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Mattis, Kayani to discuss North Waziristan operation


Jul 20, 2010
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Preparations for a military push against hard-line militants in North Waziristan became more explicit on Thursday as a top American general arrived in Islamabad to hold talks with his counterpart.
Gen James N Mattis, Commander of United States’ Central Command (Centcom), arrived in Islamabad late Thursday evening and was expected to meet army chief General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani. Senior officials told The Express Tribune that the two generals would discuss how to eliminate their “common enemy” — Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

In Waziristan, locals said, there was abnormal movement of military convoys in the area, spreading fears of another bloody showdown between the army and tribal militants affiliated with al Qaeda. Meanwhile, the top military leadership also cancelled Eidul Fitr holidays for troops deployed in the restive region and directed them to stay alert.

An operation in North Waziristan for eliminating the Haqqani network’s sanctuaries has been a longstanding demand of the US and is one of the major issues which have been weighing down the ties. However, Pakistani and American officials have agreed to eliminate Hakimullah and his hardline followers in the TTP before targeting the Haqqani network.

“The idea is not to go against Haqqani straight … we have suggested taking on Hakimullah and his group first and the Americans have endorsed the idea,” said a senior military official requesting anonymity.

On Monday, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta told AP news agency that Pakistan had decided to launch a military operation against the Pakistani Taliban in North Waziristan but the campaign was not against the Haqqani network.

However, Hakimullah Mehsud and his followers will provide an equally daunting challenge for both the US mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was the mastermind behind a deadly suicide attack on a forward operating base of the US Central Intelligence Agency at Chapman in Khost province of Afghanistan on Dec 30, 2009. As many as seven CIA operatives were killed in that attack.

TTP and its Punjabi affiliates were also behind some of the most audacious attacks against military installations in Pakistan, including a commando-style raid on the army’s General Headquarters (GHQ) in 2009.

According to military officials and TTP associates, Mehsud has been in deep hiding in Shawal Valley — a rugged forest region sprawling across North and South Waziristan— and might have lost control over his group. Mehsud is labelled as target number one in drone strikes being carried out by the CIA in the tribal regions.

There have been reports over the past year that his deputy, Waliur Rehman Mehsud, was forthcoming in peace talks with the Pakistani military.

Mattis, Kayani to discuss North Waziristan operation – The Express Tribune
Operation is already planned and would begin in a week or so.


“Additional brigades are to be moved to these areas as cover-up shield against runway militants,” officials said, adding that South Waziristan already had sufficient troops with four infantry brigades, 11 battalions, seven FC wings and a division deputed there.

The NWA currently has one division, five brigades, 12 battalions and 11 FC wings while additional troops would start reaching the area from alternate divisions after the Eid, security sources said."
Its so simple. Why don't we fence Pakistan-Afghanistan border? Not only are you stopping terrorists going in and out, but are also protecting yourself from foreign spy games....
Its so simple. Why don't we fence Pakistan-Afghanistan border? Not only are you stopping terrorists going in and out, but are protecting yourself from foreign spy games....

Even if Pakistan fences the border, the army will still need to clear north Waziristan. This is the TTP's stronghold and you can't let it remain lawless training ground for terrorists

Pakistan should seriously incorporate FATA into Khyber- Pakhtunkhwa, there shouldn't be British laws from 1901 in FATA still.
Thats a mistake again THE BEST OFFENCE IS A BEST DEFENCE 1 st Target FAZALLULAH he is OBL for us then take these RAG TAGS maulvi nazir , HAKIMULLAH confine them to NW then increase the choke hole by surrounding them and in the end send them to Stone age !!!!!!!!!!!1
Remember my point is INDIANS are funding them they are gona bring more brain washed **** from border b/c FAZALLULAH is NOT sitting idle there when our troops are engaged in NW they are gona open on the front at the border and INDIANS on the eastern front by firing through SMGs and MORTARs remember when they see any oppurtunity they strike us take our morale down cut there sources , dry them up those 16-17 Indian conciliates are not distributing tourist visas cut them up with FAZALLULAH ,RAW ,CIA ,KHAD +MOSSAD +MI6 USE reaper like drones from china to flush him out
Every inch of Pakistani Territory/Land should be under the control of Government of Pakistan not some rag tag terrorist militia.
North Waziristan is a good start but there's still so many places in Pakistan that these militants need to be flushed out from.
North Waziristan is a good start but there's still so many places in Pakistan that these militants need to be flushed out from.

