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Mass murderer Anders Breivik to go on hunger strike over PS 2 upgrade


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
  • Breivik is serving 21 years in prison for murdering 77 people in 2011
  • Killer complains the prison is treating him 'worse than an animal'
  • He sent a list of 12 demands to improve conditions to jail authorities
  • Details of requirements sent to officials in November emerged today
  • 35-year-old wants access to more adult games for his computer console
  • Breivik wants his weekly allowance of 300 kroner ($49, €36) to be doubled

Whinging mass murderer Anders Breivik has threatened to go on hunger strike unless prison authorities cave in to a list of demands for better conditions - including giving him a PlayStation 3.

The right-wing extremist - who killed 77 people in a bomb and gun attack on July 22, 2011 - insisted he needed a better console and video games to alleviate his 'torture'-like living conditions.

It emerged today that he issued a typed list of 12 demands to authorities at the high-security unit in Skien in southeast Norway where he serving out a 21-year sentence.

The demands - outlined in a letter sent to the the French national newsagency AFP today - included better conditions for his daily walk and the right to communicate more freely with the outside world, which he argues are in line with European rights legislation.

He also demanded that his PlayStation 2 games console be upgraded to a Playstation 3 'with access to more adult games that I get to choose myself'.

Held apart from other prisoners since 2011 for security reasons, Breivik argued in the letter sent in November, last year, that he has the right to a wider 'selection of activities' than other inmates to compensate for his strict isolation.

Breivik also wants his standard weekly allowance of 300 kroner ($49, 36 euros) to be doubled, particularly to cover his postal charges from written correspondence.

Other demands include an end to daily physical searches, and access to a PC rather than to a 'worthless typewriter with technology dating back to 1873'.

In the letter dated January 29 he said that since there has not been any real improvement in his prison conditions, a hunger strike would be 'one of the only' options at his disposal.

Read more: Mass murderer Anders Breivik vows to go on hunger strike for PlayStation upgrade | Mail Online
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I pity at the family of those victims killed by this animal.
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That is such a horrible joke. And you should be ashamed.

Why did I laugh tho?

You have a taste in Dark Comedy.

Seriously though, what kind of a justice system has Norway got going there? This is almost as big an insult to those who lost their loved ones by his actions as they would have endured had he been set free. PS-2 games for a guy who killed 60+ people to while away his time in comfort? Seriously?
He is being treated worse than an animal because he can't get his Playstation 2 upgraded?? Someone really needs to tighten his loose screws.
Fill in the blank.

He'd be begging for a toilet, a peaceful sleep, basic human needs had he been a ------

But its okay, only around 80 people he killed, mostly children camping, no big deal at all. Deserves to be treated like guest than prisoner.
Fill in the blank.

He'd be begging for a toilet, a peaceful sleep, basic human needs had he been a -Muslim-----

But its okay, only around 80 people he killed, mostly children camping, no big deal at all. Deserves to be treated like guest than prisoner.

Fixed that for you.
He should be shot in his left ball.

Then he can have a PS3.

If he wants a PS4, he'll have to sacrifice his remaining ball.
Fill in the blank.

He'd be begging for a toilet, a peaceful sleep, basic human needs had he been a ------

But its okay, only around 80 people he killed, mostly children camping, no big deal at all. Deserves to be treated like guest than prisoner.

YOU are a ------ of Highest order . Even if he was a-------- he would have got these things . This is how laws in Scandinavian COuntries are .

Do you how many ------ Get away with Rapes in Scandinavian Countries specially sweden .
tihar jail bhejo saale ko :lol: hafte baad ps2 ka remote ni pakap paega :lol:
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