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Mavi Marmara will sail again to Gaza, head Turkish activist says

Partially...That mean there was some sort of land blockade that was greater than this easement today. That is the point -- That Egypt's fear about Hamas in Gaza causing problems for Egypt is greater than any concern for the Gaza populace.

Who-ever is in support of Jewish clan will have to respect rights of the opponent humans. After having gone through a genocide, I wonder what makes those Zionists create one for somebody else.. in Genocide you die once but in siege like Gaza, you make the victims die 3 times a day. I wonder what better argument can Egypt or Israel present to the world which asks for more empathy than that.
The Mavi Marmara was not carrying weapons earlier and it will not be carrying them in future either.
If Israel lifts blockade, next day there will be shis loaded with weapons. Do you doubt it?

Purpose of Mavi Marmara is not bringing aid, since humanitarian situation in Gaza is much better than in most Muslim countries in the world and Israel never minded to enter any humanitarian goods. Their aim is lifting blockade.

Partial blockade is unacceptable. It must all be lifted. It will be interesting to see how Israel will approach another attempt. Knowing all eyes of the international community will be on them this time.
Stop firing rockets, recognize Oslo agreements and there will be no any blockade.

Sönmez said they only had to undergo that fear once, while the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank experience it every day and should be liberated from their hardships.
I hope people of Gaza will be liberated from brutal Hamas rule.
in Genocide you die once but in siege like Gaza, you make the victims die 3 times a day. I wonder what better argument can Egypt or Israel present to the world which asks for more empathy than that.
Spare me that nonsense.

Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births)

Gaza Strip 18.35
Turkey 25.78
Pakistan 65.14
If Israel lifts blockade, next day there will be ships loaded with weapons. Do you doubt it?

Yes. And that is a poor justification for an illegal blockade.

Purpose of Mavi Marmara is not bringing aid, since humanitarian situation in Gaza is much better than in most Muslim countries in the world and Israel never minded to enter any humanitarian goods. Their aim is lifting blockade.

Obviously that is your Israeli perspective. Your unbelievably racist comment about the horrid situation in Gaza being "better than most Muslim countries" just shows that not only do you have no issue perpetrating falsehoods, you also think of muslims as sub-humans whose conditions are to be judged and evaluated not by human standards, but by "muslim standards".

First off, 80+% of the population of Gaza is dependent on food aid. I don't know where you get your news from, but 80% of the population of the muslim world is not dependent on food aid - a most basic human need. So your very basic assertion is an utter falsehood.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza conditions 'at 40-year low'

Second, Israel has no right to impose an illegal blockade. Period. End of story. Third, humanitarian convoys even over land are harassed, delayed and access to Palestinian territories is used by Israel as a carrot. Israel is running the world's largest concentration camp where if you fall out of favour with the captors, meals are discontinued as punishment.

I don't expect to change your opinion, by the way. Just want to tell you that no one is falling for the lies. You of all people should have a sense of history since your tradition goes back all the way to Moses. You should know that 50 years of having an upper hand against a people doesn't mean you will have that upper hand forever. And some years in the future when tables turn - as they always do in human affairs - it will be too late for regret.
What yes? Hezbollah is lying when it says that it has tens of thousands of rockets?

And that is a poor justification for an illegal blockade.
Firing rockets at civilians is illegal. Naval blockade is absolutely legal act of warfare.

Obviously that is your Israeli perspective. Your unbelievably racist comment about the horrid situation in Gaza being "better than most Muslim countries"
I posted facts. Infant mortality in Gaza is much lower than even in Turkey. That means Turkish children need medicines more than Gazan.

First off, 80+% of the population of Gaza is dependent on food aid.
Thats simply percent of so called refugees who get free aid from UN (everyone whos grand grand pa was a refugee is considered a refugee and can get free aid from UN, even if he is a millionair). This aid includes free food, free electricity, free water, free education, free healthcare. Palestinians in Lebanon or Syria recieve same aid. U can ask Lebanese if u dont believe me.

Third, humanitarian convoys even over land are harassed, delayed and access to Palestinian territories is used by Israel as a carrot.
Israel is passing into Gaza some 200 truckloads every day, thats more than all flotillas combined. Plus u can deliever aid through Egypt anytime if u dont like Israel. For example Lybia sent aid ship through Egypt.