Can you list perceived militant strongholds? :coffee:
The problem is confusion of Pakistani society about this war. We have Army general saying this war is ours and we have politicians like Imran khan, PML(N) and jamat e islami who are saying its american war and we should come out of it as soon as possible.
Can you list perceived militant strongholds? :coffee:

South Punjab, areas of Balochistan (LEJ has become prominent there), theres still significant areas of FATA that need to be controlled.

Problem is that these people have run away to all parts of Pakistan and are not confined to one area. There are even parts of Karachi where militant groups are hiding.

The problem is confusion of Pakistani society about this war. We have Army general saying this war is ours and we have politicians like Imran khan, PML(N) and jamat e islami who are saying its american war and we should come out of it as soon as possible.

In my opinion there should be no confusion.

Pakistanis are killed, the Pakistani military and their sites are getting attacked, you have people going against the writ of the government,and people blowing up schools. How can this be anything but Pakistan's war?
this tinny area is big headache for us . i thing we have to develop it Make big roads air port bases planed cities there so this mess get over forever .
The problem is confusion of Pakistani society about this war. We have Army general saying this war is ours and we have politicians like Imran khan, PML(N) and jamat e islami who are saying its american war and we should come out of it as soon as possible.

you remember it ?

you remember it ?


You will agree or not but this war started by America and our generals along with them. Now you blame civilians who died everyday because of Pakistan Army general policies isn't fair. The majority have same perspective its not about Jamat-e-Islami or PTI. PAF did massive bombing in SWAT, SW and bombs don't have eyes that this is terrorist and this is not.... Massive civilian causalities and infra destroyed of the PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN by PAKISTAN ARMY/AIR FORCE. So its not about the PTI and other parties perception. That's what majority perception about the Army is this Army work of USA simple. Hold your mic and go on the streets and ask layman about the performance of Pakistan Army. You will get the better idea about the perception.

This is not because of the media this is about the performance which everyone easily understand. People of Pakistan are not idiot/stupid to understand infact what i feel is our people are far far smart and educated as compare to our Army officers and generals especially. Who are not accept each and every non-sense what Army want to feed like 1960s - 2000.
TTP is being mentored, funded, guided and supported by our neighbours on eastern and western fronts (a bitter reality; anti thesis to CBMs and Aman ki Aasha) to create chaos in the country, to unleash their vengeance and entangle a major chunk of Pakistan Army in FATA. Who benefits from the major re-deployment of Pakistan Army from eastern to western fronts? Who benefits from attacks of TTP on P3C Orion aircrafts and AWACS? Questions are left to the sweet judgment of the readers.
These terrorists; the bed fellows of our allies / eastern neighbours will make all possible efforts to weaken Pakistan on economic and security fronts. The country that has suffered the most in the world due to this war is only and only Pakistan and still is considered and believed (courtesy to the Western and Indian media) that it has done nothing in war against terrorism. The whole nation is passing through a psychological trauma because of this war.

Why it is so that North Waziristan Agency has gained attention of international media over the years? Why it has become a dreaded dream of Panetta and others alike him in US policy circles? Why it is so that the war against militancy in which Pakistan remained engaged with all immeasurable back blows to the state and society has not gained much of appreciation by the US/West?
The answers to these questions may require some kind of debate to ponder over the real intentions and designs of US which she harbors against Pakistan.

In first scenario, US would like to keep the mantra of operation in NWA as a pressure tactic to force Pakistan to serve its interest in the region and extract maximum support from it for war in Afghanistan. Consequently, if Pakistan succumbs to US pressure and launches an operation in NWA then the pressure leverage which US is exploiting will be over. So, in reality, believe it or not, US would never like this operation to actually take place as they will then have to search another tool to pressurize Pakistan.

In another scenario, US would definitely like that Pakistan Army should undertake this operation so as to bury his failures and blunders of war in Afghanistan; a scapegoat analogy viz-a-viz Pakistan. TTP will continue to be supported by US and India which will make all out efforts to ensure that Pakistan Army does not succeed in this battle so as to discredit it on domestic front (being a viable institution and pride of nation) and undermine its professional capabilities, capacities and will to fight at international level. So, US will make another case against Pakistan for its inabilities of rooting out terrorist basis on its soil which will be followed by unfolding of sinister designs by US.

Our friends across the eastern borders must also realize that if they are creating troubles for Pakistan just to satisfy their ill-conceived ego which they developed and still harbour appallingly since 1947; then this onslaught of Talibanization may not apply breaks at Wagah Border and will take both the countries along with it into the seas of savagery and barbarism.

So, Dear Pakistan; be careful. :pakistan:
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