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MEA responseds to Nawaz Sharif's UN speech

OK.. all done & dusted. UN fair is over for now. All those resolution files can be put back in the cabinet to catch dust. Will see you again this time next year with another brand new UN exhibition.
Have never seen in past MEA's talking about Pak Occupied Kashmir. Its good that finally rather than defending statements on Indian Kashmir, Indian govt is turning the table and talking about their Kashmir.
Modern Indian diplomacy folks! Twitter rants! I'm going to enjoy the next few years as the rot continues to set in. By the next decade, Indian ministers will be calling foreign critics sickular-Catholic-Marxist-Islamist-madrassa students. Boy, I can't wait! :partay:
Woaaah!! Is this real? Pretty strong language - don't really see it said like that.

First part was funny - it's like MEA is not even taking it seriously - just ridiculing the whole shebang! of Pakistan with dismissive tweets.

When is Sushmaji Speaking?

You should've seen Syed Akbaruddin's tweets when he was the MEA spokie, to the point and brutal, quite similar to this style :D

This is the right and deserving response, from the right level.
Better than getting comfort from inconsequential speech by a defunct Pakistani Prime minister on a subject Pakistan has no control over except pleading with other countries of the world who have no interest to engage. ;)

:lol: a lowly MEA official responding to the UN speech of Pakistani Prime Minister. Kind of sets the level the position gets from India ;)

Though I am not sure how legit is this.. No media reporting it

Edit: It seems legit. Channels picking it up now..

Indians be like Dil behlanai ko ghalb yeh khayal acha hai. :lol:

You guys are like a mutual admiration club. Praising yourself on some frustrated tweets of your own foreign affairs ministry. Never seen something more moronic than that.

What next by the way? A facebook status in response to Pakistan's projects in collaboration with China in AJK and GB

Or a Google Plus share on Pakistan's alleged ceasefire violation?

Or a post on Linkedin on Pakistan's refusal to jail Hafiz Saeed.

And by the way you guys are missing Pinterest. Don't forget to teach evil Pakistan a lesson on that social network. :rofl:

Keep waging war on social media. And keep praising yourself. We 200 million plus Pakistanis won't mind this comedy nights with India. ;)

Edit: As expected Pakistan didn't even give a rat's as$ on the fake video of so called violations in AJK and GB. As I previously said. Bharation ki choti choti khushian. :D

Do post videos of Pakistani NEWS channel rants. Or post a link for them.

This would be solid gold entertainment opportunity.

Sorry but nobody on our channels discussing twitter rants of your MEA. Yup they did show a little frustrated rants of Indian media on PM Nawaz's speech. It is actually you guys giving too much importance to a few tweets. :rolleyes:
But real fun begins in evening debates.

I have a sick sense of humour. I thoroughly enjoys India bashing in Pakistani media and forums. This is the reason this forum is one of my favourites.

People here are more interested in domestic politics than some frustrated tweets of your ministry.
Full text: India's reply to Pakistan at the UN - The Times of India

It is regrettable that the delegation of Pakistan has once again chosen to misuse the High Level Segment of the UN General Assembly Session to distort reality and portray a false picture of the challenges in our region.

Pakistan claims to be the primary victim of terrorism. In truth, it is actually a victim of its own policies of breeding and sponsoring terrorists. Seeking to mask its activities as though an outcome of domestic discontent in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir carries no credibility with the world.

Mr President,

It was stated that Jammu and Kashmir is under foreign occupation. It is, except that the occupier in question is Pakistan. In fact, India's reservations about the proposed China-Pakistan Economic Corridor stem from the fact that it passes through Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan for many years.

Pakistan apparently regrets that the dispute over Jammu and Kashmir remains unresolved and that our dialogue has not progressed. If it is so, this is because Pakistan has chosen to disregard its commitments, whether it was under the 1972 Simla Agreement, the 2004 Joint Declaration forswearing terrorism, or more recently, the understanding between our two Prime Ministers at Ufa. On each occasion, it is India that has extended the hand of friendship. India remains open even today to engage Pakistan on outstanding issues in an atmosphere free of terrorism and violence.

Mr President,

Reference was made to ceasefire violations and exchanges of fire along the Line of Control and the International Boundary. The world knows that the primary reason for firing is to provide cover to terrorists crossing the border. It needs no imagination to figure out which side initiates this exchange.

It is not uncommon for states, when confronted with serious challenges, to shift responsibility on others. That is the case with Pakistan and terrorism, reflecting the inability to recognize that this is a home grown problem that has begun to bite the hand that fed it. We agree that terrorism has underlying causes - in this case, poverty of wisdom and ignorance of consequences.

Mr President,

The heart of the matter is a state that regards the use of terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft. The world watches with concern as its consequences have spread beyond its immediate neighbourhood. All of us stand prepared to help, if only the creators of this monster wake up to the dangers of what they have done to themselves.

Statement by First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations exercising India's Right of Reply during the General Debate of 70th session of UN General Assembly (September 30, 2015)October 01, 2015Mr President,

It is regrettable that the delegation of Pakistan has once again chosen to misuse the High Level Segment of the UN General Assembly Session to distort reality and portray a false picture of the challenges in our region.

Pakistan claims to be the primary victim of terrorism. In truth, it is actually a victim of its own policies of breeding and sponsoring terrorists. Seeking to mask its activities as though an outcome of domestic discontent in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir carries no credibility with the world.

Mr President,

It was stated that Jammu and Kashmir is under foreign occupation. It is, except that the occupier in question is Pakistan. In fact, India's reservations about the proposed China-Pakistan Economic Corridor stem from the fact that it passes through Indian territory illegally occupied by Pakistan for many years.

Pakistan apparently regrets that the dispute over Jammu and Kashmir remains unresolved and that our dialogue has not progressed. If it is so, this is because Pakistan has chosen to disregard its commitments, whether it was under the 1972 Simla Agreement, the 2004 Joint Declaration forswearing terrorism, or more recently, the understanding between our two Prime Ministers at Ufa. On each occasion, it is India that has extended the hand of friendship. India remains open even today to engage Pakistan on outstanding issues in an atmosphere free of terrorism and violence.

Mr President,

Reference was made to ceasefire violations and exchanges of fire along the Line of Control and the International Boundary. The world knows that the primary reason for firing is to provide cover to terrorists crossing the border. It needs no imagination to figure out which side initiates this exchange.

It is not uncommon for states, when confronted with serious challenges, to shift responsibility on others. That is the case with Pakistan and terrorism, reflecting the inability to recognize that this is a home grown problem that has begun to bite the hand that fed it. We agree that terrorism has underlying causes - in this case, poverty of wisdom and ignorance of consequences.

Mr President,

The heart of the matter is a state that regards the use of terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft. The world watches with concern as its consequences have spread beyond its immediate neighbourhood. All of us stand prepared to help, if only the creators of this monster wake up to the dangers of what they have done to themselves.

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