Funny thing that after flotilla incident Israel is delievering so much goods into Gaza that they are reexporting good into Egypt.
They cared quite a bit actually considering they are trying to make a deal with Turkey to save their troops from legal persecution. I doubt even the AKP would stand for more civilians killed especially if Israel decides again to raid the ship in international waters. If it is true that 50 ships will join the overall flotilla then Israel is going to have major problems stopping that many ships full of civilians reaching Gaza. The more violence Israel uses to stop these aid ships the more it will lose in the international community.

I wouldn't go as far as to say they wouldn't commit it twice. Seeing as the commando raid came after they bombed one of the most populated areas into rubble (schools and U.N. buildings included). I honestly believe Israeli government is out of touch with the international community. This may have to do with having the lobbied support of the U.S. always on its side. Soon that may be the only country that supports them on these violent acts. Their PR wing is really what keeps that state supported. You would be amazed at how much they invest in PR especially in the U.S.

Care to explain the contradiction??

And frankly how can Turkey prosecute Israeli soldiers if Israel refuses apology ?? My guess is Turkey can do nothing about it except making some noises about it.
Falastin halklari yalniz degildir

''Palestinian people are not alone''

---------- Post added at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

500 --- when was the last time there was a rocket attack on israil from the Palestinian soil?
Sad to see that protests against an illegal blockade of an oppressed people are "publicity" in your mind.
If you actually read the U.N. report on the incident, the blockade could only be considered illegal if the definition of "starvation" was stretched to include mere hunger. The instructions of the investigators were to declare the blockade illegal, and changing definitions was the only way to do it. It wouldn't hold up in any court, but it is enough to further unjustly inflame Muslims against Israel, isn't it?

The Israelis let off the Turks very easy in this incident. Probably too easy. Israel could still crack down on Turkey. That might endanger Turkey's democracy. So controlling the hot-heads is going to be up to Turkey's government.

Possible Israeli responses (even before the MM sets sail again) include:

1) Demanding reparations from Turkey for the cost of the Israeli operation to board the ships, and injuries sustained afterward;

2) Demanding a U.N. investigation behind Turkey's support of terror organizations;

3) Expelling the Turkish ambassador, declaring his return contingent upon an investigation into the terror organization which planned the assault on Israel's soldiers.

Any one of these responses could serve as an excuse for the Turkish military to intervene in the domestic government once more. And if military fails to do that, Israel could withhold weapons deliveries, military cooperation, or fund Kurdish human-rights groups. Making the war to suppress the Kurds more difficult could damage a Turkish general's career.

I think Ergodan is walking a tightrope. He is the one with something to prove, the one with skeletons he wishes to keep in the closet. We'll see what happens.
Care to explain the contradiction??

And frankly how can Turkey prosecute Israeli soldiers if Israel refuses apology ?? My guess is Turkey can do nothing about it except making some noises about it.

They are out of touch with the standards of the international community. Them trying to protect their troops has nothing to do with it. Seeing as they did the same thing in Gaza.
Possible Israeli responses (even before the MM sets sail again) include:

1) Demanding reparations from Turkey for the cost of the Israeli operation to board the ships, and injuries sustained afterward;

Would be pointless as Turkey would not pay.

2) Demanding a U.N. investigation behind Turkey's support of terror organizations;

U.N. already sided with Turkey and condemned Israel on the raid.

3) Expelling the Turkish ambassador, declaring his return contingent upon an investigation into the terror organization which planned the assault on Israel's soldiers.

The Turkish Ambassador would have to be in Israel to be expelled but Turkey called him back.

Trying to economically hurt Turkey is not something Israel is capable of. We are the larger economic power and have a far greater trade influence in the region. Israel is stuck with west-only.
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If Israel lifts blockade, next day there will be shis loaded with weapons. Do you doubt it?

Possibly. Gaza is not part of Israel though so look to defend your own borders and not blockade millions of civilians to serve your own interests. Maybe Turkey should move into northern Iraq and blockade all the Kurds and say we are doing it to fight the PKK.
Falastin halklari yalniz degildir

''Palestinian people are not alone''

---------- Post added at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

500 --- when was the last time there was a rocket attack on israil from the Palestinian soil?

Last week... this is almost a weekly occurrence

If Israel lifts the blockade with Hamas in charge or put it this way Hamas in charge with the same agenda as today then there will be rocket fire every minute.

The people of Gaza voted for Hamas and now realized that this was the biggest mistake they made..Hamas has the same radical fundamentalist thinking and agenda like the Taliban
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