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Mass incarceration, concentration camps & torture camps operated by America

American prisons and camps are heaven compared to any prisons in Pakistan or third world countries :coffee:

Heaven for KKK terrorists and mafia criminals but not for so-called Muslim terror suspects, so stop your crap!
Since this thread is 100% pointless and nothing more than nation-bashing, I may as well go with the flow...
Yeah...Let me join ya...

Police Brutality Police Brutally On Innocent Children
During a factory workers protest in Bangladesh capital Dhaka the police brutally abused both adults and children. Many of the children that got hit with batons are sewing clothes for big western companies. They went out on the streets to complain about the extremely low wages and horrible conditions. The police didn’t like this and knocked over many protestants, kicked and hit little children, and fired tear gas into the crowd of 15 000 people.

They showed no mercy, especially on the little ones, maybe because the cops think that kids are easier to beat up than adults.

BANGLADESH: Police corruption allows the same girl to be kidnapped four times in one month; she remains missing — Asian Human Rights Commission
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that corrupt officers in the Paikgachha police have allowed a twelve-year-old girl to be kidnapped four times. The girl is from the Hindu minority. Each time the police have either refused to help the mother, or have accepted bribes from the perpetrators to waive a criminal charge. When the girl was abducted on the last occasion, the Sub Inspector in charge kicked the mother and refused her request for help and was later seen helping the kidnappers remove the girl from the area. She remains missing. Though some progress has been made through legal channels, little practical action has been taken either against or by the police, and the girl's widowed mother has received death threats from police officers and other influential people in the area.
But guys, given that there are about 15,000 murders each year in US, and countless robberies, thefts, etc, maybe these numbers make sense? i.e. Americans really are this violent, and not as peaceful as they make themselves out to be?

15,000 murders each year - and these are just murders by gun btw.
But guys, given that there are about 15,000 murders each year in US, and countless robberies, thefts, etc, maybe these numbers make sense? i.e. Americans really are this violent, and not as peaceful as they make themselves out to be?

15,000 murders each year - and these are just murders by gun btw.

wouldn't you say those are more social economic problems then any thing else? also guns are freely available . its a deadly mix . we see that in our own neighborhood in south east Asia. were people settle arguments with guns .
as to the number of people in prison . i would say thats commendable that the cops are able to put these guys away .
The end of history, revisitedhttp://thusbloggedanderson.blogspot.com/2009/11/end-of-history-revisited.html
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kishore Mahubani, of the National University at Singapore, reflects that the "end of history" in the West (1989 and all that) is reciprocated by the rise into history of the East, and comments on one aspect of the West's decline:

Sadly, in all the recent discussions of “the end of history,” few Western commentators have addressed the biggest lapse in Western practice. The fundamental assumption of “the end of history” thesis was that the West would remain the beacon for the world in democracy and human rights. In 1989, if anyone had dared to predict that within 15 years, the foremost beacon would become the first Western state to reintroduce torture, everyone would have shouted “impossible.”

Few in the West understand how much shock Guantánamo has caused in non-Western minds. Hence many are puzzled that Western intellectuals continue to assume that they can portray themselves and their countries as models to follow when they speak to the rest of the world on human rights.

It becomes that much difficult to inspire liberty when the citizens of authoritarian countries can come to believe that America is just the same under its skin.

Why is it that when somebody points to your police state you start behaving like a criminal lawyer? You live in a world of lies and deceit and then go on pretending that the world is blind.

And, by your own words above, reveal yourself to have very little reasoning capacity. The USA is not a police state. Please visit us sometime with an open mind and you will see that the USA is a Constitutional Republic, the longest enduring government based on the rule of law that now exists, or has ever existed in human history.

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