS call from second 'captive' girl

It was a distress call that sent the Meerut police into a tizzy.
Aisha, a girl from Meerut's Kharkhauda, called the police on Wednesday evening and claimed that she was being kept in confinement at a madrasa in Phulat, Muzaffarnagar district.

It's the same place where a 20-year-old was allegedly kept in captivity recently after she was gang-raped and subjected to proselytisation.

And that reference was enough for the police to act with speed in Aisha's case.


The madrasa where the girl was allegedly kept in captivity
The police have taken Hafiz Abdullah, a member of the madrasa, into custody because he had sent many text messages to the same mobile number from which Aisha had called the police.

A team of Muzaffarnagar's Ratanpuri police, led by Devendra Kumar, conducted a raid on the madrasa. But nothing incriminating was found there.

However, while checking the call and SMS details of Hafiz, the police found that he had sent over 100 text messages to the phone used by Aisha.

Hafiz reportedly told the police that he and Aisha got in touch when he responded to a missed call from her number.

"We came to know each other when I responded to her missed call a few months ago. Since then, we talk on mobile phone frequently and also exchange SMS," Hafiz was quoted as saying by the police.

Budhana (Muzaffarnagar) circle officer S.P. Sharma, who is interrogating Hafiz, told newspersons that the girl said she was calling from Phulat's madrasa.

"She said she had been confined there and sought help. Then the call was abruptly disconnected. Since then, her mobile has been switched off. But according to the surveillance report, she was in Phulat when she called the police," Sharma said.

Following the call, a large number of local people of right-wing organisations - who were silent ever since the PAC was deployed there after the alleged kidnapping, gang rape and religious conversion of a woman of Kharkhauda - took to the streets on Thursday, demanding quick action against the owners of the madrasa.

Meerut Police arrest madrasa member after SOS call from second 'captive' girl | Mail Online
Incongruity in Meerut victim’s story

A 20-year-old girl who was allegedly raped and coerced into converting to Islam at Sarawa village, 60 km east of Delhi, belonged to a distressed upper caste family and knew the accused, Muslims of the same village.

Her mother, Urmila Tyagi (name changed), believes her daughter’s decision to teach in the local Madrassa Sultania and her close friendship with a Muslim girl, who is arrested as an accused in the case, led her into a trap. “She was brainwashed, converted, and raped. She was repeatedly threatened that if she related her ordeal to anyone, the power of the Koran would destroy her and the family. She was lured with the promise of a job. She should not have trusted Muslims,” said the mother. “But our gods were stronger. They rescued her.”

In a Ghaziabad hospital, the victim is critically ill from infection possibly due to inadequate care following a surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy two weeks ago. The complaint says she was raped on June 29. She went away from home on July 23 giving some excuse to her parents and retuned on July 27. The girl underwent the surgery during those days, but investigators have found that two boys, who find no mention in her complaint, accompanied her to the hospital: one a Muslim, the other Hindu. The police have also found that the surgery did not take place in Muzzaffarnagar as stated by the girl, but in Meerut.

On July 29, the girl left home again, which first led to a missing person complaint and three days later, when she returned, a complaint of abduction and rape. She said she was forced to covert in the meanwhile. “We are in the process of verifying all this. There are many things that are not adding up,” said K. Satyanarayana, Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Meerut. The police have arrested five people in the case so far.

Chandramohan, U.P. spokesperson of the BJP who visited the victim’s family with party State president Laxmikant Vajpai on Tuesday, said it was not mere coincidence that the victim was Hindu and the accused were Muslims. “There is a pattern to all such incidents of entrapping Hindu girls and converting them to Islam, in west UP.” Shakuntala Bharati, BJP leader and Mayor of Aligarh, has built her political career fighting “love jihad.” “I have lost count of the incidents. But I have faced death to rescue our girls from the clutches of Muslims,” she claims. Alok Sharma, Inspector-General of Police, Meerut, told the Hindu: “This case was a stray incident. I can’t recall similar cases elsewhere.”

The Hindu-dominated village that had elected a Muslim village head is now divided on religious lines, with Nawab Khan, the head himself, under arrest as an accused in the case. Mohammad Aslam, a villager, said: “I had warned against having women teachers in the madrassa. What do women have to do with teaching?” Thirty-five old Maulana Ameeruddin who runs the madrassa has a different take. “What is needed are strict laws against adultery, pre-martial sex.

Incongruity in Meerut victim’s story - The Hindu
aap kya bolna chahte ho?

main nay kia kehan ha report keh rahi ha wo parho
Why such change in story lines of victims happens only in UP ?? Just can not believe the victim's versions and also the police versions. Looks like police is doctoring the narrative of the victim to make it look like such crimes can never happen in UP. Just what Akhilesh Yadav would love !
Why such change in story lines of victims happens only in UP ?? Just can not believe the victim's versions and also the police versions. Looks like police is doctoring the narrative of the victim to make it look like such crimes can never happen in UP. Just what Akhilesh Yadav would love !

this is a lame argument. Because such graves crimes had been reported many times about UP.

The story was fishy from start. saner readers expressed their doubts about the account on the very first day.
this is a lame argument. Because such graves crimes had been reported many times about UP.

The story was fishy from start. saner readers expressed their doubts about the account on the very first day.

Thats the point. The administration is under lot pressure to prove to rest of India that what was reported as a grave crime is actually a non issue. Badaun rape case is turning out to be another example
this is a lame argument. Because such graves crimes had been reported many times about UP.

