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Maulana Tariq Jamel links with TTp ? (Zaid Hamid)

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Dec 27, 2013
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Hello dear PDFians,
I just came across this post on my facebook timeline which actually makes some sense - at least to me - I'm not a blind supporter of anyone I wanted to know your views on his statement ?
has anyone ever heard MTJ saying anything against TTp. Also Zaid Hamid a reliable source ?

@Horus sir your take on this please.

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I also heard the news about banning him.
MTJ never condemned TTP with pure words so there are doubts about his stance in eyes of many people.
I believe, he is not link of TTP but many people under him will be sympathizer of them or atleast linked with them.
Its better MTJ take a solid stance against TTP and its allies as it will help Pakistan to fight against their ideology in more effective way. I have complain from various ulma that despite of being good person, they are not playing as effective part in defeating terrorists ideology as they should. MTJ is one of them.
Most of these moulvis are vile creatures with twisted and sociopathic personalities...

Condeming crimes against humanity is far most the integral and absolute part of islam. rather than growing 5 feet long beards and hanging their shalwars above ankles ( shalwar not even part of arab dressing)
I also heard the news about banning him.
MTJ never condemned TTP with pure words so there are doubts about his stance in eyes of many people.
I believe, he is not link of TTP but many people under him will be sympathizer of them or atleast linked with them.
Its better MTJ take a solid stance against TTP and its allies as it will help Pakistan to fight against their ideology in more effective way. I have complain from various ulma that despite of being good person, they are not playing as effective part in defeating terrorists ideology as they should. MTJ is one of them.

its because you havnt listen his bayans .. he has clearly said against them and on several occasions he cried while telling brutalities TTP has done. he dnt preach hatred against anyone all he teach is peace, love and tolerance..
Hello dear PDFians,
I just came across this post on my facebook timeline which actually makes some sense - at least to me - I'm not a blind supporter of anyone I wanted to know your views on his statement ?
has anyone ever heard MTJ saying anything against TTp. Also Zaid Hamid a reliable source ?

@Horus sir your take on this please.


zayed hamid is national shame

@cranwerkhan okay but did he mention TTp ?

if he mention names TTP or any other they will target him and all tabliges by declaring them '' kafiro se badtar'.

his blind supporters won't believe it or apparently don't want to hear anything against him....

i will suggest you to keep your religious affiliation and hatred aside and listen to his bayans and then let your heart and mind decide
Wow, people of Pakistan are ready to fight for their country and here he is afraid of mentioning their names.

zayed hamid is national shame

if he mention names TTP or any other they will target him and all tabliges by declaring them '' kafiro se badtar'.

i will suggest you to keep your religious affiliation and hatred aside and listen to his bayans and then let your heart and mind decide

Excuse me I have no problem with his Bayans ( have listened to many times ). only his blind followers. he has to clear on what side he is on there's no in between if you don't speak out against TTp's brutality than you are one of them'
its because you havnt listen his bayans .. he has clearly said against them and on several occasions he cried while telling brutalities TTP has done. he dnt preach hatred against anyone all he teach is peace, love and tolerance..

Does teaching peace,love and tolerance made Khawarij hearts soft ? Dude learn your own Islamic history for once. When Ahlul Bayt and Spritual power of Hazrat Ali RA was unable to turn their black hearts soft, MJT teachings wont make them peaceful in anyway. The only way to counter their ideology is to have theological debates with them as many time as possible so that whoever was brainwashed can be guided onto right path.Thats why Mufti sarfarz naeemi was killed. He was the bravest Molvi I Have seen. MJT is nothing infront of him Here read this peace from Islamic History so you get a better idea and understand why Dante said

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.

The great debate of Ibn ‘Abbas -radiAllaah anhu- with the Khawaarij

Translated By

Abbas Abu Yahya

When the Harūriyyah (the Khawārij) rebelled, they isolated themselves in a place. There were 6000 of them and they were united in rebelling against ‘Alee. Continuously people would come to ‘Alee and say: O Ameer ul-Mu’mineen! Verily these people are rebelling against you.

He said: ‘Leave them, verily I will not fight them until they fight me and [they will fight me] that’s what they will do.’

So when it came to that day, I came to ‘Alee before the Zuhr prayer and I said to him: ‘O Ameer ul-Mu’mineen! Delay the prayer until it is cooler perhaps I will speak to these people.

He said: ‘Verily, I fear for you.’

