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Massive Chinese Buildup at Gogra Post (India)


Nov 21, 2018
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if shooting starts and i do not think Indians will stupid enough to start treating LAC as Kashmir LOC.
if they do..all bets are off..

India will not fire even single shot.....they know what is coming .....India is going to loose entire Ladhakh without any resistance.....there focus now on AJ&K.
India will not fire even single shot.....they know what is coming .....India is going to loose entire Ladhakh without any resistance.....there focus now on AJ&K.

Question is when?

Also, Chinese are occupying the peaks and higher ground. Indians will perish in couple of hours.

Its my believe that this PRC move is part of combine strategy & operations.

any reports on corps commander meeting between Indians & PLA, i heard reports it did not go well..expect fireworks
Question is when?

Its my believe that this PRC move is part of combine strategy & operations.

One line answer " De-escalation is deception" Dragon once put into action...its very hard to drag him back.

Indians in corps commdrs meeting asked China to withdraw troops to previous position as first de-escalatory measure.
One line answer " De-escalation is deception" Dragon once put into action...its very hard to drag him back.

Indians in corps commdrs meeting asked China to withdraw troops to previous position as first de-escalatory measure.

We are in for a ride..give or take a week!
One line answer " De-escalation is deception" Dragon once put into action...its very hard to drag him back.

Indians in corps commdrs meeting asked China to withdraw troops to previous position as first de-escalatory measure.

The corps commanders meeting has totally failed. Chinese are building up all across LAC.
All this is points to one outcome.

I had been saying this for a while. The war is imminent.
Get ready folks. You tried to postpone it in Feb 19, but that was a foolish. Modi will start war with Pakistan, no doubt.

Listen, the Indians are trying to put their skirt back up but the Chinese have just finished putting on a condom.

Negotiations failed, yes?

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