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Medical Jihad : Muslim doctor in Sri Lanka attempt forced sterilization of Hindu and Buddhist women

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Medical Jihad: Muslim doctor of Sri Lanka forced sterilization of Hindu and Buddhist women
30 May 2019


In April, in the evening of Easter Sunday, another gruesome face of jihad appeared in Sri Lanka, which is being called medical jihad. A Muslim doctor here, Segu Siyaden Mohammed Saifi, made many Hindu and Buddhist women sterilized without telling them. When more than 10 women lodged a complaint against the doctor, the police arrested the doctor on May 24 after the investigation.

Many people believe that Saifee has done this crime inspired by extremist ideas. The doctor has got 17 documents of land and assets worth Rs. 40 crores. Police said that it has also emerged that after having three Caesareans, essentially Muslim women have to be sterilized. But, the doctor did not do this and provided fake documents for the sterilization of Muslim women that they have been sterilized.

The doctor's computer, files and many documents have also been seized by the police. It is believed that many more shocking information will be revealed in the investigation. Against this accused doctor, a nurse from Karunagala Teaching Hospital complained to the director of the hospital. It has been said that the accused doctor removed her pregnancy by making Caesarean delivery and made her infertile. The nurse said that the doctor had operated on March 4, but after having a health problem, he had to recuperate in the hospital after a few days.

The nurse told in his letter to the director that he later came to know that his pregnancy has been removed. It has also come to light that the dubious doctor changed the name of the mother to documents to give a child to a third person. She was trying to give the child illegally through fake documents. Police spokesperson SP Ruvin Gunasekra, while talking on the matter, has requested the public that if anyone has been sterilized without consent, then he should file complaint against the doctor in CID.

Meanwhile, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has informed the Parliament that he will seek a report on a news published in a national newspaper. The news claimed that the doctor was a member of the Saifee National Tauhid Jamaat. During the Caesarean section, he had sterilized 4,000 Sinhalese Buddhist women, who were giving birth to their first child. It is being told that the age of all the victims is between 28 and 30 years.


Medical Jihad: Muslim doctor of Sri Lanka forced sterilization of Hindu and Buddhist women
30 May 2019


In April, in the evening of Easter Sunday, another gruesome face of jihad appeared in Sri Lanka, which is being called medical jihad. A Muslim doctor here, Segu Siyaden Mohammed Saifi, made many Hindu and Buddhist women sterilized without telling them. When more than 10 women lodged a complaint against the doctor, the police arrested the doctor on May 24 after the investigation.

Many people believe that Saifee has done this crime inspired by extremist ideas. The doctor has got 17 documents of land and assets worth Rs. 40 crores. Police said that it has also emerged that after having three Caesareans, essentially Muslim women have to be sterilized. But, the doctor did not do this and provided fake documents for the sterilization of Muslim women that they have been sterilized.

The doctor's computer, files and many documents have also been seized by the police. It is believed that many more shocking information will be revealed in the investigation. Against this accused doctor, a nurse from Karunagala Teaching Hospital complained to the director of the hospital. It has been said that the accused doctor removed her pregnancy by making Caesarean delivery and made her infertile. The nurse said that the doctor had operated on March 4, but after having a health problem, he had to recuperate in the hospital after a few days.

The nurse told in his letter to the director that he later came to know that his pregnancy has been removed. It has also come to light that the dubious doctor changed the name of the mother to documents to give a child to a third person. She was trying to give the child illegally through fake documents. Police spokesperson SP Ruvin Gunasekra, while talking on the matter, has requested the public that if anyone has been sterilized without consent, then he should file complaint against the doctor in CID.

Meanwhile, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has informed the Parliament that he will seek a report on a news published in a national newspaper. The news claimed that the doctor was a member of the Saifee National Tauhid Jamaat. During the Caesarean section, he had sterilized 4,000 Sinhalese Buddhist women, who were giving birth to their first child. It is being told that the age of all the victims is between 28 and 30 years.
It seems this is written by a 9 years old.. The nurse was she when she reported the act, later became he
It seems this is written by a 9 years old.. The nurse was she when she reported the act, later became he

It was translated by Google translate.

The original report is in Hindi. Since this forum rules does not permit other languages, I posted the translation.
Buddhist and Hindu terrorist have killed thousands of girls before and after birth daily just to hide shame. but I guess its ok.

Hindu terrorism I guess

how mush you wanna bet his illegal sterilize shop is close to a red light district and women who are sterilize are workers. but since he is a muslim by name he has a hidden agenda to eliminate Hindus & Buddhist before birth
Buddhist and Hindu terrorist have killed thousands of girls before and after birth daily just to hide shame. but I guess its ok.

Seriously ?

There have been reports of Sinhalese and Tamil women being forced to take contraceptive injections for their employment in these Islamic countries that can affect their fertility years after returning home. Many of the women don’t even know what the injections, or pills, are, because they are not given any information about the chemical or potential side effects.



Just recently there was a case of a female Muslim doctor in the US who was caught on Twitter saying that she would intentionally give Jewish people the wrong medication.


And the Muslim store owner in Germany who plotted to lace the ice cream of children with poison.


And another ISIS-inspired jihadist in the UK who plotted to poison the ice cream of children at the school of Prince George.


Here is one news from Sri Lanka from 2013.


Acting on a tip-off, Custom officials last Friday searched three containers from Pakistan containing 4,334 bags of potatoes and found 30,000 vials of Depo–Provera drug, used for birth control, in one container.