I said: ‘Never! I used to be known as a man of good manners, I never harmed anyone.’

He gave me permission to go. So, I put on a very nice garment, the best of what one could get from Yemen and I combed my hair. Then, I visited them at midday whilst they were eating.

I had entered upon a people, the likes of whom I had never seen with regards to their exertion in worship. Their foreheads were wounded due to Sujood (prostration) and their hands had become rough like camels’ feet, wearing recently washed, untidy shirts with very high, raised clothing with tired and worn out faces [due to not caring for themselves].

So, I gave salaams to them and they said, ‘Welcome O Son of Abbas! And what is this cloak you are wearing?’

I said, ‘what deficiency do you see from me? Indeed, I saw the Messenger of Allaah–sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– dressed in the best of what you can find in Yemeni clothing, then I recited this verse

<<Say, who has forbidden the adornment given by Allaah, which He has produced for His slaves, and the good things He has provided>>[1]

Then they said, ‘What has brought you here?’

I said to them, ‘I have come to you from amongst the Companions of the Prophet–sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– the Muhaajiroon and the Ansaar and from the son of the uncle of the Prophet –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– (‘Alee), who is his son-in-law – and upon them descended the Qur’aan; and they are more knowledgeable about it than you and there is not one of them amongst you. I have come to convey to you what they say, and to convey to them, what you say.

A group amongst them said, ‘Do not debate with the Quraysh because verily Allaah,Azza wa Jaal, says

<<Nay! But they are a quarrelsome people>>[2],’

Then a group of them turned towards me and two or three of them said: ‘Verily, we will speak to him.’

So I said, ‘come forward, what is the grudge you have against the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah – and the son of his uncle (‘Alee).’

They said ‘three points’.

I said, ‘And what are they?’

They said: ‘Then one of the points is that he (‘Alee) had men judge in a matter of Allaah whilst Allaah said

<<The judgment is for none but Allaah>>[3]

What have men got to do with the Hukm?’

I said, ‘This is one point.’

They said, ‘As for the second point; then he fought and he did not take captives nor did he take the war booty, if they were Kuffaar, then their captives are permissible for us and if they were believers then their captives are not permissible to take nor was it allowed to fight them.’

I said, ‘This is the second point, and what is the third point?’ Or he said something similar.

They said: ‘He should remove the title of Ameer ul-Mu’mineen and if he is not theAmeer ul-Mu’mineen then he is the Ameer ul-Kaafireen.’

I said, ‘Do you have any points other than this?’

They said: ‘This is sufficient for us.’

I said to them: ‘Do you understand, that if I read to you from the Book of Allaah,Jalla wa thanaa’ahu, and from the Sunnah of His Prophet – SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam –that which refutes what you say; will you return (back)?’

They said: ‘Yes.’

I said: “As for your statement That ‘Alee had men judge in a matter that was for Allaah; then I will read to you from the Book of Allaah, where Allaah has delegated His Hukm to men regarding the eighth of a quarter of a dirham. Allaah, Tabaraka wa Ta’aala, commanded the people to judge in this matter.

Do you not understand the saying of Allaah, Tabaraka wa Ta’aala:

<<O you who believe, do not kill the game while you are in a state of ihram, and whosoever of you kills it intentionally, then the penalty is an offering equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men among you.>>[4]

And it is from the Hukm of Allaah that He delegated men to judge in this matter, if Allaah willed, He could have judged in this matter, but He allowed men to judge.

I ask you, for the sake of Allaah! Are men judging in reconciling in disputes and in preventing bloodshed or judging regarding hunting a rabbit better?”

They said: ‘Of course, this is better.’

‘And regarding a woman and her husband:

<< If you fear a breach between the husband and wife, appoint two arbitrators, one from his family and the other from hers >>[5]

Is not men judging in reconciling disputes and in the prevention of bloodshed better than men judging regarding the private parts of a woman?

Have we finished with this point?’

They said, ‘Yes.’

I said: ‘As for your statement, He fought but did not take captives and did not take war booty, then would you take your mother, Aa’ishah, as a captive, making her permissible for yourselves for that which you make permissible from other than her whilst she is your mother? If you say: “We make Halaal from her that which we make Halaal from other than her,” then you have made/committed Kufr. And if you say that, “she is not our mother,” then you have also made Kufr: <<The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers >>[6]and so you are between the two ill judgments. So, which of them do you want to take?

