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Mechanised Divisions Pakistan Army

@farooqbhai007 notice the truck and Tank, not the usual stuff.
View attachment 911095

AM70EX and 4th image is some sort of t55 based mine trawler..
VN-20 IFV (Lynx Competitor) is based on VT-4 chassis.

Given that VT-4 production line is active in Pakistan, this IFV is the right fit for the Armored corps. Although, i would replace the turret and gun with a Turkish or Western system.

China also offers a lighter VN-17 IFV based on the VT-5 light tank. That might be a good fit for armored corps in certain areas where heavier vehicles won't operate.

Given the current economic situation, it might be a strech to induct these vehicles. However, what is also true is that cold war era M-113 is beyond obsolete and needs to be gradually and slowly replaced with a more survivable and well armed IFV.

India can expend more troops on the battlefield than we can. In a game of attrition, the "felt recoil" of our losses will be much higher, even if they are numerically low. A decent set of NBC capable IFV, APC, AFV family of vehicles will help to reduce attrition when bells start tolling.

@SQ8 @PanzerKiel @Irfan Baloch

VN-20 IFV: https://www.armyrecognition.com/wea..._tracked_armored_ifv_in_its_category.amp.html
VN-20 IFV (Lynx Competitor) is based on VT-4 chassis.

Given that VT-4 production line is active in Pakistan, this IFV is the right fit for the Armored corps. Although, i would replace the turret and gun with a Turkish or Western system.

China also offers a lighter VN-17 IFV based on the VT-5 light tank. That might be a good fit for armored corps in certain areas where heavier vehicles won't operate.

Given the current economic situation, it might be a strech to induct these vehicles. However, what is also true is that cold war era M-113 is beyond obsolete and needs to be gradually and slowly replaced with a more survivable and well armed IFV.

India can expend more troops on the battlefield than we can. In a game of attrition, the "felt recoil" of our losses will be much higher, even if they are numerically low. A decent set of NBC capable IFV, APC, AFV family of vehicles will help to reduce attrition when bells start tolling.

@SQ8 @PanzerKiel @Irfan Baloch

VN-20 IFV: https://www.armyrecognition.com/wea..._tracked_armored_ifv_in_its_category.amp.html
The Indians are making tank killers with APC based chassis whilst we are twiddling with our fingers thinking that Bakhtar Shikan will save our sorry arses alongside the tin cans m113.

India is on the right path minus their tank problems
The Indians are making tank killers with APC based chassis whilst we are twiddling with our fingers thinking that Bakhtar Shikan will save our sorry arses alongside the tin cans m113.

India is on the right path minus their tank problems
In general, the BMP-2 would be more effective in engagements with other armored vehicles, while the upgraded M113 would be more effective in transport and reconnaissance roles. The BMP-2 has a better armor and more powerful armament, but the upgraded M113 is faster and more mobile. They are apples and oranges in terms of what they are supposed to do.
An M113 armed with the BSWS anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) would have the capability to engage and potentially destroy a BMP-2 Sarath at long ranges. The BSWS has a penetration capability of more than 1000mm RHA and a maximum range of 4km, this means that the M113 operator can engage the BMP-2 from a safe distance.

However, the BMP-2's armor protection is designed to withstand a variety of anti-tank weapons, and it also has its own heavy armament, so it would likely be able to return fire effectively. Furthermore, the BMP-2 has a fire-on-the-move capability which means that it can engage targets while moving.

In a hypothetical engagement, the M113 armed with BSWS would have the capability to damage or destroy the BMP-2, but the BMP-2's armor and armament would make it a formidable opponent. The M113 would have to engage from a safe distance and use its mobility to evade the BMP-2's return fire. The M-113's ATGMs and mobility would be particularly useful in a rural or mountainous terrain such as the Punjab region of Pakistan, where the terrain would make it difficult for the BMP-2 to maneuver, and where the M-113 could use its mobility to evade the BMP-2's return fire.
The M-113's ATGMs and mobility would be particularly useful in a rural or mountainous terrain such as the Punjab region of Pakistan, where the terrain would make it difficult for the BMP-2 to maneuver, and where the M-113 could use its mobility to evade the BMP-2's return fire.
BMP-2 have been operating in worse terrain than m113s the new concept India has launched is much more practical due to latest ATGMs and the sensors they have incorporated m113s stand no chance the Indians are building a long reach type doctrine.
BMP-2 have been operating in worse terrain than m113s the new concept India has launched is much more practical due to latest ATGMs and the sensors they have incorporated m113s stand no chance the Indians are building a long reach type doctrine.
Its the economy stupid! For everything!

Said no one ever to the people in charge
Its the economy stupid! For everything!

Said no one ever to the people in charge
Does it correspond with the size of DHA and countless officers who live in a different world inside the same country.

M113s are here to stay long live the tin cans
Another question is about the effectiveness of the recon role for light armored vehicles in the age of much cheaper, faster and expendable UAVs?

If recon roles can be delegated to UAVs, the focus can shift to adding "tip of the spear" IFVs and AFVs to do the ugly work.

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