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Mattis: Administration 'very, very close' to Afghanistan decision


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
He says 'all options' remain on table
Posted: Aug 15, 2017 07:17 AM CDT

Updated: Aug 15, 2017 07:17 AM CDT

WASHINGTON (CNN) - Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday that the Trump administration was "very, very close" to finalizing its new strategy in Afghanistan, but warned it had not been settled yet.

"The strategic decisions have not been made," Mattis said.

During comments at the Pentagon press area, Mattis insisted "all options" remained on the table for how to approach Afghanistan, and said those options included a full withdrawal as well as a proposal for the use of more contractors to manage the U.S. effort there.

When asked if President Donald Trump had confidence in Gen. John Nicholson as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Mattis replied, "ask the President," and voiced his own support for the general.

"He is our commander in the field," Mattis said. "He has the confidence of NATO. He has the confidence of Afghanistan. He has the confidence of the United States, and the President again is looking at all aspects of our effort over there as he must in his responsibilities as the commander-in-chief."

Mattis and national security adviser H.R. McMaster have been leading a review of U.S. policy in Afghanistan.

Nearly 16 years after the U.S. led a coalition there to topple the Taliban from power, U.S.-led forces and the new Afghanistan government have struggled to stabilize the country and push back against pressure from militants like the Taliban.

Mattis told the Senate Armed Services Committee in June that he would present a new strategy for the war in July, but the U.S. has yet to articulate a new path forward. The options considered have ranged from a full withdrawal to an increase in U.S. troops there.

As the administration has delayed its decision, outside voices have sought to advocate their own strategies for the war-torn nation.

Last week, Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain offered his strategy on Afghanistan, arguing for more troops in the country for counterterrorism missions as well as increased U.S. airpower, and saying the U.S. was losing there.

And Erik Prince -- who founded Blackwater, a private military company that provoked international outrage after a deadly 2007 shooting in Iraq -- has pressed his own vision for the U.S. to move its Afghanistan strategy largely over to the private sector.

He said the U.S. should appoint a viceroy, a term that recalls colonialism, to manage the nation and deploy military contractors with Afghanistan military brigades over the long term.

I am also very very very close to start caring about Afghanistan.
That all depends upon November harvest,if that's Profitable we would stay till April harvest.
These idiots trained the Taliban to fight Navy SEALs. Private contractors are a level beyond that. So they now want to sharpen them to a devastatingly dangerous edge.
Let me guess;

Withdraw at a larger rate, and give out more mercenary contracts.

They'll also probably give a few billion to the Afghan Army, and give an extremely vague threat to Pakistan as well.

This is business as usual, but they'll probably call it 'mission accomplished' back home.
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