The story was fishy from start. saner readers expressed their doubts about the account on the very first day.
Cmon. Try to find out more into the issue if u interested. Seems u were from 1st day waiting to see some incongruity newz flashing and u pounce on it.

Those frm UP can explain u better than this conversion is a serious issue especially among the poor. The ruling party SP has its alleged votebank in muslims coz SP's another chief Azam Khan is a muslim.

Now all such issues if found true will naturally play into BJPs hands and nowadays people are looking for reasons to vote BJP.

My mamaji is an Inspector in UP. He tells me how rotten things are in UP and how politics takes over every fucking case for the sake of it.

I know u wont believe me but be assured that all the cases u find are genuine cases and everywhere SP interrupts to save its chair.

Hell, now even USA removed Modi, Gujrat and India word out of religious intolerance list and kept only UP.

SP govt is facing lot of pressure and such events if proved true will mean end of SP for atleast 2-3 decades.

So dont disrespect that poor girl and our religion for wrongs from those of ur religion. There is no concept of conversion in Hinduism but its there in Islam and very strongly supported as per todays version of these madrassas. U urself is a girl. Do find out real truth and logic before making side comments.
Meerut gang-rape: Blow to modernizers, madarsas won’t recruit Hindus - Firstpost
Lucknow: There are several loose
ends and unanswered questions in
the Meerut rape incident.
While the truth will remain open to
interpretations of the investigation
reports, the noise over the incident
has served its communal-political
purpose. The fallout of the incident
is the UP Modernised Madarsa
Association has announced that it
won’t appoint women from the
Hindu community as teachers in
This means old madarsas, which
have been insisting on segregation
of communities gain the upper hand
now. It also could be a blow to the
modernization of the Muslim
educational institutions.
In the last ten years or so, madarsas
had opened up to modern education,
including English, science and
computers and this signaled an
eagerness among the community
leaders to spread education among
the underprivileged sections of
Muslim society.
According to Athar Husain, Director
of Centre for Objective Research and
Development (CORD) who is himself
a voluntary teacher at many
madarsas, not many people seem to
know that non-Muslims, especially
Hindus, are also employed in
“The working of madarsas has
become more streamlined with
regular appointments, teaching aids,
computers and other equipments
etc. This is a positive development
and must be encouraged,” he said.
However, he said if the Meerut
incident was not thoroughly and
independently investigated, it would
lead to many madarsas going back to
their old ways. This would only add
to the already prevalent
ghettoization of Muslims which the
community needs to get over,” he
said. All madarsas, he agreed,
should not be seen as places where
things were wrong.
Syed Abbas Rizvi, a Shia community
leader, agrees. “We are all for
improvement of madarsas and an
inquiry must be held into the
allegations in the Meerut case. But
this does not mean that all
madarsas are wrong,” he insisted.
However, state BJP spokesman Vijay
Bahadur Pathak maintains that an
inquiry must be ordered at least in
the functioning of those madarsas on
which various allegations had been
leveled. “There is no need to view
every law and order problem or
incident of crime from a Hindu or
Muslim point of view. We don’t
believe that things are wrong in all
madarsas, but at the same time this
should not be a reason to ignore the
reported wrong-doings in some of
them,” he says.
Repeating his earlier observation
that his party opposes any move to
use incidents of crime to polarize
the people, Pathak maintains that
other parties were trying to deflect
attention from purely crime or law
and order issues by giving them a
communal colour.
He also criticized the move by the
madarsas association not to appoint
any Hindu women as teachers in
madarsas, saying that it was not
correct to take such a decision along
religious lines. But within the BJP,
however, there seems to be a
section, that includes the Gorakhpur
MP Yogi Adityanath, which has been
demanding inquiry into working of
The number of madarsas has
mushroomed across Uttar Pradesh in
recent years, with there being an
estimated 10,000 of them now all
over the state. However, according to
a government official, the number of
those affiliated to the Uttar Pradesh
Madrasa Talimi Board, under the
Department of Minorities Welfare
and Waqf, is around 6300. About
460 Arabi-Farsi madarsas are on the
list of government subsidy.
The official said financial assistance
is given for madarsas both by the
Central and state governments. “The
2013-14 budget of the UP
government had an allocation of Rs
777 crores for scholarships to Muslim
students and Rs 200 crore for
running and maintenance of
madrasas,” he added. Another
Rs.315 crore had been earmarked for
madrasas teaching Arabic.
Madarsas in Uttar Pradesh offer
teaching to Muslim students in Urdu
and Arabic, with the levels of studies
being Fazil (equivalent to
postgraduate), Kamil (graduate), Alim
(class XII), Munshi and Maulvi (both
equivalent to class X). The certificate
of Munshi and Maulvi issued by the
Uttar Pradesh Madrasa Talimi Board,
is equivalent to those issued by the
Central Board of Secondary
Education. Interestingly, the
academic calendar in madarsas is
not as per fixed months, but ends
just before Ramzan every year. The
students pass out before Eid, after
which they have a long holiday.
In 2013, the state's minority welfare
department had discovered that
there were more than 100 fake
government-aided madrasas in the
state. These institutions simply did
not exist, yet on record there were
buildings, teachers, furniture,
computers and of course, students.
In the decade of the 1990s, the
mushrooming of madarsas especially
along the Nepal border in eastern
UP including districts like
Gorakhpur, Basti, Bahraich etc had
caused serious concern to state and
Central intelligence agencies and it
was revealed in several inquiries
that many of them were being used
as shelter for anti-Indian elements
who crossed over from Pakistan via
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