The estimated value of the drugs, carefully stashed inside the bags of potatoes, was said to be worth over Rs. 30 million.

The value of the contraceptive drug seized was over $165,000 USD, which leaves many unanswered questions. The Pakistani Muslim businessman responsible for the shipment was arrested after a month-long manhunt on the island, after he disappeared when customs began examining his shipment of potatoes. The entire shipment of potatoes (over 66,000 kg) from Pakistan had to be destroyed, as they were deemed unfit for human consumption. This was the second similar shipment from the same individual.


Hindu terrorism I guess

how mush you wanna bet his illegal sterilize shop is close to a red light district and women who are sterilize are workers. but since he is a muslim by name he has a hidden agenda to eliminate Hindus & Buddhist before birth

Your link OTOH is Fake News.
Your link OTOH is Fake News.
here you go buddy.

not so fake now

There have been reports of Sinhalese and Tamil women being forced to take contraceptive injections for their employment in these Islamic countries that can affect their fertility years after returning home. Many of the women don’t even know what the injections, or pills, are, because they are not given any information about the chemical or potential side effects.



Just recently there was a case of a female Muslim doctor in the US who was caught on Twitter saying that she would intentionally give Jewish people the wrong medication.


And the Muslim store owner in Germany who plotted to lace the ice cream of children with poison.


And another ISIS-inspired jihadist in the UK who plotted to poison the ice cream of children at the school of Prince George.


Here is one news from Sri Lanka from 2013.


Acting on a tip-off, Custom officials last Friday searched three containers from Pakistan containing 4,334 bags of potatoes and found 30,000 vials of Depo–Provera drug, used for birth control, in one container.

The estimated value of the drugs, carefully stashed inside the bags of potatoes, was said to be worth over Rs. 30 million.

The value of the contraceptive drug seized was over $165,000 USD, which leaves many unanswered questions. The Pakistani Muslim businessman responsible for the shipment was arrested after a month-long manhunt on the island, after he disappeared when customs began examining his shipment of potatoes. The entire shipment of potatoes (over 66,000 kg) from Pakistan had to be destroyed, as they were deemed unfit for human consumption. This was the second similar shipment from the same individual.

wish I had this much copy past material, alas.
Seriously ?

There have been reports of Sinhalese and Tamil women being forced to take contraceptive injections for their employment in these Islamic countries that can affect their fertility years after returning home. Many of the women don’t even know what the injections, or pills, are, because they are not given any information about the chemical or potential side effects.



Just recently there was a case of a female Muslim doctor in the US who was caught on Twitter saying that she would intentionally give Jewish people the wrong medication.


And the Muslim store owner in Germany who plotted to lace the ice cream of children with poison.


And another ISIS-inspired jihadist in the UK who plotted to poison the ice cream of children at the school of Prince George.


Here is one news from Sri Lanka from 2013.


Acting on a tip-off, Custom officials last Friday searched three containers from Pakistan containing 4,334 bags of potatoes and found 30,000 vials of Depo–Provera drug, used for birth control, in one container.

The estimated value of the drugs, carefully stashed inside the bags of potatoes, was said to be worth over Rs. 30 million.

The value of the contraceptive drug seized was over $165,000 USD, which leaves many unanswered questions. The Pakistani Muslim businessman responsible for the shipment was arrested after a month-long manhunt on the island, after he disappeared when customs began examining his shipment of potatoes. The entire shipment of potatoes (over 66,000 kg) from Pakistan had to be destroyed, as they were deemed unfit for human consumption. This was the second similar shipment from the same individual.


Your link OTOH is Fake News.

do you have something called life?

Like I said, FAKE NEWS,

Victim first gave location of crime and that was found to be false as CCTV showed no video of him either coming or going from that location.

Victim then gave another location which was again proved to be False.

The victim then gave a THIRD location which was AGAIN found to be false as CCTV showed the neither went there nor came out of that location.

Finally a FOURTH location was identified which was a darga and there police found an eyewitness (news paper distribution boy) who saw him set himself on Fire.

His chappal were neatly kept on the step of the darga and his clothes were found next to it.

Which makes you realize that even a dying muslim will tell lies just to malign the Hindus.
Like I said, FAKE NEWS,

Victim first gave location of crime and that was found to be false as CCTV showed no video of him either coming or going from that location.

Victim then gave another location which was again proved to be False.

The victim then gave a THIRD location which was AGAIN found to be false as CCTV showed the neither went there nor came out of that location.

Finally a FOURTH location was identified which was a darga and there police found an eyewitness (news paper distribution boy) who saw him set himself on Fire.

His chappal were neatly kept on the step of the darga and his clothes were found next to it.

Which makes you realize that even a dying muslim will tell lies just to malign the Hindus.
yup and and everything is all good infact he was about to become hindu himself so just to prove his point burn himself to death just to prove how much genuine bhakt he is , give me a break.

you guys are most gullible people
yup and and everything is all good infact he was about to become hindu himself so just to prove his point burn himself to death just to prove how much genuine bhakt he is , give me a break.

You mean a muslim has never before strapped a bomb and blown himself up for the "greater good" ?

I have no idea why he burned himself, but he made those malicious claims for islam and against Hindus, and there is a any Eyewitness who saw him setting fire to himself.

Considering how many people were EAGER to swallow these lies, it just shows how many are just looking for a reason to justify their hate.
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