Have we finished with this point?’

They said: ‘Yes.’

‘As for ‘Alee removing the title of Ameer ul-Mu’mineen, then I will give you something that will please you: Verily, the Prophet of Allaah – made an agreement/contract with the Mushrikeen on the Day of Hudaybeeyah, and the Prophet –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– said to ‘Alee: “Write, O ‘Alee! This is what Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah, –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– agrees with.”

They, the Mushrikeen, said, “If we knew you to be the Messenger of Allaah, we would not have fought you.” So, the Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– said: ‘Erase it, O ‘Alee! O Allaah, Indeed You know that I am the Messenger of Allaah, erase it O ‘Alee! And write this, “This is what Muhammad ibn Abdullaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– makes an agreement/contract upon.”’

I swear by Allaah, that the Messenger of Allaah –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam– is better than ‘Alee and even he erased his own name and erasing his name does not erase his Prophet hood.

Have we finished with this point?’

They said: ‘Yes.’

‘2000 of them came back while the rest of them rebelled and fought, based upon their misguidance, and the Muhaajiroon and Ansaar fought them.[7]

The Takreej for this narration:

Narrated by ad-Darmi in his ‘Sunnan’ (1/68-69) & by Bahshal in ‘Tareekh Wasit’ this narration is reported on the authority of ‘Amr bin Salma. Authenticated by al-Albani.

There are other narrations of this story. It has been narrated by Abdullaah bin Ahmad in ‘Zawaid az-Zuhud’ (p.428) & by Abu Na’eem in ‘Hileeyat al-Awwleeyah’ (4/380-381). Also by Tabraani in ‘Kabeer’ (9/125-126), by AbdurRazaq in ‘al-Mussannaf’ (5409). Al-Haythamee narrated it in ‘Mua’jam az-Zawaid’ (1/181).

As for the narration of AbdurRazaq & Tabraani which has been authenticated by al-Haythamee in ‘mua’jam az-Zawaid’ (1/181).

The narration of Abu Na’eem in ‘al-Hileeyah’ was reported on the authority of Abu Za’raa.

This story has many other narrations, in ‘al-Kabeer’ and some of them were authenticated by al-Haythamee.

Taken from ‘Silsilah as-Saheehah’ (5/12-13), & ‘Moonazaraat ‘aimmat as-Salaf’ p.89-91

[1] Soorah Al-A’raf :32

[2] Soorah az-Zukhruf :58

[3] Soorah an-Anaam : 57 and Soorah Yusuf : 40 & 67

[4] Soorah al-Ma’idah : 95

[5] Soorah an-Nisa : 35

[6] Soorah al-Ahzab : 6

[7] Narrated by Abdur-Razzaq in his book ‘al-Musannaf’(18678), Ahmad (1/243), al-Haakim (2/150-152), Ibn Abdul Barr in his Jama’ Bayaan Uloom (2/962-964/ 1834) and others.
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its because you havnt listen his bayans .. he has clearly said against them and on several occasions he cried while telling brutalities TTP has done. he dnt preach hatred against anyone all he teach is peace, love and tolerance..
sure, i will preach love and tolerance when an enemy is about to shoot me point blank range,
i will preach love and tolerance when my children are being killed in schools.
i will preach tolerance when my soldiers are being killed in battle.
and for the above mentioned i will get Jannah and hoors YAY
Did teaching peace,love and tolerance will make Khawarij hearts soft ? Dude learn your own Islamic history for once.

Imam hussain should have stayed home and preached love rather than taking on a suprer powers army with 72 companions

There was no need for war against romans and persion...prophet (saw)should have just looked the other way and let the blood of innocents be spilled... they were not even in direct conflict with islam....

The point is ....Prophet did not look away....dedpite probabaly having less than 1/100th of the strength he and his armies marched on to 1000 years established superlpowers and destroyed them....

Imagine if muslims had lost a single battle ..what would be the consequences for them and their families.....they simply did not care while going against such odds....

They did not choose to sit and grow long beards and cry
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Hello dear PDFians,
I just came across this post on my facebook timeline which actually makes some sense - at least to me - I'm not a blind supporter of anyone I wanted to know your views on his statement ?
has anyone ever heard MTJ saying anything against TTp. Also Zaid Hamid a reliable source ?

@Horus sir your take on this please.


zaid hamid i not like tariq jamil, but zaid hammid u r made, and u need to be put in Chariya ward.
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